I have a woman who treats me like a man.

My Submissive Asian Wife Empowers Me

I have never felt so masculine and empowered, as I do now. I feel stronger at 50 than at 20 for one simple fact, I have a woman who treats me like a man. In return, she is treated like a woman and all her needs are fulfilled, as such.

My wife, who is from South India is the epitome of feminine, treating me rightfully as the king of the house and family. When I make a decision, there is no further discussion or even grumbling. She demands that the children show respect to me. She serves me in every way as a good and faithful woman.

In return, I provide her with a good life. I use her support to enable me to advance my career and social status. My success benefits my wife and family, giving her status and the security she craves, in order to perform her role.

Asian women, and the culture they come out of, is very strong, very family-oriented, and very male-centric. Women here hold the door for me and wait to let me pass unhindered. My daughter holds the car door for her father and takes his advice quite seriously, because she knows that I provide for the family, and my health and comfort are of primary concern for the well being of all of us.
There is a reason that Asian women have been alluring to Western men for centuries. It is not because they have been treated badly, but because they have treated men well. Perhaps the Western world would be a bit less belligerent if the men had more reason to stay home.

In comparison, Western women have become masculinized. They fight, get drunk and take the lead sexually. They look and act like men, and the men, who have been drugged, poisoned and brainwashed, have allowed themselves to be feminized. We must wake up to the fact that we have been manipulated. It is not that it is wrong to choose such things, but it is very wrong to have it chosen for us and enforced by stealth.

I have never felt more empowered than with my wife. I feel more masculine and powerful than I have ever felt. The part that is confusing to the Western mind is that it doesn't require force or aggression. It only requires a woman who is feminine and submissive, and treats her man the way he should be treated. When that happens, men no longer feel the need to abuse because they are fulfilled and satisfied with their lives. Their is nothing to react to or defend against within the walls of his home.

Ultimately, that is what it comes to: a man who feels threatened in his own home, on his own turf, can never be powerful or effective outside. That is the secret to the undermining of men. They cannot fight if their own backyard is not secure and supportive. When a man feels like he is going into battle every time he comes home, or that when he gets home, everything will be gone, including his wife and children, then how can he ever project power and confidence to the outside world?

When that happens, he becomes ineffective and weak, unable to care properly for his family. In response, his family loses respect for him, and it becomes a viscous circle spiralling ever downward.

From what I see, the women in Asia appear much more fulfilled, as do the men, because they follow their traditional and natural roles. In fact, the society here is much healthier, both mentally and spiritually.

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Comments (18)

As for the men, you have become a means to an end that women think they want. You have been relegated to a tool, to becoming nanny-men. You are no longer Man. You have lost your honour, integrity and inner strength.

If there is any hope of saving what is left, both men and women have to come to their senses and realise how deeply manipulated they have been and try to overcome the brainwashing aka mind control and society’s conditioning of you.

You can’t have it both ways.
So what can a man do now? The only women out there are wack jobs.
Don't even get me started on dating websites: women start profiles in order to be adored, not to date, and certainly not to talk with you.Go to bars and it's the same old story, you say hi, they leave.
You can't even offer a girl a drink anymore, she'll just get upset because you're "invading her personal space".
While the West is crumbling, the East is gaining force. I fear that the white male will go extinct by the end of this century. but eh, according to Darwin, it's the survival of the fittest, maybe we DO deserve to die off?

Food for thought. I wouldn't mind an answer, I enjoy speaking about these issues with like minded individuals, because, let's face it, everyone else is a bigoted ignorant idiot that would rather accuse you of crimes against humanity than to hold a normal conversation.

The crimes against humanity by Illuminati social engineers in the name of freedom and equality are mind boggling.

How to meet Indian women, being a westerner? That is not so easy, as Indian women are quite shy and are almost afraid of westerners. If you want to meet Indian women, I'd recommend that you learn about the culture and the religion of India.
Also, there is a HUGE difference between Indian women who live in India and Indian women who live in the West. Indian women who live in the West tend to get westernized extremely fast, and become even more westernized than western women.

So, I recommend that you AVOID Indian women in the West and try to meet Indian women who live in India.

How to do that practically? Well, I don't recommend that you go to India simply for this purpose. I'd recommend that you come here to learn about the culture and religion.

Spend some time there; it is a relaxing place. There are many yoga organizations and spiritual organizations you can join. That may be one way to meet girls.

Another way would be to work with some charity. In India, they also have marriage ads in the newspapers,but I personally have too much dignity for that.

Also, if you marry a woman from India or Asia, go and live in her country.

Arranged marriages are based more on concepts of duty and loyalty than western marriages. It's hard to explain, as the concept exists in a paradigm that is completely outside the western paradigm.

I was not previously married in Germany, and actually avoided women mostly by choice, so I was not leaving behind any bad relationships. I am an intelligent person and can understand things simply by seeing them, so I never had to go through the relationship meat grinder of western countrys.
In ancient India, women occupied a very important position, in fact a superior position to, men. It is a culture whose only words for strength and power are feminine -"Shakti'' means "power'' and "strength.'' All male power comes from the feminine. Literary evidence suggests that kings and towns were destroyed because a single woman was wronged by the state.
Women, who once enjoyed an honored position and are found in the Upanishads conversing freely with men upon the highest philosophical topics. Seventeen of the seers to whom the hymns of the Rig Veda were revealed were women — rishikas and brahmavadinis.

