Exotic11Exotic11 Blog Comments (122)

RE: where to be??

Hi Blue, this picture looks so inviting..! there is nothing more serene than being by the water.For me it's the only escape to get away from humans. I'm reminded of when I was the age of two,my father was always a keen yachtsman,and he took me out daily to fish. I remember he would tie fishing line with a safety pin to my clothes because I was too young to fish properly. Of course at the same time keeping a watchful eye on me.laugh

I would really like to be in the picture above right now,as I'm away from home. For now I'll just have to be satisfied to stare at the pictures. Have a nice sleep,

wine wave

RE: friends?? think so??

Hi Blue, a little better now,thank you....hug the comment 'Real friendship between two guys they try to avoid fishing in each others pond'. Nice way to put it? I would have to say and consider myself very lucky that this most definitely applies with the friendship I have with one of my closest female friend.

There is just no nonsense there,I just speak of the honesty and friendship/bond that we share. The fact that we are able to be so honest with each other that we have made each other cry,with the understanding that what ever hurts that we have had to bring to surface whether it be in regards to men or what have you. Good friends don't mind hearing the painful bits,because then we know we have done a good job. We are just of the opinion that no man is worth fighting over either. Maybe our friendship too good..laugh this is why we still single! no room for anyone else..laugh wine

RE: Around the globe.

Nice blog,Queensland-Tropical fruits,beautiful Coast line,famous for Cairns,'Great Barrier Reef'. Also the 'Royal Flying Doctors' service began.
Sugar Cane,Cane Toads...negative aspect! banana plantations, Queen-slanders commonly known as being called 'Banana Benders' (slang)laugh wave


You would be most welcome to come and take a look at Empath Community,Morgenulv,it is open for discussion to anyone. Good day to you.


BlueOcean,you should come and join the Empath community..! good reading there also :)


Absolutely thumbs up thumbs up nice blog...!

RE: Decency does not cost a cent!!

Decency- Some are born with it,some learn to acquire it,sadly some will never understand it. wine

RE: hi

Marhaba :)

RE: This explains a lot !

It doesn't matter the amount of Porky Pie's one tells,it's the fool who listens. My mother always told me the truth comes out in the end,may take sometime,but it finds a way! :)

RE: why?

Hi ranjilyn, There's a lot of people out there who we assume are happy because we see their smile. But underneath they feel pain and suffering. You don't have to feel alone,being sad and depressed if it lingers on for lengthy period of time can become a very lonely existence. The positive side and as suggested here? There is help! thank goodness to technology there are some great methods of recovery and sometimes this does include medication. Having a good support network and finding those who can empathize with you can help make all the difference in recovery.

Everyone is different some recover quicker than others,but if you try to be strong and know that their is light at the end of the tunnel,you will soon be able to smile,and when you do you will feel it on the inside as well. bouquet

RE: Height matters. Don't deny

Yes, I forgot about that? Apparently also we are suppose to be 1cm taller in the morning than in the evening. Not much difference? but I'm my case I need all the help I can get...!laugh

RE: Height matters. Don't deny

Oh well,at least you satisfy your curiosity? I can't speak for other woman? But in regards to myself,height isn't an issue. I'm not exactly tall myself. There's still Plenty of niceness in a small package...!

RE: I need advice about a friend of mine.

Apologies..'Hear' not here.

RE: I need advice about a friend of mine.

Sorry to here about your predicament? I don't think I can say it any different to what others have said? It's unfortunate where there is children involved.I feel it's a case of 'Tough Love',there has to be ground rules made,not just for her sake but for your own. Some people think they have a sense of entitlement? it's obvious your friend has poor self worth,but none the less,honesty is the only option.
You don't have to break tie's completely,you can state your concerns and then see for the changes? if you find that this falls on deaf ears then would be best to figure in your own mind. 'Does this friendship serve it's purpose' anymore?. Sometimes it may get to the stage with friendships where there is no choice but to distance yourself,because sadly some will never be aware enough to change. We are all of different energy levels and sometimes we need to move away from people that don't serve us well. At the end of the day your attention is more important on your own child. You can still leave the door open with this friendship,but in the long run you will be doing her a favor to hopefully teach her some responsibilities.Good luck. sorry for the ramble. :)

RE: thinking

I noticed you said you had children aged five and three,I have to say those are the years I really enjoyed,my daughter is now 11 and just started first year High School,I didn't anticipate the amount of grey hairs I've accumulated,as she is now 11 turning 25. I think being a parent is the hardest job of all.

