Rise and Fall of the Antichrist

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Endtime Treasuretrove

Book by Scott MacGregor [Cover design by Kristen Dufrane]

The events covered in The Rise and Fall of the Antichrist have already been recorded in celestial annals, but have yet to occur on Earth. They involve the inevitable rise of the man who would rule the world, and his spectacular fall at Armageddon.

This mysterious master of evil—whom the Bible calls the Antichrist, the Beast, the Evil One, the Man of Sin, and the Son of Hell—will rise to power by peace, and by intrigue and clever deceit. He will solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, and will broker a remarkable pact between the major conflicting powers and religions of the world. But this will come at a price, which will be compliance with his world government, resulting in the abolishment of personal rights, freedoms, and religious liberty.

The events detailed in this book could be imminent [free downloads]. They are of great concern to everyone, including you and those you care about!

Cover imagery: The serpent of old, Satan (Revelation 12:9), entwines himself around the circle, representing the global reach of the Antichrist’s empire. At the center of the circle is a pentagram, an ancient and enduring symbol of iniquity, symbolizing the wickedness that the world will have fallen into under the rule of this final empire of evil.

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Comments (8)

He will solve "Some of the world problem."
A. What are those world problems, will he solve?
B. What if one, does not believe in God/ Creator of life. The savaior. Nor the devil/ Antichrist. The copy?
Hello Angel, I second your questions.

What then?help
There are some variations, but Keys & Ben seem to have brought out the basics of a good many people's ideas about it. Moving the Palestinians to Idaho is a new one on me, however. Just wondering...Has anyone run this idea by the Idahoans? It seems it might not go over all thst well with them.

Some sources are saying we should look to Psalm 83 & Ezekiel 37 - 39 regarding events currently taking place in the Middle East.

Interesting subjects. Time will tell.
Wonderful dear Wallops! I'm with you darling!! God Bless!!!

Thank you Miclee, for sharing in His light! God Bless You!!
We do see all around us those who can appear good in their politics.. yet can be devastating to a country.. I can think of one politician who had that impact in my country and it was awful. What they said sounded right.. what happened was NOT.

We have to be very aware of any leaders whether they stand for God or not. I think the scripture..`By their fruits ye shall know them`, also `My sheep hear my voice`. To true believers they will hear the voice of the Saviour and they will recognize the fruits of those who lead whether they be good or bad.
Well stated, Wallops.

Test the spirits.

Especially when we see "signs & wonders", such as are now being promoted. Jesus EXPLICITLY warned of those performing signs and wonders. That seem particularly and especially lost on many nowadays! (Deceiving, if it were possible, the very elect?)

I'd also be extremely wary of those happily anticipating an imminent "rapture". When the going gets tough, the tough...get raptured?

It seems Biblically questionable. At best.
How do i love this bigotry...rolling on the floor laughing
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Ocean View, Hawaii, USA

Greetings dear faithful and true, I'm a prophet of the wind... the spirit of a man on the mountain! I've been praying for a lovely woman to fill the need by my side, and a grandson I raised from birth turning 21 06/16 already left the nest, Jason. My [read more]

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created Sep 2014
Last Viewed: 8 hrs ago
Last Commented: Oct 2014
Keys707 has 464 other Blogs

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