Women were held in higher respect in India than in other ancient countries, and the Epics and old literature of India assign a higher position to them than the epics and literature of ancient Greece.
Where women are honored there the gods are pleased; but where they are not honored no sacred rite yields rewards," declares Manu Smriti (III.56) a text on social conduct.

"Women must be honored and adorned by their fathers, brothers, husbands and brothers-in-law, who desire their own welfare." (Manu Smriti III, 55)

" Where the female relations live in grief, the family soon wholly perishes; but that family where they are not unhappy ever prospers." (Manu Smriti III, 57).

"The houses on which female relations, not being duly honored, pronounce a curse, perish completely as if destroyed by magic." (Manu Smriti III, 58)

" Hence men who seek their own welfare, should always honor women on holidays and festivals with gifts of ornaments, clothes, and dainty food." (Manu Smriti III, 59)
India 's southern state of Kerala may have hosted the largest gathering of women ever seen on the planet. Clad in traditional Kerala saris and bearing offerings of food, more than two million women - perhaps more - thronged the state capital Trivandrum on Sunday.
this man sure knows how to pull his wife's reins. I'm impressed. If she had to be from this side of the world, you'd spend the next 100 years with no food and no .. ermm .. for writing this. dunno
"The position of women in ancient India was free and emancipated, and women were well educated and respected members of society. A wife shared all her husband's privileges and was his companion and help-mate in his activities." The position of women was far better than in other countries of ancient times. How else could it be in a culture which placed the Mother before the Father in priority for reverence?
In ancient India, Hindu women did not veil their faces and they enjoyed considerable amount of freedom in society. But repeated attacks on Hindu India by foreigners through centuries changed the situation.
During such aggressions, and also when India was under foreign occupation, the honor and chastity of women often became the casualties. There have been numerous cases when Hindu women killed themselves rather than yield to indignities inflicted by the aggressors. As a result, Hindu society, became more protective about its women. The freedom of women was curtailed. To protect themselves Hindu women started to cover their faces with veils and started to stay home. Their participation in social events was greatly restricted.
The heritage of Indian womanhood has been a glorious one. It would be no exaggeration to say that there has been no sphere of human endeavour for the uplift of mankind, in which our women have not gladly and efficiently shared the burden along with the men. Whether it is on religious, social or political ground, nowhere have our women been found lagging behind.

The Indian or Hindu concept is that man and woman, purusha and sakti, are one and indivisible. Wife is ardhangini. She ever dwells in her husband. She occupies half the body of her Lord. Sita did not think of herself as a separate entity. She was in and of Rama. The Indian woman always identifies herself completely with her husband in all domestic, religious and social life. No religious ceremony can be performed by the husband without his wife. The Vedic hymns chant of her: "Be an empress to your father-in-law; be an empress to your mother-in-law; be an empress to your husband's brothers and sisters." She is the queen of the house. She illumines the home through the glory of motherhood. Woman is the backbone or bedrock or the basis for sustaining religion and national strength and prosperity. There is no difference between her and Lakshmi, the Goddess of beauty, grace and prosperity. Manu says, "That woman who does always good, who is efficient in work, sweet in speech, devoted to her dharmas and service to her husband, is really no human being but a Goddess."
The inspiring force of the home is the woman. The home is the origin and the beginning of every form of social organisation. It is the nursery of the nation. It is the sweet place where children are trained for future citizenship. Good habits, right conduct, formation of character are created in children spontaneously in a well-regulated home under the personal influence of the mother. The loving kindness and the cultured gentleness of the mother help the children to unfold their native talents and dormant capacities quickly. Children absorb ideas by suggestion and imitation. Early training and impressions are lasting. If the child is placed in the hands of a paid servant, what can you expect when it grows up? The child needs the constant contact of the mother. She is the first teacher or guru. She alone can give to the child the milk of knowledge and culture and shape its destiny. The rising generation depends entirely upon the training given by the mothers. The improvement and strengthening of the nation is in the hands of the mothers.
If a woman is pure she can save and purify man. Woman can purify the race. Woman can make a home a sacred temple. The Hindu women have been the custodians of the Hindu race. The Hindu religion, the Hindu culture and civilization still survives in spite of the many foreign invasions, when other civilization have come and gone, on account of the purity of Hindu women. The women are taught to regard chastity as their most priceless possession. Religion is ingrained in the Hindu woman from her very childhood. Hindu women illumine and enliven the house through the glory of their purity. This is the secret of the endurance of the Hindu religion, civilization and culture.
The Vedic attitude towards woman is clear and unambiguous. She forms the foundation of our society. If you want to destroy the society, destroy the status, education and dignity of woman, If you want to form a society that stands up to highest benchmarks of principles and nobility, accord highest glory to woman and let her possess knowledge, dignity and leadership.
May we respect the woman always and may she guide as always towards bliss in form of Usha – the sunrise.

Namaste Thanks for reading this blog

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by premnidhi
created Jan 2013
Last Viewed: May 11
Last Commented: Jan 2013
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