Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

I don't have a clue what you are talking about. But any debates I've had about economics on this site ended in their ship being blown out of the water. So whatever baloney you are talking about is a waste of everyone's time.

RE: Another potential benefit of the Virus...?

The Democrat party in America has been taken over by radical socialists and communists. Their socialist/communist agenda is causing the destruction of once great American cities from coast to coast. States run by Democrats are experiencing negative population growth for the first time in their histories as people flee to move to states run by Republicans with traditional American values and policies, thriving economies, safe streets and low taxes.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

If you think infinity is a big number, you should try to count the number of people who went broke betting against President Trump and the US economy.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

Big deal I've traded more than that in microseconds. I spent 35 years in finance, investment banking and mortgage banking and 15 years as CFO of a Wall Street firm.

RE: Another potential benefit of the Virus...?

There is a trend going on with population migration in the US. People in the US are moving out of states run by Democrats and into states run by Republicans. After years of abject failure of the Democrat's policies they have ruined some of the most successful states in the US.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

"The US stock market is the single best predictor of future economic activity."

Aah if only that were true! The fact is the "stock market" is little more than a thermometer showing what the temperature is at a given moment.

You know nothing about finance or the stock markets.

The stock market (particularly the US stock market because the US leads the world economically) is the best indicator of future economic activity because it values investors' expectation of future earnings of US corporations which in turn determines the fate of the US economy.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

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Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

Right... Hillary Clinton won THE GAME THAT WASN'T PLAYED.

It's like saying you won the baseball game but you were playing football.

If the game was to win the most votes, President Trump would have played that game instead and also won by a landslide.

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RE: Another potential benefit of the Virus...?

Speaking of movement of people, Maine is on the list of states losing population... especially young people.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

The stock market has made up all of the losses it had earlier this year when the Communist Chinese virus hit America. The NASDAQ index yesterday set yet another record high.

The US stock market is the single best predictor of future economic activity.

So far in President Trump's less than 3 and a half years in office, the Dow Jones Industrial Average has set new record highs 115 times.

In Obama's first 4 years in office neither the Dow Jones Industrial Average, nor any of the other major indexes set a single new record high. ZERO records after 4 years in office. Obama was the first president since the Depression to achieve that abysmal result.

RE: Another potential benefit of the Virus...?

I live in a very desirable upper middle class suburban town with some of the best public schools in the country. Houses here are already some of the most expensive anywhere, but now their values are skyrocketing as people are fleeing the city and demand here is through the roof. Someone I know just sold his house for TWICE the asking price! I've never even heard of that before. Between the pandemic and the black lives matter terrorism, THEY'VE HAD IT.

RE: Another potential benefit of the Virus...?

V... did you see my Ham radio message?

RE: Candace Owens Confession

Republicans channel black energy into success.

Democrats channel black energy into grievance and rage.

RE: Candace Owens Confession

By the way, the murder of this guy may not have had anything to do with race.

Apparently the cop knew this guy had had worked with him in at least one bar where they were both bouncers.

There has been some talk that they were rivals and may have been dealing drugs or engaging in some other crimes.

This might have been a (poorly done) hit of some kind having nothing to do with race.

RE: Candace Owens Confession

She got married maybe a year ago. Some other white guy beat me to it. :(

President Trump's Approval Numbers Soar To New Records With All The Right Groups -- THANKS DEMS !!!

Trump's disapproval rating has now reached an all-time high. That's right, his disapproval rating.

Last time I heard that was right before this happened...

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RE: International short wave stations...

Who would have thought I'd find ham talk here. Got my ticket over 50 years ago.

All I can tell you is it starts with a K and has 4 letters. wink

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

More than half of Americans own stocks and depend on them for their retirement and pension plans.

Who cares what rich people own? What does that have to do with anything? Makes good envy politics but moronic financial planning. All I care about is what I own.

Democrats Suffering Seizures Over The Unstoppable Trump Economy!!!

I get that you and the rest of the wacko Democrats are praying for an economic catastrophe Jimmy.

But sorry, it ain't happening with President Trump in charge.

After his reelection I understand he is going to propose Congress come up with a bill to make psychotherapy tax deductible for Democrats.... long overdue!

For Someone

With Democrats In Charge You Can Be Arrested For Getting A Haircut: But Not For Rioting And Looting

Another beauty!

With Democrats In Charge You Can Be Arrested For Getting A Haircut: But Not For Rioting And Looting

Worth the watch...

RE: A tear for USA

A tear for Malta crying

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RE: A tear for USA

The apparent murder by the cop in Minnesota was just the trigger for the real issue which is government overreach and attempted tyranny in the face of the Communist Chinese virus attack.

Real Americans have a visceral distaste for government trying to tell them how to live their lives ... the only lives they have ... which was given to them by God, not by some politician or government bureaucrat. The government reports to the people in America, not the other way around.

It's the first time in US history that the government has mandated healthy people to stay in their houses and placed travel restrictions on them within the United States. People are naturally angry, as they should be. It is not the place of government to make such decisions. This is a right reserved for THE PEOPLE... for each individual to make for them self.

And the Chinese virus attack has brought out all kinds of power hungry latent fascist/socialist tendencies in elected officials all over the country, almost exclusively Democrats, who have taken this opportunity to fly their true flag and reveal their agenda to establish a dictatorship in America where people are at the mercy of a controlling government.

It's no wonder people are angry.

President Trump, The Pope, Dr. Fauci, Nancy Pelosi and a Ten Year Old Girl Are On A Plane ... And...

/\/\/\/\/\/\ rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

Methinks the troll doth protest the trolless.

President Trump, The Pope, Dr. Fauci, Nancy Pelosi and a Ten Year Old Girl Are On A Plane ... And...

thumbs up

Wearing A Mask? Don't Come Into MY Store! Americans Fight Back Against Democrat's Communist Coup!

Feel free to make masks optional at YOUR store. But not at MINE.

I pay the bills, I make the rules.

Wearing A Mask? Don't Come Into MY Store! Americans Fight Back Against Democrat's Communist Coup!

No one ever said people can't wear masks. What they are saying is that they can't wear them IN THEIR STORE.

Wearing A Mask? Don't Come Into MY Store! Americans Fight Back Against Democrat's Communist Coup!

That's MY business, not the government's.

Wearing A Mask? Don't Come Into MY Store! Americans Fight Back Against Democrat's Communist Coup!

If you don't want to wear a face mask, don't wear one. Exercise your freedom. But don't try to control everybody else. They have a right to exercise their freedom too.

Not in MY store they don't!

You don't like it... GO SOMEWHERE ELSE!

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