baha83baha83 Forum Posts (278)

RE: just a note.....

rolling on the floor laughing try Laura

RE: just a note.....

Where can you find out what your name means?? I tried google but no such luck...confused

RE: weight

I don't think that all women have a choice on what weight they are going to be. THere are certain women who just plain choose to be fat as there get up and go is gone. I was one of those women. I was 296lbs at 5"7 at one point in my life and that was because the only place I walked was from the door to my truck or the couch to the fridge. This was of course after having 2 babies in 19 monthshelp I made the decision one day to loose the extra poundage and now I am a healthy 140. All it took was some dedication.. walk to the store, don't eat after 7 and NO FAST FOOD!! The weight came off in a year.

With that said I do have friends that are really over weight and try as they may they cannot loose it. Sometimes it does come down do medical reasons...

And of course weight matters to men, it also matters to women, we are usually the first ones to poke fun at a fatty when we are out with our girlfriends.. not sayin it is right but it is truedunno


After a long day at work a trucker stops at a little pub on the side of the highway.

He walks in seeing that clearly something is wrong. He has walked into a gay bar but figures hey-might as well stay for a beer. He walks up to the bar and asks for a pint. The bartender looks at him and tells him that all people in the bar must first give the name of their johnson before they can be served. Not quite understanding the trucker asks for a few examples. So one guy walks up and says that his is named NIKE for the slogan "just do it", another guy walks up and says his is TIMEX for the slogan "takes a lickin keeps on tickin"

The trucker ponders it for a minute and says well I'm gonna name mine SECRET. Secret? They all ask.. The trucker says yah for the slogan "strong enough for a man but made for a woman"

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing


PS.. most people with a few extra pounds seem to be the nicest, most intelligent people you will ever meet. Because society says that we are suppposed to be tiny little stick figures, those of us who aren't seem to look for other ways to compensate.

I would take an smart, kind, and funny fat person over a skinny little barbie doll who's fav line is "Oh my God.. really? No Way!!"

Obviously trying to take care of yourself is important but there is a difference between being fat and being disgusting...

The comments in this thread about fat people are disgusting!


Hmmmmm.... IMO people do not make the choice to be fat. There are HORMONAL issues as well as other things that contribute to this. The majority of women that put on the poundage do so after giving birth... you go girlscheering LOL and I find myself in a thread now arging that it isn't a choice and is hormonal...dunno rolling on the floor laughing


Well Wikked I guess we all know where this thread came fromfrustrated The fact is that the way that the people work in these forums is wrong.

Everyone says to speak your mind, voice your opinion, and stick true to what you believe. Then you get the ones who think that they are the power houses in the whole scene that come out of the woodwork to say that you are ignorant and immature. very mad

I believe that you can speak your mind on the forums about mindless things as in your favorite song, first date, or best break up song but when it comes to a real discussion it is pointless to try and talk about something "real" as it will just be slammed when you dont share the same opinion as a certain few on here.frustrated

RE: Will It Ever Be Enough?????

Ok so I do see the point that you are all making and I do understand and for the most part I agree.

But where do the handouts stop and start? These people are not in Canada and are not born with the same privledges that we as Canadians are. I can see how they as a group of people can have a hard time and need help to get out of the rut that their countries are in.

Right here in Canada there is a "group" of people that recieve handouts from our tax dollars month after month. OUr government says that it is to not only right the wrongs of the past but to also give these people a chance at living a normal life. It is claimed that they are a minority and due to things that have happened in the past they are unable to live and support themselves like the rest of us. I take out a student loan and work to support myself to go to school. They not only get paid to go to school but all the expenses are also covered by our tax dollars.

Is this an acceptable handout? dunno

RE: Will It Ever Be Enough?????

I agree with you wikked, it is better to teach them how to survive rather then just handing over money. The problem lies here... have you ever tried to fish where there was no waterdunno I don't think it is possible.

There are children there that at 10 years old have more lifeskills and survival skills then most of us will ever understand. The fact is that it's not that they dont want to survive.. they dont have the resources to do so. They dont have the proper climate to grow certain things... they really need our help.

And as far as making babies goes.. I gotta side there. When you are sitting around in the dirt all day with nothing to do... what better way to fill the time..laugh no I'm joking but they dont have access to birth control or anything else so what do we say.. you can't eat, sleep in a bed, have a bath, flush a toilet and now you cannot... well you get the picture.

This is a subject that can be argued in so many ways and at some point we need to stop arguing and agree that they need help and do what we can.. all of usyay

RE: Will It Ever Be Enough?????

You are right that those ads are there to try and touch our hearts and that most of those organizations do take their "cut" from the donated money. However I am not talking about those ads, I have been to Africa on a mission trip and I saw first hand what these people go through.

We will never understand here in Canada what it is like to struggle. Never! Life there is so surreal. The are literally starving to death. They are literally dropping like flies due to aids and disease. There are bodies everywhere in some places, just thrown in a pile. It is sad.

