JustBrianJustBrian Forum Posts (61)

RE: Republican debate 1/14/16 ( A beam of hope)

China may have.. on greenhouse gas emissions.. because of how many dirty power plants they have.. but on a per capita basis nobody creates waste like Americans..

RE: Republican debate 1/14/16 ( A beam of hope)

America has 2% of the worlds population.. but consumes 25% of the worlds resources and almost 30% of all fossil fuels consumed world wide.. and also produces almost a third of the world's garbage because of our throw it away and replace it lifestyle.

RE: Republican debate 1/14/16 ( A beam of hope)

well Lindsay.. the united states ranks #1 every year in both how much solid waste and carbon pollution emitted.. and those numbers are not in dispute by anyone.. especially when taking the numbers per capita.

RE: Republican debate 1/14/16 ( A beam of hope)

answer to your question as to why this type of trade policy goes on Lindsay.. because the multinational US corporate lobby writes the trade deals.. and they profit from the lower wages and nonexistent environmental restrictions in countries like China and others in south east Asia.. and the government works for the corporate interests that finance their campaigns.. did you know that when the corporate charter was made law in the USA that corporations had to apply for "recertification" every 5 years and prove it was in the PUBLIC'S best interests that they allow to remain incorporated?? that law is still on the books.. but being as they run both major political parties in this country the law is no longer applied

RE: Governor Nikki Haley's speech in response to Obama's speech of the Union last night

so... you running as a demoCRAP or a rePOOPlican???

RE: Governor Nikki Haley's speech in response to Obama's speech of the Union last night

and to Lindsay.. with all due respect.. Trump does not in any way represent anything close to a majority.. and would divide this country worse than Obama has.. the TRUE majority in America is the 50%+ that no longer vote because they know the system is rigged and too rotten to fix..

RE: Governor Nikki Haley's speech in response to Obama's speech of the Union last night

the idea that a democrat neo liberal fascist or a neo con fascist or a corrupt billionaire fascist are any different than one another when it comes to our rights is fantasy.. as long as information (propaganda) is controlled by the same lobbyists that fund Washington DC the root of the fascism in this country will remain untouched.. not a single candidate running in either of the two party dictatorship will improve anything for anyone except for themselves and their fellow 1%ers.. anyone that believes differently may as well still believe in Santa Clause and the tooth fairy too..

RE: Our Purpose in Life

life is the journey from Pampers to Depends... the person that makes it to the potty the most times in between wins!!!!

RE: If You Do Not Want Refugees Knocking At Your Doors :

I respectfully disagree.. the idea that America would spend 1t for a war in Iraq over a few paintings and ancient pieces of pottery is absolutely ludicrous..

RE: If You Do Not Want Refugees Knocking At Your Doors :

I know about the art.. but it is the petrodollar status that has allowed the USA government to borrow 18 trillion dollars that the whole world knows we can not and will not ever repay.. the only value the USD $$ has left is that the whole world has to keep dollars on hand to buy oil.. oil is the only thing left backing the USD.. and the barrel of a gun backs the petrodollar status.. a few billion worth the art pales in comparison to 1t borrowed (read stolen) a year..

RE: If You Do Not Want Refugees Knocking At Your Doors :

the 2003 invasion of Iraq was over Saddam switching Iraqi oil sales over to Euros, threatening the pertodollar status.. you can't have your yellow cake and eat it too.. that invasion and power vacuum it created made the rise of ISIS possible.. that's the bottom line

RE: World War 3

you are correct.. it goes back centuries.. but I wasn't speaking of that.. I was speaking of the motivations of the IRA in the later 20th century..

RE: World War 3

actually the IRA reasons were more political than religious.. as soon as the Soviet Union started supplying them arms via the black market the IRA leaned communist.. and when the USSR broke up and stopped providing material the IRA suddenly was willing to talk peace.. the British committed their fair share of atrocities in northern Ireland as well..

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

a small group of elites run the whole western world.. you will also get what we are given..

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

but turning a blind eye to history or saying "it can't happen here" when the laws being passed ASSURE IT WILL HAPPEN HERE is what allows history to be repeated time and again.. America is the new 1933 Germany.. Canada England and the EU is the new Austria.. and we are being presented with two parties that promise us ww3. yeah.. like I'm going to vote for the lesser of 100+ million dead and think that's going to make a difference??

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

in closing Lindsay I would say this.. czarist Russia.. the Russians voted the czars out with the barrel of a gun for the "lesser evil" by backing the the Leninist's.. how that work out for them?? the Cambodians ended up backing the Khmer rouge against the Lon Nol dictatorship.. again.. it didn't work out too well for the average person.. yes.. the examples I list are extreme.. but the political system of the USA is creeping along to such extremes.. all they need to finish what they have started is everyone's vote for the supposedly LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS.. I won't have our children's or grand children's blood on my hands by being one of the "sheeple" voting for our own demise.. or our children's demise.. dying for the corporate interestes that have hijacked this country..

