Seniors vs Youngsters

I would like to post a note here, that we all live in the same world and just being older does not make us any smarter, just more acceptive to things we cannot control.. I do not believe that any generation has all the answers, just more questions.. I believe that is what keeps all of us going, is the need to know. We learn by our experiences. We seniors, have had more time to make mistakes and hopefully to learn by them and even more poignant, pass on what we have learned to those who will listen!! Young or senior..
Youngsters, it is up to you, ask questions, get answers and pass it on!!
I am anti-war, Mom's apple pie, and peace-oriented to a world that needs all of us..... May God Bless
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Comments (5)

I am one of the Youngsters and i agree completely with you, however many kids/young adults my age have to do things themselfs. what a world it would be if we all just took the time to listen! i would like to share your believes on war and peace, but being as we have no light at the end of that tunnel its tought to say the same.
I am pro-being happy for the rest of your life. do yourself a favor "youngsters" listen to the man dont write him he said they have been there and done it, what more do we need.
Wise words, senteddy....thank you for sharing!

I am reminded of a quote:

"The more I learn the more I realize what I don't know" (Author Unknown).
My late father taught me that we continue to learn until we die. We will never have all the answers, just experience to share. The best train of thought was to go with the times and think outside the box. grin
My Dad always told me experience was the best teacher and learn from your mistakes. When I was in High School taking auto mechanics, he told me that I could read a book all day on how to repair a car, but until I got "hands on" I didn't know, and he was right. I never took a class on repairing computers, I taught myself by doing it. To the youngters, GET OFF YOURS BUTTS AND DO SOMETHING WITH YOUR LIFE! That goes out to the teenagers who all they do is play video games and wait for Mom and Dad to buy them something new. We older people have worked for what we have. Listen to the older people, we know what we are talking about because we have been there, done that, and most likely have the scars to prove it. Senteddy, thanks for this blog, God Bless You my friend. And God Bless our Veterans current and past.
hi senteddy, you could be me talking,i couldn't agree with you more. i am 66 years old and i am still learning a lot of things. i taught my kids a lot of things that i picked up over the years and now i am learning things from my grandkids. i don't think i would have ever have picked up on computers if not for them,so it cuts both ways, if you are willing to listen, you will learn. good blog mate, cheers rob.
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