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May 30, 2009 2:37 PM CST Creator
drivenbysounddrivenbysoundSoutheast, Missouri USA12 Threads 3,228 Posts
Tommyutah: Throughout the bloody and violent history of man. There is always going to be those that controll the masses. It's a sick and twisted game of "king of the hill"! Religion and greed and the propencity to wanting power over people and resources has caused countless wars and bloodshed. What's at the root of evil... Religion, it does'nt matter which one, Christian, Muslim, Jewis, or other wise has bent the free agency of man to be a peacefull creature.

thumbs up

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May 30, 2009 2:40 PM CST Creator
callibyacallibyamalta, Majjistral Malta5 Threads 157 Posts

My question is.... Is this a religion of hate, and bigotry? I know that there is over a billion muslims in the world, and the terroists are just a small part of this faith. What alarms me the most about Islam is its disposition to violence and use of violence as a standard of God's will.

from ur post it seems u r having a pig flu!!! u said there is over a billion muslims in the world, and the terrorists r just a small part of this faith, and same time u said the prophet of the Faith's has first terrorists incident!! how come? if the head of the faiths is terrorist so all the Muslims are! or u just write what ur media want u to know?

have a look in this sites maybe it clean ur mind! but try to keep it a secret cuz if forbidden in ur media..

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May 30, 2009 2:47 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts

have a look in this sites maybe it clean ur mind! but try to keep it a secret cuz if forbidden in ur media..

Would you like to talk about controlled media? How controlled is the media in the armpit of the world.... The Middle East!!scold
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May 30, 2009 2:57 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
It's really sad when it comes to media. What's even worse is the literacy rates of some of these countries in the middle east. Pakistan ranks near the bottom. Less than half of its citizens can even read or write.
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May 30, 2009 3:09 PM CST Creator
wonderworkerwonderworkercosby, Tennessee USA201 Threads 2 Polls 1,883 Posts
No one has mentioned that the West has sought to exploit the Moslem world for eight centuries under the guise of Zionism.Tbilisi knew that from page one:OIL.Or worse,When the oil no longer matters there will be something else under the sand and when there is nothing left to steal there will be human beings to subjugate and control.Ask the Cherokee people what happened when oil was found in the wasteland they were forced to live on...those who avoided genocide,which was the OFFICIAL policy of the Washington government,and could be again.
Sorry for the tirade.I cannot help but feel sympathy for Palestine in the same vein as Ireland,Armenia and the several hundred nations that were erased from the Americas...
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May 30, 2009 3:27 PM CST Creator
callibyacallibyamalta, Majjistral Malta5 Threads 157 Posts
Tommyutah: Would you like to talk about controlled media? How controlled is the media in the armpit of the world.... The Middle East!!

u r telling me that ur media is free?

ur media form for u ur image of the world and then tell u what to think about that image!! u r free now boy go on n talk!

For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations -- all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which u interpret what u see or hear.

On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from ur minds as to just what u are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide ur thought and opinion so that u can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the "beautiful people," the "smart money." They let u know exactly what ur attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV/movie drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way.

in the end they told u "dont ask, dont tell" just repeat what we said, cuz u r in danger boy!! anti-Americans r very where now juts be careful!! cant u see what ben-laden saying in his " DIY TYPS" .....

unfortunately thats ur freedom! is it controlled or not? comfort
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May 30, 2009 3:30 PM CST Creator
jvaskijvaskiunknown, California USA115 Threads 11 Polls 9,576 Posts
azdesperado72: We are wasting billions of dollars trying to help people that don't want to be helped.

That's a great start........ but it goes much further than that.
Our old buddy GWB kinda had his own family adjenda to fulfill roll eyes
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May 30, 2009 3:35 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
When you think about people who are uneducated its sad. Pakistan is the 5th most populated country on earth. Pakistan has about 173 million people. When only half of the people can read and write. There's going to be problems. Education, poverty, fanaticism, dictortorships, and religion play a major part in in what is going on in Pakistan. Is it the fault of the US that Pakistan does not educate its population? Another thing that is hurting and not helping Pakistan is..... It's called "The Islamic Republic of Pakistan"!!! Did you get the Islamic part of that. Religious freedom or lack there of in Pakistan is a major problem. That in itself creates a lack of diversity. Diversity is a good thing and creates idea's and progress. When you have a population beating the same drum of idea's thing will become stagnant and progress will be stuck in the mud. The middle east is not stuck in the mud, its stuck in the sand, of their own intolerance.
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May 30, 2009 3:43 PM CST Creator
callibya: u r telling me that ur media is free?

ur media form for u ur image of the world and then tell u what to think about that image!! u r free now boy go on n talk!

For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations -- all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which u interpret what u see or hear.

