Hello_youHello_you Forum Posts (502)

RE: Describe yourself in 1 word


What,it sounds like one word if you say it fast

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

You - or anyone - cam correct me anytime...I don't have a prob with that --actualy I like it 'cos it means I have lost some faulse information and gained correct information....see all good.

Wierd though "word" doesn't FEEL right. cause aren't they discussing the fact that they from the wrong families and so can't be together. You know, cause they have the wrong names. then again maby that's why someone changed it on the sites i looked at to make it feel better?

Crap now I NEED to know.confused

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

hmmn you could be right - I check a few Shakspaere sites before I posted it though- it's from Romeo and J. Internet cant be trust tthough.

My mums got a set of his works I'll have a look next time to see.

Maby you have another referance source?

Oh some very important qquestions, serious-minded adults only!!!

Unusual but very good choices --like it

Oh some very important qquestions, serious-minded adults only!!!

yay another jessica rabbit fan. She should have her own show.

RE: If you saw me in a police car..

Running a money laundering scheme for Don zaratino - infamous maffia lord based in greece. You also have black mail ring on the side as you've all the name's and bank acounts at your finger tips. the cops offering you immunity for information and giving evidence but you refuse becuase of your love for Zaratino - a strange almostfather daughter bond....but deeper. Sadly he's unaware of how deep your love for him is and, to protect himself is planning your assasination. Does he succceeed? or will he realise your love is stronger at the last moment calling the hit off or tragically relising but calling the hit man moments too late.........oh my god! Whats goiung to happen! I can't stand the suspence........and I'm crying allready....sob sob crying crying

Oh some very important qquestions, serious-minded adults only!!!

Daffy's cool - so long as he don't run off with jessica rabbit.

and tarzan? mmmmn like it

Funny aye how people either like or detest BSprouts. People are great

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

Yeah ok you can play too. Same rules though.applause
three dobbies -- yay!

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

hmmmmnn ...OK but you git to wear those big ears and talk all squeeky. Or I'm not playing.......hee heegrin

Oh some very important qquestions, serious-minded adults only!!!

Ok so couple of burning questions.

!, if you could have as a side kick a non-human creature who would it be ...yeah you can have more than one and ex-humans or mutants count. So for me - Dobbie from harry potter would be one. and....um and hellen clark (ha ha) NO-- Yuck! um.....rodger rabbit!!! yay no....jessica rabit...oh yeah....patty cake patty cake.....delightfull shudder.

And question 2 brussle sprouts? Yuck or MMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNNN

I like them especialy with cheese sauce.....mmmmmmmnnnnnnnn cheeeeeseee saaaauuuuuuuuusessssssseeee.

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

frustrated Doh! Sorry hon - I have a weird name too so that many get wrong so should try harder - Phae, Phae,pee aych ay ee, pee aych ay e, pee aych ay ee, ay ee 100 times. Dobbie's a bad elf master and must iron his hands. God I love that/him.

I want a dobbie!!!!!!!!!sigh

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

Oh ok....crap didn't mean to step into a line of fire of the wrath of a man(?) scorned. Maybe I need to take cover. No that's not fair - I shall wait and see - I'm sure he's got his side of the situation - I don't like to pre judge people based on others opinions.

Hey phea (crap did I spell that right?) thanks hug

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

whoops forgot the quote ""What's in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet." Romeo and Julite -

RE: Dating someone with a name you don't really like ?

Hey just looking, while I find - as you seem to do - it odd to judge/like/dislike people based on thier names and indeed " did you mean to change that arround in your post?

AND I support your right and want to disagree with another's viewpoint. This place would be a better place if, when we disagreed with other's opinions, we didn't also attack them or thier personality.

If I've misread your post, or your intent- I apologise - but it seemed pretty rough.

How about not attacking others when your dissagreeing with them - it's not nessasary.

So aside from that I agree with your point on disliking people based on names - just seems bizare - I guess I understand where it comes from but couldn't/wouldn't do that myself.

RE: How long should you wait before sleeping with someone?

Didn't say you HAD to just that it was politeangel grin

RE: List things that might turn people off of you.

I shall say nothin'

nope not a thing

RE: List things that might turn people off of you.

that's just SICK!barf Gives me the shudders.

I almost managed to keep a straight face. grin

saying what I think would put someone off me on a dating site is dumb unless I lie(say things I know aren't great but I know wont realy put poeople off me). So as i don't want to lie (the lady with the four kids who can't have more will get cross at me)laugh

RE: True or False?

exactly what do you mean by that young lady? er well I'm in a trade.....I fix stuff so true.

(I agree about the birds they KNOW stuff!!!!!Just bidding thier time...shudder - well some I like but...you kknow those other ones that whisper when you not looking....mmmn .... gonna catch 'emout one day....shhhh they might be listening !

person bellow me has just been laughing?

RE: True or False?

Oooooooooo a toughy! hmmmmnn I'm good at both - um I'll say false

the person bellow should be going to bed but can't 'cos someone might answer thioer [post

RE: True or False?

ooops the person bellow me has a room full of stuff they can't throw out

RE: True or False?

True and false, did when I was a skinny kid don't now.

wow this moves fast hi Kizzy

RE: True or False?


the person bellow me.....feels like a cracker and cheese?dunno

What do YOU think?

Thanks - a great compliment, from you too abe. thank you both. applause applause

What do YOU think?

ahh the famous ABE? I'm honnored to have you popo in and add your thoughts to my wee post. Thanks I guess that puts you in the "more pleasant" camp?

What do YOU think?

thanks for your input. I'm just trying to see - as I said - where people are on this.

RE: True or False?

whoops to slow......not today. False.

the rain thing

RE: True or False?

Wouldn't say loves - no - likes sure. No not loves.

The person bellow me loves the smell of rain on a hot road

What do YOU think?

Hey everyone, I been away for a long time and recently returned to say hi. I've notice an increase in anstiness scince I was last here.

And I've just been reading the "rules" whaich are obviously not followed at all and not policed, as evry thread that I've meandered my way through is full of obvious breaches.

Now, as far as I'm concerned, to a degree, a forum or chat room is created by it's paticipants and they kinda own it more than the site creater - to a degree.

Anyways, my question to you all is; do you want to have a forum that is full of nastiness (to the degree this one is) or would you rather it was more civil and pleasnter place?

Now, don't getr me wrong I'm not saying you should or shouldn't be one way or the other. I just want to know a lot of peoples opinion.

Now there's reasons to have it one way and reasons to have it the other. I'm just asking for personal preferance.

dunno wave

RE: True or False?

Ha ha ....false. Who can be?

um.....the person bellow me...... likes peanut butter and tomatoe on toast?

Now all of you are gonna try that ha ha......shhhhhhhhhh it's great!

RE: Who's your favourite muppet?

Gonzo was easily the best. Animal at a party (so long as not your house) hated miss piggy and thought the frog was a nerd. Elmo wasn't around - scooter was ok. Hmmn and Dr teeth? was that his name? Yeah, sweedish guy was funny but you wouldn't want to hang with him. Dr bob would be a great boss.

But moslty I hated them,mumbling well some were ok, actualy there were some funny parts, come to think of it , it was quite good, yeah it was greeat, yay more more....woooooohooooooo!applause applause applause

This is a list of forum posts created by Hello_you.

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