RE: Men Need to be Honest

Carl, I hear your very words all too often.I'm sorry to hear you've experienced this? and I can empathize with you. The world is full of broken people,is it any wonder when you look at society in general and how people treat one another. The art of communication has been lost. I have my own views and beliefs on this,but best saved for another time.I know how hard it is when that trust has been violated. But sooner or later there must be room for healing to begin,and only until then you will discover that all can not be lost.

RE: Men Need to be Honest

Come on gentlemen,why so cynical? the lady that wrote this blog is or appears honest. That must say something? goes both way's doesn't it? Good luck!

RE: thinking

It really depends on the individual giving the advice.If it's constructive criticism and purely for the needs of the person receiving it? then yes,but I think that also as long as one doesn't over step the boundaries whilst doing it. I look at the persons history with common sense or how they have raised their own children if they have any? No one has the right to tell any one what to do? in any circumstances,the best option is to make a suggestion. It should apply to whether being a parent or not.

RE: kids

Apologies fofy13, This is why I stated 'what ever the circumstances are'? It's a bit hard to read between the lines sometimes? which ever way,hope you can find some resolution!

RE: kids

What ever the circumstances are? it's not a nice feeling when your away from your children. I hope time passes quickly, so that you can talk or be with them soon.

RE: More or less?

Nice story Kenanga, And in answer to your question,no,in the long run as I wouldn't have learn't anything from a past relationship positive or negative.Sometimes when a relationship of mine has ended as an ex,I had to really think and come to terms that I did play a part in the relationship ending,and take responsibility in being honest and true to myself. It can be very confronting owning your own behavior,but in my case I'm really glad I did? I do feel now that being more aware of myself and what I'm looking for to try and pick the right one so that it doesn't become an ex...!

RE: More or less?

Everyone is different too with our emotions,some people have very sensitive personality types,and can take a little longer. Sometimes you may never completely get over someone,like a husband or wife passing away? ect. You never forget,you just learn to cope and you can heal,but over time.

RE: More or less?

Those emotions....? If only we had a pill to erase some of them sometimes. Takes hard work and patients I'm afraid when comes to love/break ups.

RE: Why don't women find me attractive?

Just a suggestion,perhaps being a little up beat and sending out more positive signals. You mentioned being bored in your pics? readers might see this as that your not wanting to put much effort in.
People are attracted to confidence,the looks thing isn't what's important in the long run, it's good communication and putting it out there. Your only young,plenty of time to worry about getting too serious. Talk about some of your talents and goals in your profile. Good luck..!


Yes,that is very well said Townsend,I became aware of this when I fell ill two years ago,I certainly found out who my true friends were then. But a lot was to do with the case of some people just couldn't handle me being sick and didn't know what to do or say.

And unfortunately there are those who want you for what they can get out of you..! On a positive note,I'm glad I have the few friends I have,that's a blessing. :)


Your last comment to sailfree,that is,slow internet! have a nice day!


zweet4you,your last comment I couldn't have said it better! Through my own experiences I too have had the 'foot in mouth disease', and I too would rather be confronted with the truth by someone if my opinions ect have been too confronting or what ever.

At the end of the day I'm who I am,I would rather speak the truth even if it means being disliked for it. I couldn't handle just beating round the bush. My friend has said to me on occasions that I care for her enough to speak the truth or give advice even if it hurts,because then at the end of the day then I know I've done some good and done what needed to be said. And if this helps for my friends to improve their situation,then I'm even more pleased to know that they are happy! Only for them,not because of my ego or that I need to be right.

Your wise words indeed,I enjoy.:)

RE: The BLoggies

Hammockman,Happy New Year...!

I would like to nominate lgs37,for this years award for her thoughtful and creative Blogs along with her manners. I've appreciated being able to have my points of view,and to be able to share my humor,even though a little wacky at times,thank you lgs37,for allowing me to participate.

RE: Thinking

Embedded image from another site

trisher69, Thank you for allowing me to participate on your blog,very interesting statements indeed. Best wishes to you.

RE: Thinking

Sur-yes, It seems Ignorance is bliss,for some and works for some,even though we understand the ignorant aren't aware to begin with,but my brain wouldn't allow it. I Totally agree with the 'Make Love Not War'...in the world,how about we all focus on that one instead.wine

This is a list of blog comments created by Exotic11.

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