RE: Hope I can find one person can sing this song ^^!

I used to sing Shane Ward's 'Breathless' for my girlfriend. It was her favourite song and she said she really loved to hear me sing so I would sing it for her every morning in the shower while she would stand outside and listen.

...but she left me anyway...

RE: NZ vs SA

Perhaps so. But it's summer and hard to get too excited about the cricket. Never fear....Super15 has started already and the test season will be hard on its heals. Can the Yarpies win a single test in the Trinations this year? Me thinks not.

The world champs are gonna be keen to keep the pressure on.

Keep on drinking Stony. That'll lift your game.

RE: Having a CRUSH

I have a crush on someone I work with right now but it can never be. She is so young and beautiful and interesting but probably half my age. Also she is Muslim and only recently married and I am a nothing (in so many ways). So I am sure I will never have a chance to be with her....even after hell freezes over. :-(

RE: Ladies, don't all swoon

I always thought he looked pretty close to death. And he never wrote anything memorable either. Not a particularly compelling combination...

RE: This makes me go soft

I tried that position once...and conceived four children that way.

RE: Schmallenberg virus cases reach 83 cost of Mutton

Buy New Zealand Lamb. It is gauranteed disease free and tastes better anyway.

RE: What it means to be a patriot

It is complicated stuff but one thing is for sure. In war, the truth is always the first casualty. Unfortunately in the US you don't have to wait for times of war - you have Fox network to totally distort the truth for you on a dialy basis.

Somehow I feel apologietic about that (even though its not my fault). You guys seem much nicer than people who should be subjected to such appalling lack of objectivity.

RE: Any Suggestion?

Ha ha...that's funny. Clever girl Jules.

RE: What it means to be a patriot

American citizens would be better off if they honoured their children by not sending them to entirely unnecessary conflicts at all.

Since the introduction of the Industrial Military Complex after WWII the US has been the nation which has been involved in the greatest number of international conflicts by far - approx 79. And this is not simply due to the fact that it is the largest super-power on the planet.

To understand the reasons why America is such a waring nation you have to understand aspects of its domestic politics and economy. There are somewhere in the order of 35 individual US states (a clear majority) which depend heavily on the income from military industries within those states.

That means that there are 35 state governers dependant on the ongoing production and support provided to all the military branches. Cut backs in spending on military resources is a serious problem for the domestic economies of those states which is why such legislation is so difficult to have passed in the senate.

This being the case, the US (especially under republican adminitrations) is often motivated to virtually generate conflicts in order to perpetuate a myth of international instability and propogate paranoia within its sometimes unsupportive constituents in order to prop up its domestic and by extension, national economy.

The world is nowhere near as bad and scary as US governments would have its insular and xenophobic citizens believe and while so many Americans think 'patriotism' is a positive thing the rest of the world just shakes its head and knows that when Americans talk about patriotism it really means nationalism wrapped up in a star-spangled banner and only spells bad news for them.

Just ask the people from the Chagos Islands, Diego Martin and Haiti (the list goes on) who have all had their native lands stolen by the US for either military means or oil exploitation.

RE: Communication Without Too Much Communication ;)

I really like the way your mind works Ariel.
Wishing I was on the European continent right about now...

RE: Communication Without Too Much Communication ;)

On a separate note regarding the technical differences between literal communication and verbal communication; most literal communication is passive i.e we write messages or textural descriptions knowing that those who read it will do so later and there will be no instantaneous discourse on the subject. The writer can leave it as written without concerning themselves about having to cope with an immediate salvo being returned.

This significantly impacts on what people are prepared to say when they are writing (especially emails, blogs etc) compared with if they had to have the same discussion verbally with the listener sitting in front of them and able to reply immediately (or even get up and punch them on the nose!).

In general terms people are much more courageous and much more callous when scripting written communications and much more measured when having to express the same thing in person.

Also, it is seriously underestimated how much influence on meaning is given by the subtleties of inflexion, stress and tone during an verbal presentation. Those nuances, while not impossible to install, are difficult to impart via literary mediums and they make a huge difference to our understanding of the communication and more importantly, how we feel about the message and the messenger.

