lonelycowboy101lonelycowboy101 Forum Posts (441)

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

yes and person with two faces can look out both sides of there head. ( so you say ) I was in your country when a lot of the refugees would tell about being Mortered . But your to young to know anything about that. What about the jews who die are the palistinians any better or worse than the Jews. is a palistianians life more or less better than the other. death is death and it doesn't matter if it is a palistinian or a south African . A jew or an American . You just repaet what you hear and don't study or have any personal knowledge . I respect the people of your country and had some very good times there i hope the inteligence hasn't fallen off that far in the last thirty years so they can look with a one sided view on things

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

The problem is ray's facts were in error as usual one man's truth just like the post about the mortors being nothing but flying tubes with no war heads that was proven to be all lies. I have lived thru morter attack and rocket attack and I know they have war heads. I guees according to you and ray all those pictures of buildings being destrayed are just faked . And as far as Ray he wants to use the bible to his history but not to the fact that God gave the land to Isreal . You can't have it both way's . His time is all flaued. He doesn't raelize they for get it you wan to believe what you want anyway you won't listen to real facts

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

We arn't talking about criminals haveing guns because they are the people (the Bad Guys') we want to keep guns away from. I am talking about the Honest citizen that is the backbone of this country being allowed to cary and own guns. Not mental or criminals. Now we need to inforce the harsh laws we have now for felons carring guns ,or useing guns in this society .

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

She only posted a comment of what she believes. it appears the hate is comming from other than her. I would respond to your post but you are set in your belief and will not accept any evidence that would conterdict what you have set in your mind already. I feel sorry for people that call other people haters and carry hate in there own heart . confused

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

Well if you are giving the bible accounts for your reference you know what I am going to say and I know no one hear wants to hear that God gave the Land to Isreal . and it realy doesn't matter what we agree on here the fact remains that even if Isreal gave each palistain a home and offered them the same rights as the jews they would still be at war. They will not allow one zionist to be on the land They still have not accepted the zionist right to exist. Isreal will never be at peace until they have not one inch of the land . As far as your account they owned it several other times when the babalon destroyed it. It is believed to be where abrahm took his son to offer him upon the rock but that was before the birth of Jacob or Isreal . cheers hug

RE: For or against the right to bear arms

To be honest I believe in the right to keep and bear arms. with that said there is a certain segment of any society that should never be allowed to own or carry a firearm. I believe and I work in the field I see the resault of gun violence. There should be a Mental requirement + a background requirement, for everyone that is allowed to cary a firearm. I see the down side of hunting here I tell everyone that hunts on my place that they make a good shot and a clean kill. I don't like seeing an animal suffer that goes for being shot and left to die from a bad shot or dieing of starvation from overpopulation and not enought food for the number of animals. But not only guns can do that I have seen deer staggering around here with an arrow stuck in them just waiting to die of gang green from the infection because some hunter didn't take the time to learn to shoot his bow and wounded it in the upper leg or rear quarters. But for the people that can carry a gun they should be allowed to . cheers

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

sorry Point >

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

Very good poing cheers hug

RE: Does Bill Clinton deserve a statue of himself and his home a historical site?

Yes a life sized statue in the bathroom with his pants unzipped so you can hang your coat on his (*&^) or maybe you could crank it and his jaw would drop open with a roll of toilet paper. at least somthing use full would come out of his mouth. But then you would haft to chain the statue down it would keep turning up in the Lady's bathroom . And his home should be a histarical site . applause wave

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

I am sorry I didn't mean to stoop down to personal attacks I feel very bad for going that low .

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

Well I am sorry to say I try to bring my inteligence down to the perrrson Iii am dealing withhh but Sorry I can't get lower than zero so I will haft to staw above you by 95 % or so . Have you ever been to Isreal ????? how about any other country . Do you have an education ????? Your I Q seems to be somewher around an emiba but then you wouldn't know what that is .

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

I don't understand why people want to tell there own version of thruth without looking at everything . How many peopel have thought that The land belonged to the jew's until 70 ad when the Romans destroyed the land and Killed most of the jews scattering the rest through out the world. The aribs that are there now never lived in Isreal they were the poor driven out of syria Lebanon and a varieity of other arib nations to be used as emotional cannon faughter against Isreal . Why is it when the fighting starts they fire all there rockets from school yards useing woman and children as human shields. Then when the people try to flee they close the access points out of gaza and will not let them into egypt or other countries useing these poor people to be killed to support the cause of people that only have one desire in there minds that is to remove Isreal from the face of the earth . Isreal would be at peace but the aribs keep pushing . as Most of the aribs agree they will not rest as long as one inch of Isreal is under control of the Zionist . By the way who wqas it that tried to sneek attack Isreal and totaly destroy them . Isreal was only defending itself and is still trying to defend itself as a country. cheers

RE: Does Jerusalem remain an obstacle for peace in the world?

Sorry to say I alway's respect your post . have you ever seen a rocket or morter or been under rocket or mortor fire ? they have war heads and are directed at civilian population centers. Mortors are very accurate and cary a very good sized warhead. and Katusa Rockets have a very big warhead that can take down entire buildings . now some of the new longer range rockets can carry a much bigger warhead . have you ever seen the pictures of the damage done to buildings by these so called flying tubes . I was going to say there will be peace in Isreal when they can figure out a wat to give jerusleam to both the arib and Jews to put up the jewish temple and the arib mosque .

RE: Obama have to keep his promisses! Thats why he was elected!

