The Perfect Shave

I was never attracted to the ritual of the daily shave, so I wore a beard for most of my life. The thing that has kept me clean shaven for the past year is the pursuit of the perfect shave.

Allow 1 hour.

Draw a bath with water as hot as you can take. Immerse and soak until you get bored. Soak your head periodically. Wash and rinse your hair. This activity allows time for the heat and moisture to soften your whiskers. Apply shaving cream, and wait as long as its stinging dryness will allow.
Taking a new razor blade, shave with the grain of the hair. This will cut the hair with a minimum of irritation. Use a hand mirror if you wish. After shaving, continue with the remainder of your bath adding more hot water as required.

Shave again when you are all nice and wrinkly clean. The pause between the first and second shaves allows your skin and hair to relax causing the longer hairs to protrude above skin level. The Reapply the shave cream and shave very carefully against the grain. Take care to feel around to find any hairs that you missed. Take your time doing this and you will be very happy with the result, and so will your significant other.
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Comments (3)

It must be wonderful for one to have such idle time on their hands.

How about I enter into the procedure for shaving my ........

Legs......rolling on the floor laughing
Try it in the shower with a shower mirror, it is faster. Also learn to use a straight razor (Dovo makes some decent ones) because properly sharpened it gives a much closer shave than do the store bought disposables. Get a strop with some rouge sticks too to keep it sharp. Actually buy 2 strops because you will probably ruin the first one before you get the hang of stropping.
Also, in the shower, regular soap worked into a lather is just fine, why waste the money on shaving cream? If you do like the scent of the shaving cream or similar get the old fashioned kind that you apply with a brush. Gives you more control than the foam from a can does.
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West Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

I'm a quiet sort, somewhat bookish and prefer small groups of people.
I enjoy the outdoors if I have a bed to which I can return, reading, used book stores, book stores, cycling, movies, travel, DIY. I'm fitter than average.
I do enjoy a good laugh [read more]

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created Aug 2014
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: Aug 2014
postneoludite has 53 other Blogs

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