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Last Sent eCards (1,531)

Here is a list of eCards ordered by Last Sent, posted by members. Connecting Singles eCards are totally free for you to send. ANY CS card on these pages can be changed & customized by you for ANY occasion. You don't have to send these cards as-is. You can change the greeting & music to make one fit for you. Click on an eCard below to view it, then click the "Send this eCard" button, edit the card template to make it your own, and send it to your friend! Or if you prefer, you can also Design a new eCard template to be added to these pages and used by other members. Click here to post an eCard.

One rain drop at a time ecardImasquirly1

Mother Nature at work

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Walking Through ecard

The road seems no end
The road seems no straight
No view of the other side
Not seen nor travelled before
Let me embark on the journey,
Taking risks involves
so that i may see the beauty
of LIFE in store for me

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Wherever you go bring your own sunshine ecard

Wherever you go bring your own sunshine

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
my wish ecardbimbalive64

im sending this card
to show that i have
interest in you
hope i have good answer
from you
which is

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Have a Great Day ecard

The sun rises into the sky
With the warmest smile
It wishes you a good morning
Hoping that you have the perfect day
Take care and miss you

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Thinking of You... ecard

THINKING OF YOU... Night and Day

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Love is blind ecardStaff

[Your Greeting Here]

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
will it be "goodbye' ? ecard

" If one day I'm gone and failed to say Goodbye.......remembered that i'll never fail to say Thank You! Thank you....coz you have given me one of the most precious LOVE. "

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Beautiful Spring ... ecard

Have Beautiful Spring!

- Your personal message will appear here - This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
Thinking Of You ... ecard

I Remember You...

- Your personal message will appear here -
This is your personal message to the recipient. It will be replaced by what you type in the MESSAGE box. You can type up to 4000 characters.
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