lonelycowboy101lonelycowboy101 Forum Posts (441)

RE: Anyone Else Confused About Obama?

The Dark side was that a racial Joke (Just Kiddin )


I ahead you you Both rolling on the floor laughing tongue scold

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy


Don't just judge by what someone say's or a party say's go up and check out the things he is doing then make a decision based on the information . I chalange you though to go to all the sources and get the info not just Demicratic or repubiclan or agenda controled . He was handed a big problem but when you read the information by the experts they say it has been handeled very badly. Now if you had a sworn enemy and I went to them representing you and told them That you were arogant obnoxious and felt that you were better than then what would you think .

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

One thing about being a Human being is that you have the ability to take in information,Process it then make an inteligent Decision. The more Correct information we have the better we can process it. I was not for Obama in the Election .then I said he is our President give his a chance . As I see all the things he has done and said . I have processed all the accurate info I can find and Have determined A Head of cabbage would do a better Job then Mr Obama. I just Hope whoever comes after him can straighten out all the mess he has created .

RE: Has Obama gone too far? Letter to Obama sent in April. Forwarded copy

Bashed if you want to see bashing look at how they talked about Bush. He is a human being I thought we learned in Kindergarden we should respect everyone and there opinion . When it comes to facts we only report them and if he disrespects the United states he disrespects you and me .

RE: Obama Rocks! Could the job being done better by republicans?

yes In your worped mind I guess that is the way you believe, too bad you can't pull your head out of the sand and see people don't realy feel that way. Just haters that need a target to spew there hatred. Most people make up there mind by educated conversation not spewed hatred . I wonder if you had to take classes to learn to hate one party or group of people so much but then I feel sorry for you, Maybe some day you will wake up and realize these are people you are talking about are People with family's that give to there community give to there schools and Love there neibors but in your world they set in there house trying to figure out way's to make your life misserable it must be hard being that hateful .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

If there was a system that would run well and not cost a furtue with no big scandels I would vote yes but every government program I have seen if just corrupt and ran inept .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

Is the swiss system pretty good ? I have very little knowledge of there system .

RE: Obama Rocks! Could the job being done better by republicans?

Wow talk about Health care like you are so compashinate then to hear the real you. I'm glad I am not a Narrow minded biggett that spews hatred for one party or person and doesn't even know them. What next are you going to pick on the Homeless person sleeping in a cardboard Box then help a little old lady accrost the street until you find out she is a republican then throw her in front of a bus .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

I live near the canadian border and talk to a lot of Canadians they don't like there health care . rolling on the floor laughing dunno confused


The bad thing is according to there own statement they want the population down to five hundred Million so even if you are not the one loosing your gun you more than likely won't be one of the people chosen to live .

RE: Is the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S.A. part of the U.S. Government?

This is very old news the fed reserve has never been part of the United states Government It is private banking company's that take in our tax money then loan it back to the United States with interest. The Unites States has no Control Over it We can not audit it or question it . There is one senitor that is trying to get them auditeded but with little or no success


For all the people that don't believe this Please go study this stuff for yourself you will be amazed at what you will find the global elite have been planning fo the takeover of this country for a long time and now have it in site from the bringing down of our economy to the watering down of our government to putting us into wars to use up our Military and keep our military out of this country . have a great night got to run .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

Canada is a beautiful country with beautiful people I have many family there . They are haveing hard times too cheers

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

What is a real Canadian ???? then are there fake Canadians HUUUM for every name of a Canadian you give that loves there system I can give you ten that don't includeing Family (Real Family)

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

why do you keep saying free health care it is not nor will it ever be free. Someone hast to pay for it the american tax Payer. and if Canada is so good why do the people in Canada come to detriot to get care as writen in the detroit free press. I live near the canadian border and the people you talk to there tell you they hate there health care system they haft to wait forever to get taken care of and I gaurintee you once Obama Nanny care comes in you won't be able to opt out of it .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

Yes you are right Medicare is a government run system and from the post I have read here doesn't run very well in fact I have AARP for my mother because Medicare doesn't pay hardly anything so I have her pay over $160. a month Will the same things happen in the new health care system ? Yes I am a conservative When I hear the fed run FDIC may need a bail out soon, Social security will be insolvent within three years. Most state government are Broke we are in debp that we can't start to pay and we want to epend more

