How to make a fruitcake

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

RE: Rising of Russia...

u wrong.i have learnt a russian history and i know what i am talking about conversing professor

RE: What are the cradles of Fundamentalism and terorism?

i have my own opinion of it, but if i share it im afraid uwill not like it.angel

RE: What are the cradles of Fundamentalism and terorism?

you know the answer

RE: Rising of Russia...

russia has been always a great power if u didnt know that.russian people r not inimical to the rest of the world. peace

RE: about puerto ricans

cris, check yr mail box, come ooooooooooon


thought so laugh

four languages


How to make a fruitcake

1 c water
1 c sugar
4 large eggs
2 c dried fruit
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
1 c brown sugar
lemon juice
1 full bottle of your favourite whiskey

sample the whiskey to check for quality.take a large bowl.check the whiskey to be sure that its of the highest quality.pour one lever cup adn drink.repeat.turn off the electric mixer - beat one cup of butter in a large fluffy bowl.add one tsp sugar and beat sure that the whiskey is still okay.cry another tup.turn off the mixer.break two eggs and add to the bowl and chuck in the cup of dried fruit.mic on the turner.if the fried fruit gets stuck in da beaterers , pry it loose with a drwescriver.sample the whiskey to check for,sift two cups of salt.or something.who cares.check the sift the lemon juice and strain yr nuts.add one table.spoon.of sugar or something.whatever u can find.grease the oven.turn the cake tin to 350 degrees.dont forget to beat off the turner.throw the bowl out the window.check the whiskey again.go to bed.

Who the h.ll likes fruitcakes anyway?

drinking yay


/Ages 22/
3.witty good shape
5.dresses with style
6.full of thoughtfull surprises imaginative, romantic lover

/Ages 32/
1.nice looking -preferably with hair on his head
2.has enough money for a nice dinner at a restaurant
3.listens more then he talks
4.laughs at my jokes at appropirate times
5.can carry all the groceries wit hease
6.owns at least one tie
7.likes to be romantic at least once a week

/Ages 42/
1.not too ugly- bald head OK
2.doesnt drive off until im in the car in good enough shape to rearrange the furniture
4.usually wears shirt that covers stomach
5.remembers to put the toilet seat down
6.usually remembers the the punch line of jokes
7.shaves on most weekends

/Ages 52/
1.keeps hair in nose and ears trimmed to appropriate lenght
2.doesnt belch or scratch on public
3.doesnt borrow money too often
4.doesnt nod off to sleep while im emoting
5.usually wears matching socks and fresh underwear
6.remember your name on occasion
7.shaves on som weekends

/Ages 62/
1.remembers where the bathroom is in good enough shape to stand up alone
3.only snores lightly when awake /LOUDLY when asleep/
4.remember where he left his teeth
5.usually wears some clothes soft foods
7.remembers when....

/Ages 72/

yay dancing cool

Only in America

...can a pizza get to yr house faster then the ambulance.
...are there handicapped parking places in front of a skating rink. people order double cheese burgers ,a large fry and a diet coke.. banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to the counters. buy hot dogs in packages of ten and buns in packages of eight. leave cars worht thousands of dollars in the driveway and leave useless things and junk in boxes in the garage. use the word ''politics'' to describe the process so well: ''poli'' in latin meaning ''many''and''tics''meaning ''blood creatures''

welcome to the psychiatric hotline

rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

welcome to the psychiatric hotline

if ur obsessive-compulsive, pls press 1 repeatedly.
if ur co-dependent, pls ask someone to press 2.
if u have multiple personalities, pls press 3,4,5 and 6.
if ur paranoid-delusional,we know who u r and what u want.just stay on the line so we can trace the call.
if ur schizophrenic, listen carefully and a little voice will tell y which number to press.
if u r depressive , it doesnt matter which number u press.No one will answer.

four languages

A Swiss guy visiting Sydney, Australia, pulls up at a bus stop where two locals are waiting. "Entschuldigung, koennen Sie Deutsch sprechen?" he asks.
The two Aussies just stare at him.
"Excusez-moi, parlez vous Francais?" he tries.
The two continue to stare.
"Parlare Italiano?"
No response.
"Hablan ustedes Espanol?"
Still nothing.
The Swiss guy drives off, extremely disgusted. The first Aussie turns to the second and says, "Y'know, maybe we should learn a foreign language."
"Why?" says the other. "That guy knew four languages, and it didn't do him any good."

RE: why men say I love you and then they are dating with other girls?

for my opinion some ladies do and make the same things as men do.

RE: help name a baby!

Dara, Dea, Lea, Ilona, Rosalia angel

RE: How many firemen

and a spy rolling on the floor laughing laugh

RE: do you ever get jealous of someone

never been jealous, but i am jealous of my honour cool

RE: do you listen to gossip or do you go with the flow

i agree wave

RE: Beautiful

it is pronounced ma- ka - la- li . we have this name here and as far as i know makalali means ''a place of rest''

RE: which is your favorite perfume or lotion??

have a lot of parfums and really love fav.ones are noa and escape yay

RE: Evie's Birthday! WhoooHoooo!

happy birthday wine

RE: say what you wanna say in this thread

it doesnt add up, last night was on a party..laugh

RE: I am waiting for rain!!


RE: Do you know what means the color of your country flag ????

hi,sweety hug

RE: Women are coming from Paradise and going there!

r u a camikadze laugh laugh laugh

RE: Do you know what means the color of your country flag ????

blood will tell laugh laugh laugh

RE: I love to love!

make love, not war

RE: who are the people we should feel the most sorry for in this world ?

the orphans, the old folks

RE: Do you believe you can find the love from INTERNET ?

everything is possible

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