If Dude put in a good word for him they would give him life in front of the fireing squad . Denamrk isn't big enough for both of them . Or maybe they could lock them both in the same mental ward and see who is the craziest .

RE: Obama have to keep his promisses! Thats why he was elected!

Freedom is not an option for afganistan . the people will never stand against the hard line Muslim . and single Hot dude can spout all he wants sounding like he knows what he is talking about but he is totaly worng . All muslims believe that all muslims are brothers . Like it was explained to me many years ago by a muslim cleric . We may not all believe that same way but we have the same foundation and repeated a fraze to me (the very worst Kafer Muslim is better than the best infidel). Kafer is a very low degardeing name there is an arib fraze that goes MY brother against my brother unless an Infidel. Like he told me . We may fight each other but if my brother and I fight and my brother is attacked by an infidel we will unite to destroy the infidel . Now the presiden of Iran belives in a very hard line of islam he believes in the twelth Iman. He believes he is the profit that hast to bring about the final battle that will bring about the final war and bring islam to the entire world . This is where there mohamed will ride on the white horse to the temple of the east.

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

Thank God it is able to be cleaned up . From what I have read the reactor at chernoble will never be able to be cleaned and they are worried it will start contamination all the ground water there . At least most mistakes can be corrected .

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

Good luck I wish you all the best .

RE: Obama have to keep his promisses! Thats why he was elected!

Realy I feel sorry for you because what you are saying is not even what the most left wing of demicrats believe . I talk to people that support the demicratic party with all but are starting to regret the support and these are people of power in the governmnet. and I have never seen a true demicratic say bad things about another party. in fact I have sat at functions where top demicrats are and top republicans and there is never a foul word mentioned about the other. In fact my boss has set with President obama and with president Bush and looks at the positave not the negitave . There are good people in all party's but you can't see that because of your blind hatred of the republicans.

RE: Should Guns be allowed in the UK?

Is this true that people there would shoot dogs birds and cats In this country if you shoot a domestic animal it is a felony punishable by two years in prison even birds are protected . I don't know anyone that would shoot Sparrows and in most countries to take someone out and shoot them is premeditated murder punishable by life in prison or the death penalty .Civilized countries have civilized laws to regulate guns and what can be shot . cheers

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

I wish I was a little more educated on this subject but I did study Nuclear biological and chemical briefly in the military
D U is extremly heavy and compact I don't hink it blows into little pieces but stay's in Heavy form makeing it next to impossable to disperce into water or spread into the ground and into food sources . and it should be fairly east to clean up as it has a very defined emition where it can be found and removed easly . but I don't know that much about it .

RE: Obama have to keep his promisses! Thats why he was elected!

I'll put my degree up against yours anytime. I am sure that my Boss will vouch for me and he has a double master
( doctorate ) in mental health. did you call me a junk yard employee ?? We'll put all our former post and put it in front of the people and see. who shows mental health issues . Now I have refrained from saying what it think here but don't call me a junk yard employee .

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

I don't hink it was a knee jerk reaction. I think it was planned for a long time and 911 just gave us a reason to go in there.

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

I can't argue with you how true but I hope someday we will get over this . cheers

RE: why are americans so afraid of everything

I live in the Unites states and I have seen the american people. they are a great people overcomming adversity time and time again. when a problem arrises we find a way to overcome it not with fear but we find a way to come together and overlook our differences . And we will do it again wheather it is the Swine flu , Economic troubles . or a repressive government . you people in other countries may put us down and count us out. but we will survive . applause cheering wave

Afraid of everything I think not

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

I am realy ignorant on the numbers . The last I knew Communism
Is pretty well dead . I would haft to see some facts on the Civilian deaths from a reputable sourse . being ex military and knowing the people fighting the war there I can't believe the figures are correct . Now I could see all the ethnic killings Car bombs and bombs that are planted for American soldiers that kill civillians but if they were killing indiscriminatly it would turn up in every arib news paper and television in the world . do you realy think if one of our military company's went into a town and killed everyone in sight it wouldn't be reported. and a lot of teh people they claim as civilian are actually carring weapons and fighting the troops . Don't get me wrong I know there have been civilian casuality's but the military does it very best to keep it to a minimum . cheers

RE: why are americans so afraid of everything

No maybe gary hates the USA

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

Yes that is very good information . but some still don't want to look back at history and keep repeating the mistakes over and over . thanks great post .hug

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

Wow you should look into 98G Russian linquist. with your knowledge of Russian you would only be in the defence language institute for a short time. The normal time is two years. and you would probily come out as a SSG then you could put in for Warrent officer . Whatever you decide Good luck My friend cheers

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

Why with all the quoteing was it not mentioned that most of the civilian deaths were due to tribal terrorism . Car bombs . Not by the american military . and you do make a good point about the depleted uranium . but just as with vietnam I believe if we left now we would have total chaos with different factions tryint to take over control and slaughtering the other side that does not fit in there plan . We already saw ethnic cleansing there when sadam gassed the Kurds . Now in there war with Iran there were in the neiborhood of well over a million dead . that was arib against arib . cheers

Should Mr Obama pull the troops out of Iraq and Afganistan

War is a terrable thing but to see the slaughter that could happen if we just leave would be heart breaking . I hope we don't make the same mistake we made in vietanm . after we pulled out estimates of million were murdered in Cambodia Laos and vietnam. because there was no one to stop them but we never showed that on the T V we just purged our minds of it and pretended it never happened . Unless you happened to be in the area as I was in tialand . hug

This is a list of forum posts created by lonelycowboy101.

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