If we all do our part eventually it will sort itself out. We are all human and all have the right to live. Red and yellow black and white.. we are precious in his sighthug

RE: Will It Ever Be Enough?????

It is obvious that Canada has it's problems. Clearly there are alot of people that struggle here and no it is not fair. If there was a way to "fix" the problem then I am sure that it would be done. The beauty of living in Canada in my eyes is the fact that there are agencies there to help. Only when a person has abused the system will they be turned away.

Sure there are people that cannot afford a place but that comes down to common sense. Not everyone can afford to live in the big cities where the cost of living is sky high. So move to a smaller community. I have taken many differnt "human service" courses and I understand the way that our welfare and disability system works. I know that so long as a person who is able to work looks for work the government is there to help them. I know that someone who is unable to work will be given a disabilty cheque so long as a doctor will verify they cannot work. We have free clinics, we pay for drug addicts to have a safe place to shoot up. We hand out money to our own citizens in obscene amounts due to mistakes made in the past. Sure life here isn't a bed of roses but I'm sure anyone in Africa would take life on the streets in Canada over life down there.

It comes down to self worth. If this is such a hard country to live in and all the cards are against us then explain how people from Asia come here and survive. They come to Canada with no money and unable to speak the language yet they make it. They become the next best doctors or small business owners. It is about self sacrifice and sometimes you gotta try a little harder but all the possibilities are here. You just gotta try.

RE: Will It Ever Be Enough?????

This is just my 2 cents and I hope that I do not offend anyone. I understand the frustration that comes from our country handing out money to all the third world countries while Canadian people seem to get the shaft.

The part though that I think justifies what the government does is the fact that these are third world countries. These people are not worried about medical expenses and paying too much tax they are worried about getting a single cup of rice to eat a day. Mother's are watching their children die due to disease and lack of food. They sit there in the dirt with flies buzzing in and out of their untreated wounds. Children are left to die as their parents have died and they now have nobody (no child welfare system) to help them.

Call me a bleeding heart but I would do anything I could to help these poor souls. If I have to pay some extra tax and maybe not be able to get my hair done as often as I would like then so be it.

I know it sounds ridiculous and "they" are not our problem but only when compassion is shown worldwide will the problems end. We all need to do our partsigh

Time's have changed

I too remember being able to go to the store to buy cigarettes for my parents when I was young. Things have changed. Here in BC you now need 2 pieces of ID to be able to go to the bar or buy smokes or alcohol. I think though that this a good change as it makes it harder for young people to get their hands on smokes and booze but lets face it there will always be someone willing to "boot" for minors.

Time's have changed

I think that we have created a vicious little cycle that is changing us and society as we know it.

Remeber back even 8-10 years ago when you actually had to go out in public to carry on your life? Those days are so gone. We used to have to go to the bank to pay bills or deposit a cheque. We used to have to actually shop in stores. The post office is a real place, you would have to visit there daily to get your mail. All the while that you were doing these things you were meeting people. That cute guy in the bank, the frazzled mother in the grocery store. The perfect babysitter in the shoe store, and casual chit chat at the post office.

We can know and most of us do all of those things right from the very seat you are sitting in now. laugh Does anyone else see a problem with this?

Don't get me wrong it is great to meet people on here and have a casual chat or sometimes more but have we all forgotten that there are real people out there?

What are your feelings on this? Do you enjoy this new lifestyle or would you rather be back in the 1990'ssigh

RE: Married or living together?

I agree with eviled on this one. Marriage used to be a sacred vow before God. Now it is so overrated, I mean everyone gets divorced and gay people are allowed to marry.

This takes away from the sanctity of marriage, well I think so anyways. It used to be that a man and woman promised their lives to each other through thick and thin. Now it is nothing more then a piece of paper used as nothing more then a forsure 50%.

I think that when 2 people love each other that should be enough. As far as having to show that you are taken goes that just boils down to insecurity. A person will cheat wether married or not... they can simply take the damn ring off when they go out.

The real travisty is that marriage has turned into what it has. I believe that in the past it was an important part of a union between man and woman and like I said, so is not the case now.

Just my 2 cents.. sorry if I offended anyone

RE: loser....

I would say that a looser is someone who looks at opportunity and turns away. Someone who refuses to walk through an open door or try anything to better their lives. Being a looser is a perception but it can be taken out of context. There are a lot of successful people that are loosers in society;s eyes and because of that they find themselves going down hill. Loosers are not society's rejects.. they are their own personal rejects that wouldn't know a good thing if it hit them in the facedoh

RE: what does average mean average

I think average is just that. Not model super skinny but not chubby either. I am what I would consider average. I am 5'7 140lbs. I wear a 30" waist. That is average... Isn't it? I'm not ripped by any sense of the word and and not fat so yah... Average it isdunno

RE: What is your opinion?

