I HAVE to quit smoking and I dread it!

This is not something earth-shattering, but I feel it's something to write about since alot of people choose dates by whether or not other people smoke. I currently smoke, but I'm on my last carton of cigarettes and by this weekend I HAVE to quit, cold turkey. I say I "have" to, because I live on one monthly check to the next, my utility costs have skyrocketed, and the government is now taking out a Medicare premium starting this month. For someone who just "gets by" as I do, that means SOMETHING in the budget has to be cut...and the only thing that can is my smoking habit.
It's my last vice and last crutch to go, after years of easier living in the past. Ah well, such is life I suppose. I just hope the rewards of not smoking show up fast and don't include weight gain! Maybe one of the rewards will be a few more dates? After all, it seems there are alot more NON-smokers among men than smokers. At any rate, for any eligible bachelors reading this, please keep in mind that smoking is one of the hardest addictions to kick, and for most people, it puts them in a foul mood for awhile. I've done this cold-turkey thing before, and it takes me about a month or so for my mood to level out again. For that reason, I probably won't be accepting any in-real-life dates for that length of time....just to be on the safe side you understand. LOL! Well, that's all the news I have for today! If you're a non-smoker and passed me over because I smoke....check back in a month or so to see how I'm listed.
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Comments (7)

I know what you mean.... Very best of luck...
i wish you the best of luck you should try living in oklahoma cigs cost is over 4.00 a pack
Go Girl,Don't do it to save money do it to save your life.
If you have grandkids,look at them and set a goal to see them grow and celebrate their achievements.I smoked for 35 years and did the cold turkey thing.I found if i set realistic goals that i could achieve, like i would say to myself i won't smoke till mid day,i was more able to met a short term goal to stay on track than setting a unachieveable goal like i'm never going to smoke again.Reach the goals and reward yourself for the effort.
Drink plenty of water and keep your hands busy.Best of Luck
Save your life .......not the money...............I smoked for 40 years, I decided my life was more important than the smelly cigs! It was hard and took me a while, but I did it! And I know you can! Just a mind thing, set your mind to....... I will not smoke when I talk on the phone anymore. Try as hard as you can to do this. Then when you have that habit down and gone, start on an other til you get rid of them all. Took me about 6 months to complete. I have not smoked now for 15 months. Good Luck! I know you can do it for yourself!peace
Get the Alan Carr book, it helps a lot. Think about your vital organs failing and dying from smoking, not the money.
You can get the book in a libary for free.
I feel for you...i'm going thru the same thing right now. I'm quitting for my health, my kids, and to save money too. I'm wanting to go cold turkey and my quit date is this Tuesday...but this isn't the first time i've set a quit date. I only made it 3 days the last time. How did you make it a month when you quit before? I would love some insight from you and anyone else...i want this time to work!!
Been there. It`s tough but you get over it. I quit around 20 years ago after having smoked for many years, cold turkey. The first week was hell but amazingly, then it didn`t matter anymore! You`ll be fine, a little wealthier and a lot healthier. Go girl Go !!!cheering cheering cheering
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by Unknown
created Aug 2009
Last Viewed: Apr 27
Last Commented: Oct 2009

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