It should be noted that the English languge is actually not particularly heavy in this regard and yet it still brings so much additional meaning. You can say it in a flat tone and even tempo and get the majority of your meaning across if you choose your words carefully.

Some languages such as Thai and Chinese are virtually built around tone and delivery. One can only imagine how much effort must be invloved in translating meaning from the spoken word to the written word for the users of these languages.

RE: Communication Without Too Much Communication ;)

I distinctly agree with you Ariel.

In fact, I believe it is a measure of the quality of a relationship when a couple requires very little verbal comminication. They are so in tune with each other and know each other so well that the very nature of their presence when they are proximate with each other renders conversation - superfluous.

It very much feels like the whole being greater than the sum of its parts.

I had just such a relationship once.
I miss it very much. I miss her very much.

RE: Never Alone

You can kind of tell that LizzyBear will be ok. Her blogs are so coherent and insightful for a young person. I have a lot of faith that anyone that can express their feelings that well in a litirary medium have enough intellect and general common sense to know that life is fairly full of emotional undulation and that she will not always feel as low as she often has recently.

So yeah! lets celebrate a good day. I'm going to go and play rugby - that always makes me feel much better. I find when I focus on something very physical 100% then, of course, you forget completely about all your other problems (of which I have a plethora) and the endorphines help your emotional state with a bit of a high too.

Hope your good day turns into a great one Lizzy.

RE: why are men not able to read???

As an unfortunate but accurate generalisation, I agree. Men are stupid, illiterate and chronically lazy.

Which is just one of the many reasons why I prefer women.

RE: One year after it's "darkest day"

Sadly, all is not well in CHCH today. The place is still in disarray and local officials are bikkering over what to do, how to do it and whom should do it. As the poster stated many people are leaving and many that stay are still suffering an unusual type of post stress dissorder which is a combination of sadness, stress and uncertainty. It kinda is a city of the walking dead.

My uncle lives there still but his house is largely uninhabitable. He had to send his children away to attend school in another part of the country and his wife couldn't take anymore and left the country altogether, perhaps permanently. It has been a particularly destructive event for families.

Of course, if your house is not in the appropriate zone it may not be possible for you to get compensation and well, let's face it, who in their right mind is going to pay market rates for property there now?

I'm afraid it looks like a problem without alot of good solutions but the reality is that nowhere in New Zealand is particularly safe from seismic activity. A big one could happen in any part of the country on any given day

I wish all Cantabrians better luck in the coming months and years.

RE: Alone

Ode to the undead.

RE: the normality of being heart sick

Yes. 'fraid so.

RE: Ring me whenever you want to go out.

I always try to be a gentleman with every woman I know because women are the more beautiful, lovely, giving, nurturing, deserving and important gender of our species.

RE: To all bloggers

Oh Flowra...

You make me reminiscent for your part of the world...

RE: Ring me whenever you want to go out.

Thanks Sakineh, I try...

RE: Ring me whenever you want to go out.

Neither is more appropriate than another necessarily but one has a historical imperative. Pre-1970 or so it was largely unheard of for a woman to ask a man out and she had to be satisfied with just sitting around waiting for him to call.

Back in those days if she was the one doing the asking she would have stupidly been deemed to be 'easy' which back then was considered to be the worst possible social stigma imaginable so thankfully we live in a bit more enlightened times.

I am delighted when a woman asks me out but I have to admit that it happens so infrequently that I'm more likely to see in the next ice-age before another one plucks up the courage. I imagine that if you are mega-good-looking or somehow magnetic and you like courageous women then it might act a bit like a natural filter.

Despite the theoretical progress made towards this small piece of equality, many women have expressed to me that they prefer to be the one who is asked first anyway as, I expect, they suffer the same fear of rejection as most men do, which is fair enough.

In a way, if the man asks a woman out he is taking responsibility for that risk of rejection and taking the pressure off her. It is nice to be asked and therefore wanted and so in a way he is honoring her by maximising her options and letting her know that he likes her enough to want to spend time with her without her necessarily having to express how she feels about him.

This being the case, I usually do the asking if I am keen on a lady as the old adage is most definitely true - If you don't ask, you don't get. And that pretty much holds true for everything.

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