Strawberry Fields Forever - Final

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I longed for a “somewhere” and a sense of community rather than the heaven of “nothingness” that some creeds promised. So even though I found a measure of peace by living a semi-hermit’s life, I realized that the peace I found in nature was only temporary, and it would soon fade when I returned to the city. I needed to find a more lasting peace when I was confronted by the harsh realities of everyday life—a peace that was not dependent on external circumstances, someone or something that could still the tempestuous waves of life. I had gone to church occasionally and was a nominal believer, but did not have much of a heartfelt understanding of what Christianity was all about or how it applied to me.

It was then that my sister told me about Jesus. Not the traditions or the rituals, but the man. I discovered that Jesus was much more. He was the man who lived the perfect “simple life,” going everywhere doing good. He not only talked about love, but gave His life for it and rose again three days after His death, giving us eternal life in the bargain. In my mind, in the context of that time, He was the perfect “flower child” without the bummers of drugs and all the other hang-ups I had experienced. I received Him into my heart, and a seed was sown that grew and grew as I watered it with His Word, prayer, and sharing my faith with others.

A few months later while on vacation in Canada, I waded into a lake and cut my feet on the sharp rocks in the shallows. As I lay on the shore trying to nurse my wounds, I looked up at the turquoise sky. Being on the verge of a life-changing decision, I wondered if this incident had some significance for me, so I instinctively asked the Lord to speak to me about what had happened.

It came not in audible words, but via what the Bible calls “the still small voice” to the heart.1 It said, “Jump in all the way, or stay on the shore. But if you wade in, you’ll get cut.” I knew this meant that I was to go ahead and make my decision with boldness, doing what I knew to be right and not worrying about the consequences. As the saying goes, “Make sure that you are right, and then go ahead.”

I took the jump and decided to devote my life to the Lord’s service in many ways and in many lands. And here I am some 40 years later, glad I did. Proverbs says, "The Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.”2 He has certainly done that in my life many times.

It was in Jesus that I found the peace of mind that I was looking for. Not in running away from the world, but being in the world yet not fully of the world. Sure, we sometimes need quiet and to get away from it all—even Jesus had to leave the multitude to get alone and talk with His Father. How much more do we need to have peace and quiet for our souls? But we shouldn’t forget that there is a world waiting in need of that peace that we have received from Him—the peace that passes all understanding.3

Looking back on my crossroads decision, I can say that I have no regrets. Jesus is the truth and the way to life. He has led me to green pastures beside still, clear mountain waters.4

1 1 Kings 19:12.
2 Proverbs 3:26 NKJV.
3 Philippians 4:7: And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.
4 Psalm 23:2.

Anchor TFI [Video Posted - Céline Dion - Alone]
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Ocean View, Hawaii, USA

Greetings dear faithful and true, I'm a prophet of the wind... the spirit of a man on the mountain! I've been praying for a lovely woman to fill the need by my side, and a grandson I raised from birth turning 21 06/16 already left the nest, Jason. My [read more]

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created Jan 2016
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Keys707 has 464 other Blogs

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