On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from ur minds as to just what u are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide ur thought and opinion so that u can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the "beautiful people," the "smart money." They let u know exactly what ur attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV/movie drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way.

in the end they told u "dont ask, dont tell" just repeat what we said, cuz u r in danger boy!! anti-Americans r very where now juts be careful!! cant u see what ben-laden saying in his " DIY TYPS" .....

unfortunately thats ur freedom! is it controlled or not?
Oh Jeepers,zip it!
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May 30, 2009 3:45 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
That part of the world educates their people on the Ideology of hate. Hate is a weight on the middle east. Their own hatred is what keeps them from moving out poverty and progress not to mention their own corrupt and repressive goverments.
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May 30, 2009 5:08 PM CST Creator
callibyacallibyamalta, Majjistral Malta5 Threads 157 Posts
Tommyutah: That part of the world educates their people on the Ideology of hate. Hate is a weight on the middle east. Their own hatred is what keeps them from moving out poverty and progress not to mention their own corrupt and repressive goverments.

Hate? if u think that part of the world r hating u, Perhaps u should have enough courage to consider the possible reasons why they hate u.

i hope u r not so naive as to believe that,because u are “free.”; That canard has to be the most ridiculous notion ever sold to the American people since the pet rock.

the brute force u are using in Afghanistan, iraq supposedly to wipe out terror — already shows signs of whipping up enough world-wide hatred against America? dont u see it a reason?

and the big real reason of feeling the hate cuz Too many American politicians have treasonously betrayed the American people by blindly supporting the leading terrorist nation on earth: Israel.

during the last 50 years Israel has engaged in more murderous terrorism than any other nation in the world; and that by supporting its criminal behavior, America is now reaping the fanatical hatred of hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Support for Israel’s terrorism has directly led to the hates now going on against the United States. Most Americans don’t even realize the magnitude and scope of Israeli terrorism because of the Jewish media control. A pertinent example of their incredible media power is their ability to propagate the Big Lie that the WTC attack had nothing at all to do with Israel; that the kamikaze attackers hated and attacked Americans because u are “free.” freedom under Zionists control:-

they control the most influential newspapers in America, including the top three: The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. They also own the top three newsmagazines Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. But, even more importantly, they thoroughly dominate the television and broadcast media, the two largest media conglomerates being Time-Warner and Disney, and their domination includes the network news executives of the main three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC.

thats why u r having a pig flu! and the feeling of hates!!
the middle east r poor and uneducated as u wish.. but ask ur government to leave them alone if u r a free to say this!
thats all they asked from u free boy!!
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May 30, 2009 7:11 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
callibya: Hate? if u think that part of the world r hating u, Perhaps u should have enough courage to consider the possible reasons why they hate u.

i hope u r not so naive as to believe that,because u are “free.”; That canard has to be the most ridiculous notion ever sold to the American people since the pet rock.

the brute force u are using in Afghanistan, iraq supposedly to wipe out terror — already shows signs of whipping up enough world-wide hatred against America? dont u see it a reason?

and the big real reason of feeling the hate cuz Too many American politicians have treasonously betrayed the American people by blindly supporting the leading terrorist nation on earth: Israel.

during the last 50 years Israel has engaged in more murderous terrorism than any other nation in the world; and that by supporting its criminal behavior, America is now reaping the fanatical hatred of hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Support for Israel’s terrorism has directly led to the hates now going on against the United States. Most Americans don’t even realize the magnitude and scope of Israeli terrorism because of the Jewish media control. A pertinent example of their incredible media power is their ability to propagate the Big Lie that the WTC attack had nothing at all to do with Israel; that the kamikaze attackers hated and attacked Americans because u are “free.” freedom under Zionists control:-

they control the most influential newspapers in America, including the top three: The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. They also own the top three newsmagazines Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. But, even more importantly, they thoroughly dominate the television and broadcast media, the two largest media conglomerates being Time-Warner and Disney, and their domination includes the network news executives of the main three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC.

thats why u r having a pig flu! and the feeling of hates!!
the middle east r poor and uneducated as u wish.. but ask ur government to leave them alone if u r a free to say this!
thats all they asked from u free boy!!
Thats right all of the woes of the world and created by the dirty Jew!! Did your hatefull religion teach you that? The reason why your part of the world is in poverty is because of the dirty Jew. Really when It comeS down to it having a debate with you would be pointless. You are the hate monger. You will place blame anywhere but your own kind. What is your kind? A hate filled religious zealots!! Your kind still believe the world is flat so to speak. Have fun with your hate filled miserable life. It's going to get you and the rest of that part of the world the exact same place it has gotten you the last 1000 years. NOWHERE!!!!!!!
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May 30, 2009 7:36 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
Put the shoe on the other foot. Throughout the Mideast, there are Muslims who call America the Great Satan. These Muslims have called for the violent destruction of America. Frequently great crowds have gathered to chant "death to America". At times these people have even murdered Americans. But we know that the chanting of a crowd of hot-heads does not necessitate the use of violence against them. There are better ways to deal with critics and criticisms. Frequently, in the passion of youth, people do and say things they don't intend to act out, or are not able to carry out. Given time, people can change, and pursue peaceful dialog. That being said peaceful dialog is something that part of the world does'nt want anything to do with.

