Even though thoughts, ideas and imagination are very powerful, you can get nothing by just thinking, idealizing or imagining; you must also take action.

Action is the bridge between your ideas and their accomplishment. You have to seriously commit to yourself to pay the price, whatever it is. You can do whatever you want only if you believe you can. You can do whatever you set your mind to and you can accomplish anything if you're willing to pay the price.

The message is clear; you and only you are responsible for your thoughts, ideas, imagination, health, well being, wealth, life style, economy, happiness, peace, your past, present and future. You and only you are the architect of your fate. You and only you are in the driver's seat. You and only you are responsible for the kind of life you are living now and the way you will live your old age.

You are a winner! Be honest, responsible and respectful with yourself so you can see the reality of whom you really are and where you are standing. You are a winner! Don't, EVER, EVER think otherwise. NEVER QUIT! Act, act, act and make your dreams come true. Don't focus on what you DON'T want, even for a second; instead focus ONLY on what you want. The mind cannot have two thoughts at the same time. Walk, walk, walk and keep walking toward your goals.

I know for a fact that when you are totally clear on what you want, have a burning desire to fulfill your dreams, a blind faith and take action, you can do and accomplish all you can imagine and desire.

I also know that the more time you spend focusing on what you want and the more time you stick to what you need to do, the more satisfaction and happiness you get and you will feel more the essence of your goals.

The more time you spend on getting what you want and the more time you are in contact with your mission, the more familiar you get with what you need to know to accomplish your goal. As a result, you will have plenitude and confidence.

The more time you do more of what is expected from you, more opportunities come to your life and definitively more doors will open for you. The more you are willing to give, the more you will be able to get.

Of course that is possible! Believe in you! Believe in nothing but in the satisfaction, motivation, experience you are getting during the process and also believe that you will accomplish all you have planned regardless of any circumstance, obstacle or setbacks.




If you stop, it is because you need to give yourself time to understand what you need to correct in order to keep acting and walking on the right path. Believe me, at the end of the road there is what you deserve. Every step forward is taking you closer and closer to your goal and fulfillment.

And don't forget to be happy during the process!
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Comments (2)

You are 100% True that s how a creative mind works.
I appreciate the thought and effort you put into this blog. It's not mindless rambling about nothing in particular, it's got substance. You had quite a few key points that hit home to me, and I'm greatful for the reminder. Thank you sir for your post.
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