Heaven And Earth

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By David Berg, November 17, 1970

THIS REVELATION OF TRUTH WAS INSPIRED BY THE LORD as we gazed out the window of our train upon the ruins of castle after castle, and great house after great house, palace after palace, of the ancient Roman ruins as we wound through the hills of Italy. These great buildings, these glorious edifices, these grand creations of man, had all fallen into ruin and decay with the passage of time.
MAN'S GREATEST PRIDE IS IN HIS BUILDINGS "the works of his hands," and they have always been his downfall, from the towers of Babel of yesterday to the temples of Mammon of today. Man glories in what he has made and prides himself in what he thinks are going to be his everlasting works, to influence with awe and wonder the generations to come.
What interests us is seeing the eternal creations of God, in coming face to face with the infinitely more fascinating, everlasting souls of men--that heart-to-heart contact of spirit with spirit, that feeling out for the "touch divine", in His creation, His handiwork, His most eternal workmanship, the immortality of the human soul that is glimpsed in every person we meet, everyone with whom we come in contact, and thrilled in every intercourse of the spirit--the vibrant eternal, immortal, marvel of human spiritual life from the Hand of God!

THIS IS WHAT IS THRILLING! THIS IS WHAT IS EXCITING! This is what sends us across continents and oceans to faraway lands to seek and to save that which was lost--not to tour and to sightsee at the fantastic failures of man to even begin to approach in his pitiful creations the unchangeable, eternal, immortal, living realm of the spiritual creation of God! This is what is worth seeing--that longing look deep in the eyes of a frightened young girl, that searching spirit felt in contact with a wandering boy, that deep hunger in the heart of man, for his Creator--the immortal spirit, the everlasting life, the spark of eternity, the creation of God, in the hearts of the living, not that dead, ridiculous rubble of the things of the past!
"FOR THE THINGS WHICH ARE SEEN ARE TEMPORAL, BUT THE THINGS WHICH ARE NOT SEEN ARE ETERNAL. "Set not therefore your affections on the things which are upon the earth, but the things which are above in the realm of the Spirit and the hearts of men--the Kingdom of God whose building are ye, lively stones, living Stones!

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When we talk about HEAVEN, what we're really talking about most of the time is a gigantic, amazing Heavenly City called "New Jerusalem", now in outer space.--Galatians 4:26. One day this Celestial City is going to come down to Earth, and God will live with us and we with Him.--Revelation 21:2,3.organisms in a spiritual house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. "For whatsoever God doeth, it shall be forever." Therefore, "seek ye first the Kingdom of God".
But before it can do that, God is going to have to clean up and remake the Earth and the sky! So at the end of the 1,000-year rule and reign of Jesus and His children on the Earth during the Millennium*, God is going to completely burn up the surface of the Earth and the "heavens" of the air and sky and He is going to recreate a beautiful NEW Earth with a new heaven!

There will be no more dry and empty deserts, just beautiful green forests, fields and farms! And there will be no more sea covering two thirds of the Earth's surface!--But in that day the Earth will be ALL LAND with lots of pretty rivers, streams and lakes! So there will be plenty of room on the New Earth for BILLIONS of people to live and enjoy this beautiful place!

TFI Deep Truths
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Comments (6)

Give us a break mate..save it for your profile
Thank you for the lovely Blog.The sad part is, Atheists and agnostics willnot read this, and if they do, they will not believe the contents, you havenot made this blog very 'person' friendly, those who love the lord and are familiar with Scripture like myself already know this... so will be preaching to the converted so to speak. No rudeness meant... but it is very long and would make no sense to the non believer. You need to come down from the preach mode and speak in a more human and understandable way for non Christians/unbelievers. Thank you handshake
Yes, thanks for your comments... for those that the Lord quickened the light of His love I know it will awaken their senses. Best of Love!
hey I think you should say all this to people that don't have
I am sure you must be in a fancy car traveling business class
and all that jazz
but will you honestly give 50% of what you have to the poor
I bet you will not my friend
god bless you if you do peace peace peace
Dear NickyMe of Colombo, the Core of our faith gives 110+ of wholehearted dedication to the Will and Service in Christ. Pray tell you'll search my other blogs that shares a closer view of our Missions to date. GBY!
well keye.

I believe there is a heaven, actually, one can enter into a spirit on this earth, and ones soul will be free.

I did experience it. or it seemed like it.

what happened was, a Irish traveller dressed in pink got me at my worst moment. I was going threw hell, and still am, not knowing which direction to take, where to go etc, as everything I planned has been upset by forces of man so to speak.

I have no place to call home and feel I belong, and Ive been living this nightmare my whole life.

she put a spirit in me, said, it will clear my head, and go to my heart.

after that, I cant explain, maybe it was a trans I was in, or the holy spirit as you call it.

I didnt have conflict with people, people stopped attacking me etc, etc, and people looked like part of the landscape.
the energy and hostility, had dissappeared.

cars would fly past me, but not try ram me off the road, but I would see the car try ram another the person ahead of me off the road, so, I had like a spirit protective bubble around me, was like time meant nothing, and something was moving me, where it wanted me to go.

my soul felt free and everything was peaceful.

unfortunately, I broke the spirit by temptation of looking and thinking about girls I saw in mini skirts. Were evil thoughts so to speak.

the spirit left me, and now Im terrified. I defied God intentionally, as if He gave me my chance and a way out, and I then decided no, want to go back into the world of evil.

I cant stop thinking about that day, and hope I can get back to the Irish girl in pink to try put the spirit in me again.
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Ocean View, Hawaii, USA

Greetings dear faithful and true, I'm a prophet of the wind... the spirit of a man on the mountain! I've been praying for a lovely woman to fill the need by my side, and a grandson I raised from birth turning 21 06/16 already left the nest, Jason. My [read more]

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created May 2014
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: May 2014
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