Dreams, again!

I have tried to comment on every dream blog that I can because I find dreams so fascinating. I could never post all the crazy dreams that I have had because it would be impossible.

My most common dream happens to be a recurring dream where I am driving somewhere in fast moving traffic and all of a sudden I am going in reverse. I can see the people in the other cars speeding along with me but they don't seem to care that I am going in reverse.

So, I just happily cruise!

All of a sudden it changes and I am moving on a wooden sled with no wheels or engine but still cruising. OR I am riding a bike and it's going quite well until all of sudden I can't pump it anymore and I look at the tires and they're flat and the rims are bent!

When I wake up I just have to laugh because the dreams are so vivid but still silly foolish!!

Please feel free to tell me about your crazy dreams.
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Comments (6)

I had a dream last night. A good friend was going to prison for three years. We were both crying like girls. I silently thought to myself, I'll send some money. Before he parted, he helped me solve a problem, like he had many times.

ED, I've always liked those dreams where I'm flying. Sometimes I'm find myself in control of the flight/dream.
I haven't been having silly dreams but I have been having dreams about my son several nights in a row and don't have a clue as to why.

Those dreams are like he is right here talking to me.
Hi Ed, How are you?
I have had so many funny and weird dreams but the most recurring of them is one in which someone chased me I would run for my dear life and then I would flap my hands as though they are wings and there I go - fly high up in the air looking down at the city, jungles and wondered how beautiful it was. Sometimes, I wished I kept sleeping so my dreams would continue cos it was so good to end it.laugh laugh laugh

Oh and when I was pregnant with my third child, I used to dream every night and whenever I napped during the day about my very close friend who passed some 15 years ago. Never day in or day out would that dream vanished whenever I was sleeping or napping. I got to the point where I was so disturbed and frightened of these dreams. The only I did back then was prayed about it.... grin grin

I kinda like my dream of flying because it is telling me I will fly somewhere in real life and to which I have done many times...Some dreams do come true hey.....cheers hug
Yeah, dreams are manifestations of inner fears, desires and real events... recurring dreams (themes) should/could be worthwhile to address to assist with general well-being. teddybear
Hi Ed. You never commented on my dream blogs?dunno

I have written a few and also have helped some people interpreting theirs as dreams have always fascinated me so I ended up making a study of them for my line of work.

If anybody has any "recurring" dreams, these are messages and I can maybe help you?wave
Hi Ed,
All is well here. Yes, the farm is still there, 2 hours of travelling up river on a boat continues till today. As a matter of fact, just came back from there last night. Good break away from town. Been very busy with myself, resigned from the school and opened up my private tutorial Language center - so limited time so it seems to be...
I understand the typos lol...laugh laugh laugh
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Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

I'm a Christian that loves the Lord more than anything. Before anything else I love to praise the Lord and going to church, I like to go dancing and fishing.

I play in the praise band at church and our praise music is Gospel Blues. And I make sure [read more]