ninamooshaninamoosha Forum Posts (1,285)

Doll Show

If you were going to a doll show....beside old and new dolls and accessories....what would be nice as an additive....raffle....snacks.....ect?

Yodle.....Laaaa...a tea.....

One morning my family woke up at a motel....while being transferred to Alabama.....this was in Indiana....I heard the hogs or pigs and smelt them on first awakening.....looked out the window....sure back of the motel a hog or pig pen.....oh what a way to wake-up!!!

IT was sooooo late when we got there and so dark......

Yodle.....Laaaa...a tea.....

Just wanted to see if anyone was awake.....ya know ....or was it one of those hangover weekends.....or just tooooo goood of a weekend for early risers?

Yodle.....Laaaa...a tea.....

Just wanted to say hi to everyone.....your ole we yodle on here?

My Son

Thanks Windy girl.....I try very hard.....your pretty awesome yourself.....

RE: The American Anthem

I feel proud of our heritage....Amazing one of my favorite religious songs....and is so beautiful sung in many ways....even played on a Native Flute....If it was done out of respect....I think it would be nice....especially in combination w/our changing verses back and forth....

RE: Whats the Best/Worst job that you have ever had????

The worst jobs were working at Shoneys....McDonalds....the best I only did it one night....too shy....swimming as a mermaid in a glass tank behind a bar....they could see me...but I could not see anyone....pretty neat.....

My Son

Her name was strange you were the first to answer.....I got too close to her....I cryed off and on for two days....she lived with us off and on for a year....was never even going to tell me....I accepted her like my own daughter....I always wanted another daughter...but had my three sons.....which I love dearly as much as my daughter...guess I wanted my daughter to have a sister....thought Maggi was the one.....

Male Smell Goods

What is your favorite sensual scent to wear? The one where you are saying "Take Me?"

My Son

My sons are all eighteen year olds girlfriend just left him suddenly....he has handled it like the gentlemen I raised him to smoothly....atleast from what I see...I was worried for awhile....but we've always had such an open door of communication.....he and I and his other brothers and big sister....he has a good support system....friends too....he's going paintballing Sunday with a large group of friends and his brother....


Time to take my son to work.....he he....sliding out of this one .....timing is important you know.....

Pounding Completed......

Damn I always am a day late dollar short....He is so fine...guess I am shy in some ways....never looked at it that way....didn't really think about anything to say until I was back home....he is so fine I get all....all lost for words....

My Little Buddy

Thanks for that info also....will have to check them out...if I ever make it to civilization

My Little Buddy

I never really liked the algae eaters either.....but snails would be nice.....

My Little Buddy

Gosh Windy girl....I still haven't figured out my new digi yet....slow down...remember I'm out of the rock

My Little Buddy

I don't like the new crase of putting them in a vase with a plant either....seems cruel to me...they are a top feeder for food and air much of the time....I hope to find mine a much larger tank soon...he deserves the best....even if its all for just him....

RE: It's all your fault....

According to Map Quest about Nine

RE: It's all your fault....

scantly dressed....candles lit....soft music....oh what a daytime dream.....

My Little Buddy

Thanks....for the info....great that they live that long....kinda dissapointed in the attack/defense posture....oh well can't have it all....I knew from other people not to put another fish with them....unless a female....what color was hers and what size tank did she have it in? This one even had a little air pump with it....

My Little Buddy

I never thought I would talk to a sons think that their Mom has finally lost it....oh well....better than talking to

My Little Buddy

My little buddy is a red Beta fish.....siamese fighting fish.....I always call him my little buddy....He swims to me and bloats out his gills as if to say Hi....when I look into his tank....I really enjoy my little buddy....I always wanted one and finally got him for myself for Christmas last year....I have read where they can live up to three years in a tank....Has anyone had one longer?

RE: serious question

I locked myself in my room away from my family and almost killed myself....very unlike husband broke in our bedroom window and basicly saved my life....will never willingly take anything like that again.....

RE: serious question

I am allergic to steroids....almost killed me....they were given to me after having Poisen Ivy....all over my was a horrible experience.....hope you are not going through what I did....

RE: Income

Wow guess I am out there in the wrong field.....I could care less what someones income is.....its their social security that listed somewhere?.....

RE: I was A Kid Once and Dad Gave Us A Dime

My Grandfather use to take me by the hand felt so small inside of his large one.....up to the Marathon Gas Station to get an icy cold....slushy pop....He would always say "Now this is a treat....only a treat....always remember they are not good for you....drink them sparingly" I miss him so much.....everytime I see a small coke bottle I think of him.....


You will go through a withdrawel be expected....but we are all here for you......


Awww that is so too have a great time....look forward to hearing more

RE: It's all your fault....

I am totally innocent....until proven a down on the gravel.....

Pounding Completed......

Good Morning Katine....glad you are here this morning...hope you have a great looks like sunshine here....I need to paint picnic table again after snow....waiting for some good sunshine....going to pack up bunnies finally.....put out dog miniature dog collection now.....I just ordered some more through e-bay....What have you planned for your day?

Pounding Completed......

Fireliter....hope this

This is a list of forum posts created by ninamoosha.

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