Independent Women

Why do most men go for the needy type of woman that they have to rescue?
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Because men women who are subservient. They think they can control them and so they like them.
Most don't.
Wow Jeddea, Who said anything about selfish??? Why do you assume because a woman is strong she must be selfish too?confused
An independent man will not go for a needy woman, but an insecure man normally go for a needy woman. Not sure why. But i think that being an independent lady is the best thing that could ever happen to a woman.
A strong independent man wants a stong independent woman. A weak man can gain some power and get him self a few steps up if his woman is weaker and needy. Makes him importent.

A man who knows who he is usually attracted to people the same. He want's a challange and some equality.

Love a strong man! but i also love a manly man who treats me like a woman. smitten
Because men NEED to be needed. If they have a women who dont need them, they feel out of place. Unwanted. It's genetically hard wired in men to be the saviour, the Provider, the protector, Superman.. And when that roll isnt needed or necessary, they are lost. The flip side to that is, men dont want to be with needy women. They HAVE to be. It's an odd parodox but it's true. They find themselves complaining because they cant get any help or that that's all women want them for. But when they come up against a Independant woman (they love the independancy) but they dont know how to handle it or react to it. They dont know how not to be Needed.. When you dont need them to save you, you have unknowingly taken away they're 'job'.. And men need to feel like men.. I know were not in the business of catering to some weak mans ego but this is all men subsequently.. Weak and Strong alike.. It's something that we have to be aware of. Something that took me a long time to recognize.. Let then do they're 'job' as men while still taking care of your business. It's all about Balance!!
Because they do too...:)
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by Unknown
created Jul 2009
Last Viewed: 8 hrs ago
Last Commented: Jul 2009

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