Going Green

Just to say I think we all need to get off the oil and gas wagon
and find alternate sources of energy before it is too late.
Governments such as Germany and some European countries seem to
understand this and yet in North America very little incentives
exist for alternates such as wind,wave,small hydro,photo cells,
solar,etc. We should be leading the way. We certainly have the
technical knowledge..we just don't have the politicials with the
willpower to change because existing lobby groups are so strong
and powerful. When will our elected members do what is right?
We all need to write letters and emails to have them change things around. Initially changing infrastructure is expensive,but
what choice do we have. We do have responsibilites for future
generations.Lets not leave a legacy of selfishness and stupidity.
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Comments (5)

I recently saw a very enlightening movie on going green and though it's not really about alternative energy sources, you might find it worth a watch too. Here's the link.

Here's to a greener world!
actually, Germany and Switzerland arent as green as they are perceived.. the nuclear power lobby is growing ever stronger..
-and since most industries are being encouraged to go CO2 emissions free ASAP, that seems to be everyone's favorit solution..


I agree, the story-of-stuff site is excellent, dont forget to check out their 'what you can do' section!!
America seems to be moving along rather slowly in this direction, but I see the beginnings of things headed in the right direction. We need to do things in a cleaner, safer, more sustainable and healthy way. Green and sustainable, low/zero energy homes are what we need, more alternatively fueled cars and public transportation, organic farms, etc. We need to put Monsanto out of business; they are destroing our food and seeds, and families overseas. We all also need to learn how to do things ourselves and quit relying on the big guys to do everything for us. I dry my clothes in the sun during the warm months, for example, and make some of my own homemade cleaners. We need to create change in our schools by demanding organic lunches and safe ways to maintain the ballfields and the pests in the buildings. WE need to push for these changes. I fill out comments cards in stores/restaraunts asking for organic/natural foods. Let's let them know this is what we'll buy and they will deliver if they see we won't purchase inferior products! They WILL change the product to make their profit.
Thank you all above for your comments. They are much appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to read and comment. I guess this is
what Freedom is all about!dancing
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Meet the Author of this Blog


barrie, Ontario, Canada

Fun loving and adventurous.
I am easy going and tolerant, but no pushover.
I believe in treating people as they would like to
be treated. I can enjoy just about anything if it is with the right person. I enjoy nature and outdoors, camping, fishing [read more]

About this Blog

created Aug 2009
Last Viewed: Apr 20
Last Commented: Aug 2009

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