Hey there Prince,

My children are 5 and 7. They are both vrey healty and don't have any medical conditions at all. I was diagnosed when I was a baby. Neither of my parents have it nor do my 3 sisters or 1 brother. They say that if a person is diagnosed past puberty it is something in their environment that cause a reaction in their brain that isn't reversable. That is what I have heard anyway. If so is the case then it would mean that it is not in your genes and even if it is there is nothing to worry about. I used to seize 6 to 7 times a day and now on medication like I said it has been years. Best of luck to you!!cheers

RE: What is your opinion?

If this situation ever arises, it is obvious that the medical condtion is not too serious as the one with the problem already has reached a time in their life when they are considering having a baby. I too have epilepsy but I also have 2 children. I have not had an attack of any kind in years as medication these days is amazing. The doctors said that there was a chance my children would have it but no sign so far and they get checked yearly for it.

Anything in life is worth fighting for and a child is a miracle no matter what medical condition they may have

Your Province

You are right.. there are things about this country that could be changed. But can you really think of a country that is more peaceful then Canada? I don't believe for one minute that war is started over cultural differences.. wars are started over greed and envy. I do not believe that it is ever about a certain race or the ways the other cultures live. Diversity here in Canada is a beautiful thing. There are all differents kinds of people from all different parts of the world and if the pig-headed government or anyone else for that matter think that these "differences" are a bad thing then they truly are close minded.

I love to see the different clothes worn, foods eaten and celebrations clebrated by the different cultures. In my opinion that is the best about being Canadian, freedom to express who we are and where we come from.

Just my 2 centshandshake

Your Province

We are all proud to be Canadian right?? Why? Let's see what we can say that is so great about this country. I'm from BC and here's what I got,

1. Mountains... the scenary here is amazing
2. A Lake a Day as long as you stay!!
3. Cultural diversity, everyone is accepting of the differences in people and there is so much to see and learn about the different culturescheering

Crystal Meth

I think that the biggest struggle in life is to watch someone you love get hurt. Whether its your child stubbing their toe or your friend loosing themselves to drugs it is never easy..

But people do pull through right? And if love is all we can offer its the best we can do. The though of a friend stealing from me is a scary one but Im sure it could happen, it sounds like this drug can really ruin a person.sigh

RE: Inspirational Quotes

Even though I clutch my blanket and growl when the alarm rings. Thank you, Lord, that I can hear. There are many who are deaf.

Even though I keep my eyes closed against the morning light as long as possible. Thank you, Lord, that I can see. Many are blind.

Even though I huddle in my bed and put off rising. Thank you, Lord, that I have the strength to rise. There are many who are bedridden.

Even though the first hour of my day is hectic, when socks are lost, toast is burned, tempers are short, and my children are so loud. Thank you, Lord, for my family There are many who are lonely.

Even though our breakfast table never looks like the picture in magazines and the menu is at times unbalanced. Thank you, Lord, for the food we have. There are many who are hungry.

Even though the routine of my job often is monotonous. Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to work. There are many who have no job.

Even though I grumble and bemoan my fate from day to day and wish my circumstances were not so modest. Thank you, Lord, for life.

Crystal Meth

See the biggest thing that I have noticed is a change in his skin. It almost looks likes little holes in his face. He claims that it is a hormonal thing like acne or something but I know it isn't.

The hardest part is getting him to admit he has a problem. I would bet that he has lost about 20lbs but he says that's because he's working out. He lost his job but claims he quit as he wants something new. He even missed his daughter's bday party and says that he was job hunting.

I just hope he pulls through. Thanks for all your commentssigh

Crystal Meth

I have a very dear friend that has gotten himself all messed up with Crystal Meth. He says that he wants everyone to back off and leave him alone. He won't go into rehab as he doesn't think he has a problem. He is loosing his family, friends and health. I dont understand this drug.

Any advice on how to help him get through this even though he doesn't think it is a problem?

Does anyone know what this drug is or how it effects the body? I know I could read about it but sometimes personal experiences can be more helpful.

Any advice greatly welcomed!!

What's Best??

Ok so we got eyes well.. nah eyes of all different

Wbat do you feel is your best quality? What is it that attracts people to you?

For me, definitley my jaw.. i Know its wierd put everyone comments on itbanana

Sing that tune!!

Oh Canada

Our home and native land...

c'mon we better all know this one


Good Morning All

And what a wonderful morning it is. IT"S FRIDAY!! Woo-hoo. LOL Any big plans for the weekend? Hopefully thinking about what you are going to do will help this day pass by nice and quick.

I am going to lock up, turn the ringers of and enjoy a weekend of sanity away from chaotic"things to do list" rolling on the floor laughing

Hope veryone has a great daybanana

Sing that tune!!

But February made me shiver
With every paper I delivered...

Sing that tune!!

Yes sir it is.. LOL we totally screwed up this thread.. Oh well.. what song was that that you posted?rolling on the floor laughing

This is a list of forum posts created by baha83.

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