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

completely eliminating evil is never possible.. but voting for either of the two party dictatorship is a vote FOR evil..the two party dictatorship has made their intentions clear . more wars. keeping Gitmo open.. arming more jihadist militias. backing tyrannical dictatorships. Saudi Arabia comes to mind.. they chop off more heads by the sword every month then Isis has done in 2 years.. anyone that votes for the two parties that has allowed the world as we know it come to be has blood on their hands.. Obama has done nothing but keep the Bush war doctrine going.. 7 countries in 5 years was the plan.. seems the war mongers are a bit late.. do you honestly believe Lindsay that Christie or Trump would end the war machine?? when there is 30 trillion of oil gas and lithium to be plundered from that part of the world?? when forcing the world to trade these resources in $ USD is the only reason our government can still barrow .43¢ out of every $1.00 they spend?? and spend 57% of all non entitlement expenditure on arms and the military?? why?? to leverage the world's resources at the barrel of a gun.. Lindsay.. your own son is of service age.. why would you vote for anyone in the two party dictatorship who views your kid as nothing but two hands that can carry an M-4 carbine?? and to the power structure that is all he is.. voting for the lesser of two evils is still condoning evil.. change has to start somewhere.. the change can only start with the acceptance of the reality that support for the two party dictatorship has to be channeled elsewhere.. revolution starts with one idea and one person that has the courage to stand up and say "I won't sell out my children and the BIG PICTURE forever in exchange for a few pieces of scrap meat today.. its time we started "home cooking" our solutions instead of hitting the "drive thru window" every 4 years and arguing over a big Mac vs a whopper.. its time to wake the hell up!!!

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

and I would say this to your comment as well.. voting your neighbors out?? isn't that how terrorists are created?? if you want your neighbors out remove them yourself instead of trying to hire government goons to do it.. no wonder why west bank Palestinians are stabbing Israelis. and how has voting in more police state measures helped?? oh. yeah. it hasn't..

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

your right.. which is why the end of the American empire is close at hand.. sad to say

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

and to the gentleman above me who made the remark about socialist government.. most socialist governments were never socialist.. they were communist.. big difference.. Switzerland is totally socialist.. but they are also a TRUE democracy.. a direct democracy actually.. and you would be very hard pressed to convince a Swiss that any other form of government is better than their own.. they have social safety nets that are the envy of all socialists.. but also backed the swiss franc with gold just in the last few years because of a ballot measure demanded by their citizens.. they have almost no crime.. a national defense based on a trained and armed militia population.. free day care and free health care. a penal system that stresses reform of the convicted.. with very few repeat offenders.. and one of the lowest sub poverty rates in the world.. but few outside of Switzerland know of the real workings of their system because they seldom make international news.. reason that's the case?? because almost nothing happens over there outside of people living their lives..

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

here is a package I could actually vote for.. Gary Johnson /Bernie Sanders.. with Ron Paul as attorney general and Jessie Ventura as secretary of defense.. a social safety net with real respect of the constitution and a man in charge of the military who is not afraid to fight but knows that military engagement is a absolute last resort.. this combination would actually give us a real America based on freedom and rights

RE: after the debate: It's between Trump and Christy

Christy is a bully police state fascist.. plain and simple.. only way out of this two party dictatorship is to vote in mass for third party candidates

RE: solutions for handling the migration crisis

yeah.. funny how Europe never has a problem taking American aid or military hardware tho.. huh?? or did you think all that stuff was free??

RE: solutions for handling the migration crisis

no offence taken.. I just sometimes hand the ignorant a helping of their own cooking when they show intolerance to women or other groups.. its all good my friend.. the way you expressed your opinion was quite diplomatic anyway

RE: solutions for handling the migration crisis

good afternoon Lindsay..

RE: solutions for handling the migration crisis

that is because the politicians answer to the military industrial complex.. the most profitable wars aren't the wars that end.. that's not good for bomb sales.. the wars that don't end are far more profitable.. the human cost isn't even in the equation.. except for a few speech sound bites

RE: Democratic Debate: Was Hillary favored?

I don't vote for lesser if the two evils anymore.. neither should anyone else.. even tho its not possible for 3rd parties to win general elections yet we should vote for them.. as a protest vote. maybe they only get 5% of the vote at first.. but if that can be built on, 10% maybe 15% down the road, then the two party system would start taking notice.. maybe then something will change.. but not as long as Americans keep voting for their two party corporate dictatorship

RE: Democratic Debate: Was Hillary favored?

I see no difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.. they are both financed by the top banks and corporate interests.. vote in favor of the same wars. and vote in favor of the same unconstitutional laws such as the patriot act and the NDAA.. heads and tails of the same coin playing the game of good cop/bad cop keeping the people divided and conquered.. both borrow and spend our children's future and both keep us in a never ending state of war.. the only one that seems different at all is Sanders.. but the party machine will do the same to him they did to Ron Paul.. we will get more of the same

RE: Income disparity

that must have been one ugly dude then!!!

RE: solutions for handling the migration crisis

while they are in Europe maybe give them a multitude of work assignments in NATOs armies there.. and I'm not talking combat positions or anything to do with weapons.. but things like construction. public works projects. mechanical jobs. feed them. house them and let them learn a trade while they earn their own keep.. all skills that will be needed in mass when they return home to a country in ruins.. the Europeans get some great public works projects done at reduced labor costs and Syria then will get a trained work force they will badly need to rebuild a country

This is a list of forum posts created by JustBrian.

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