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

cheers thanks for voteing it revieles a lot

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

I am sorry for being Rude just got upset . If you don't believe in free enterprise then you don't believe in the entire Unites States System of Government. We were given certain Rights that were not to be taken away. Mr Obama did tell them to remove there C E O . The problem with the government being allowed to have a controling interest in corperations is they can make an unfair monopoly. That is why all the telephones company's were broken up because they had unfair advantage now the government can pass laws that favor the american auto industry. Thus controling the stock price to there own gain . Now let's look at a cenario and this happened dureing the vietnam era a certain group of senitors congress men or investors are told to buy Stock let's say Chrysler at a very low price then they decide to replace the Military Jeep with the dodge Power wagon the stock jumps to an extremly high rate they have just made a small fortune. Now what happened before is they buy a certain wheapons system that does not work but they win the contract they make a small fortune then when they want to show the american people how good they are about keeping makeing sure that the pentigon is not wasting money they cancel the contract but they have sold there stock sticking the public with huge losses . Corrupt corperations are terrable and get out of control that is why the government should have allowed the auto industry to go bankrupt someone would have came up and filled the void . We now have Laws in place to regulate the Health care industry. that is not the same as being in charge of it like when you are in the military you get free Health care but you can't sue if they make a mistake and you have no recourse to help get the problem corrected. I have seen the abuses of the Government and don't want them to have any part of my health

RE: Pro-Gun/Anti-Gun?

I haft to be fair I have never seen the Movie American Gun but I could make a one sided story about American car and show all the deaths and carnage that has been done with automibiles now if someone lived in the city and doesn't drive they would believe what the movie say's . people like to watch and read what tends to prove what they want to believe . I apologize
to all the people for getting upset when the guy from Luxinburg insulted me you are all very nice people and I let my emotion get the better of me . I just wonder why it is anyone's Business what I own if I am a responsible gun owner. Now there are people that do not deserve to own a gun and yes I agree with removeing guns from there hands. If it were a perfect world we would not need guns but regretably it is not perfect yet and yes I did have a person kicking in my Back door armed with a Knife He had just got out of Prison for killing a man he was high and looking for drug money. I put my phone on auto dial 911 but it was twenty five minutes before help could arrive. As the door flew open he saw my .45 pointed at him and ran as fast as he could the police cought him so he hurt no one else. I don't know what would have happened if I didn't have that gun , now if just my wife at the time was home she would never have touched the gun. The man had been in New York Prison for killing a person in the commission of a crime breaking into a house .

RE: Pro-Gun/Anti-Gun?

No they are good for somthing else it is because of guns you are free to say what you want to say and go where you want to go.and guns are what keep terrorist under control

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

Evil republicans ?????? I don't like either party. but the only one I see spueing hatred is the brainwashed dem's that can't hold an inteligenmt conversation without trying to blame someone else. Like the little boy with his finger in the cookie jar screaming I didn't do it with cookie crumbs all over his face. then he tries to blame the person that made the cookies.the company that made the flour the sugar company anybody but him .

RE: Sell Me on Obamacare

The problem with electing people is that we are only given the two options either the republicans or the demicrats. they won't even allow anyone else to play with there toy's . Just heard today they are not going to give social security a cost of living increase for the next three years. I guess the banks are to big to fail, The Auto industry is to big to fail, but our parents and grand parents can eat dog food and starve, but Let's spend Billions on Health Care I guess when they starve to death they can go to the hospital before they die .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

Wow the president popularity dropping like a rock I wonder if maybe it is because he is trying to do somthing Most people don't want

RE: Hey boys!!! ;) what do ya think? (GUYS ONLY)

Ride um Cowboy this cowboy hasn't been thrown in a long time I bet I could stay in the saddle all night long . peace

RE: Should our police force carry fire arms.

come on who even thought of this one why don't we just send them out unarmed and the street gangs,Bank Robbers and armed robbers can laugh at them before they use them as target practice .

Do you want government controling your Healthcare ?

I don't understand why people think there government Is made to run everything in there daily life . The government was created to defend the people not to be a nanny state controling every facit of our lives . The government was not to be running corporations or takeing them over or bailing out banks this gives a unfair advantage to other banks or to be in control of our basic needs such as health care .

RE: Is there too much comedy on television?

Yes there is to much comedy on TV I watch the senate channel and see all the clowns with funny hair and red noses pointing and yelling at each other and laugh my self silly

RE: who likes obama ?

Don't take this wrong but he got better grades in School than Bill Clinton and to call him dumb I wonder who has a better degree and grade point .

RE: who likes obama ?

It doesn't realy matter if I like him or not we only see him through what the media wants us to see of him . If he took his wife in the oval office and beat the crap out of her we would never hear about it. I need to deal with the fact that he is our President and History will judge him but then again it depends on who is telling the story as to there version of truth . They even make Bill clinton Look good. Like taking a picture and air brushing it you don't see the real inperfections .

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