Do you see people in the streets of America acting like this? Calling for Death to such and such a country. No you don't. Your vision is clouded by the your hatred from those that don't believe as you do. Have a nice life living a life of hatred. If there is such a thing!!grin
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May 30, 2009 8:46 PM CST Creator
GrandepenseesGrandepenseesVerviers, Liege Belgium45 Threads 1 Polls 3,691 Posts
In response to: What do u think ,United states is fighting for the peace or creating terrorism in the world?

Any attempt at a sane explanation would be futile and rejected by those who still believe that the human race is fair and just.
Personally, I'm done trying to voice my opinions on issues that won't be solved peacefully. It's a waste of breath and I grow tired of debating the same points over and over again.
There are three kinds of people on this planet. Those who lead, those who follow and those who get out of the way. Unfortunately, those who have been leading for the past century have had an agenda far removed from the notions of peace, justice and equality, those who have been following have been duped into believing that our governments have had the human race's best intentions at heart and those who have gotten out of the way have been powerless to make their case in any kind of medium.
In a world where money speaks louder than the torments of the innocents the blind leading the blind is king.
'nough said.
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May 30, 2009 8:47 PM CST Creator
YewEyeYewEyeRacine, Wisconsin USA1 Threads 388 Posts
Grandepensees: Any attempt at a sane explanation would be futile and rejected by those who still believe that the human race is fair and just.
Personally, I'm done trying to voice my opinions on issues that won't be solved peacefully. It's a waste of breath and I grow tired of debating the same points over and over again.
There are three kinds of people on this planet. Those who lead, those who follow and those who get out of the way. Unfortunately, those who have been leading for the past century have had an agenda far removed from the notions of peace, justice and equality, those who have been following have been duped into believing that our governments have had the human race's best intentions at heart and those who have gotten out of the way have been powerless to make their case in any kind of medium.
In a world where money speaks louder than the torments of the innocents the blind leading the blind is king.
'nough said.

The Truth.
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May 30, 2009 8:54 PM CST Creator
GrandepenseesGrandepenseesVerviers, Liege Belgium45 Threads 1 Polls 3,691 Posts
...shall set you freewine
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May 30, 2009 9:09 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
The world needs a little bit of peace in the world. Is it even possible?

Has forgivness ever entered the thought of human kind?

Is the middle east hell bent on revenge for the past deed's of other faiths? Is forgivness in the hearts and minds of the average man on the street in any country or race or faith?
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May 30, 2009 9:14 PM CST Creator
GrandepenseesGrandepenseesVerviers, Liege Belgium45 Threads 1 Polls 3,691 Posts
Tommyutah: The world needs a little bit of peace in the world. Is it even possible?

Has forgivness ever entered the thought of human kind?

Is the middle east hell bent on revenge for the past deed's of other faiths? Is forgivness in the hearts and minds of the average man on the street in any country or race or faith?

From North Africa up to the Netherlands through France, Belgium and a hop in Luxembourg... Turkey and Greece, Mexico, Canada and finally where I ended up here in Indiana. No...The answer to your questions are both no and NO.

Oh, and I used to be an optimist...Until I learned a few things.

"The first casualty of war is Truth."
"Death sweet death, steal me away from this insanity!"
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May 30, 2009 9:32 PM CST Creator
TommyutahTommyutahsalt lake city, Utah USA5 Threads 108 Posts
Grandepensees: From North Africa up to the Netherlands through France, Belgium and a hop in Luxembourg... Turkey and Greece, Mexico, Canada and finally where I ended up here in Indiana. No...The answer to your questions are both no and NO.

Oh, and I used to be an optimist...Until I learned a few things."The first casualty of war is Truth."
"Death sweet death, steal me away from this insanity!"

Well I guess since I'm going to have to live in this world for my time, what ever that may be. I guess I'm going to try and stay positive and be the best person that I can be. It's a waste of energy to waste it on hate and blaiming others for my misfortunes. I do feel lucky that I do live in a country that does let me believe in what I want to believe in. I'm just a simply man that's a truck driver and deliver telecommunication equiptment around the Western US. I work hard, I'm honest and have respect for those that respect others. My life will never be consumed with hatred for other people, or their beliefs. Live and let live. Be good or be good at it people.grin
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May 30, 2009 9:39 PM CST Creator
GrandepenseesGrandepenseesVerviers, Liege Belgium45 Threads 1 Polls 3,691 Posts
Tommyutah: Well I guess since I'm going to have to live in this world for my time, what ever that may be. I guess I'm going to try and stay positive and be the best person that I can be. It's a waste of energy to waste it on ...

beer thumbs up beer
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