opalbeautyopalbeauty Forum Posts (851)

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Read and learn Tom, Saddam had NO ties with Alqueda. You're stuck in 2001 repeating Bush.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

No You Can't


RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Come on tom, face the facts, all Bush has done is start an illegal war while more of our soldiers are dying in Alphganastan than Iraq. What a fricken shame.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Isn't this interesting that Saudia Arabia was more inhumane than Saddam and the terrorist who attacked on 9/11 were from Saudi Arabia, yet Bush decided to go to war on Iraq?

Who are the world’s most inhuman tyrants? A veteran international journalist gives his selections and tells why.
Recent Feature Articles
By David Wallechinsky
Published: February 16, 2003

President Bush has called North Korea, Iraq and Iran—three nations that sponsor terrorism—the “Axis of Evil.” But what are the world’s worst regimes—and how do we know? PARADE asked Contributing Editor David Wallechinsky to explore these questions. “Dozens of nations,” Wallechinsky says, “are ruled by repressive governments—both individual dictatorships and collective regimes such as royal families, military juntas or single political parties. In either case, the effect on those nations’ citizens is the same: They are not free to express themselves, and they are punished if they try.”

To compile his “10 Worst” list, Wallechinsky consulted independent human-rights organizations that are willing to expose both left- and right-wing regimes, such as Freedom House, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch. “I looked at the documented suppression of those freedoms and rights that Americans take for granted,” he says. “Freedom of speech and religion, freedom to choose elected representatives and to disagree with their government, and the right to a fair trial.” He gave “extra credit” to those dictators who torture prisoners and others, execute political opponents, cause their citizens to starve or to suffer malnutrition and who interfere violently in the politics of countries other than their own.

It is our hope that this list will stimulate reflection and provide perspective both on world events and on the freedoms we enjoy at home.

1. Kim Jong Il, North Korea. Age 61. In power since 1994.

Each year, the human-rights group Freedom House rates every country according to its level of political rights and civil liberties. Only one nation has earned the worst possible score for 30 straight years: North Korea. And in a worldwide index of press freedom released last month by Reporters Without Borders, last place went to...North Korea.

When Kim Il Sung died in 1994 after ruling North Korea for 46 years, leadership passed to his son, Kim Jong Il. It was the first time in history that control of a Communist country was inherited. Until recently, the younger Kim managed to keep North Korea virtually closed to the outside world. He has allowed vast numbers of his citizens to starve to death. Since he assumed power, almost 300,000 North Koreans have fled to China to avoid food shortages. An estimated 150,000 citizens are incarcerated in labor camps. In some cases, their only crime was being born: Kim’s father had ordered that three generations of a political prisoner’s family must stay in prison.

In 1978, Kim Jong Il, a movie enthusiast, ordered the kidnapping of South Korean filmmaker Shin Sang Ok and his actress ex-wife, Choi Un Hui. He forced them to help him make propaganda films and build up North Korea’s film industry. They escaped after eight years. In 2002, Kim admitted that Korean agents, over several years, had kidnapped 13 ordinary Japanese and forced them to teach their language to North Korean spies. He also announced that he’d been developing nuclear weapons. Kim recently expelled international inspectors from North Korea and withdrew from the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Senate Intelligence Report Undermines McCain’s Claims That ‘Every Assessment’ Justified War In Iraq»

Just wondering if you guys actually read this.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

We are mired in Iraq for many years to come, but those lifes that are lost and will continue to be lost are not as important as the lifes Saddam took. confused

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

That's all you got Indy....senseless one liners, don't even phase me anymore. yawn

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

James Paul, executive director of the Global Policy Forum. "The Iraqi public is overwhelmingly opposed to this privatization of Iraqi oil, just like they are overwhelmingly opposed to the so-called security pact with the U.S."

Not that the opinions of Iraqis matter to everybody. There is a rather significant segment of Americans who believe that we have a God-given right to take what we want (though they'd never be so forthright in saying so). The United States is the world's remaining superpower; we have the biggest, baddest military. A belief in American exceptionalism leads some of us to think that we should stand astride the globe.

Writing in the London Review of Books in October 2007, American journalist Jim Holt observed that "the US may be 'stuck' exactly where Bush et al want it to be," in a country with as much as 300 billion barrels of undiscovered oil reserves.

"Among the winners: oil-services companies like Halliburton; the oil companies themselves (the profits will be unimaginable ...); US voters, who will be guaranteed price stability at the gas pump (which sometimes seems to be all they care about)," Holt wrote.

And even those Americans who recoil from the notion that "might makes right" would be hard-pressed to object to a deal that allows Big Oil to extract more petroleum from Iraq's rich fields. After all, gas is $4 a gallon. Aren't we salvaging some good out of a rotten war if access to Iraqi oil drives down the price?

Perhaps. But that's not the only cost. To protect those oil fields, the U.S. would have to station troops in Iraq indefinitely. That may explain why Bush has been so determined to work out a deal for more or less permanent military bases before he leaves office.

The war in Iraq has already lasted longer than U.S. involvement in World War II, and the projected cost is around a trillion dollars. That doesn't count the human toll — more than 4,000 U.S. troops dead and tens of thousands maimed and shattered, physically or mentally. Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis dead and millions displaced.

The U.S. government could have spent $500 billion on an Apollo mission-like search for alternative energy and still had about $500 billion to hand to Americans as gasoline subsidies. And we would have been well on the way toward freeing ourselves from the troubled Middle East.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

You can look it up the contracts are going to US companies, no bid contracts, and will eventually increase production but that was never the real reason was it?

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

That drilling was distract tactics. Aren't you glad we're getting oil for blood now? Bush distances himself from the contracts given by the Bush Iraq government.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

A little behind there aren't you Indy? Tell me why we went to war on I Iraq again. WMD? Combating Terrorism? Regime Change?

Surely not oil, bush never said that word.

Halliburton had it's illegal no-bid contracts before the war ever began.

RE: Obama for President........duodenary

Tom ask me to find some more news from the net about this criminal war, so here you go tom.....

Big Oil and the war in Iraq

June 24, 2008


RE: Possible GWB resignation speech..

Republicans trying to imitate Democrats borrowed a slogan that was a real downer. rolling on the floor laughing

May 12, 2008, 6:53 pm
Republican Slogan Borrowed From Antidepressant
By Carl Hulse

Democrats heard something familiar today in that new theme emerging from House Republicans: “The Change You Deserve.”
Turns out that slogan is also used to market an antidepressant,

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

VIRGO goes with Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer and Scorpio. (Best match is Capricorn)

Best Match For Virgo Is Capricorn
The two of you can accomplish pretty much anything at all you set your minds to. A pretty good match emotionally as well. Truly a lot of synergy here, you will be able to read each others minds at times, especially the very close, soul mate type relationships!

Worst Match For Virgo is Aquarius
Try to avoid this match up if you can. True love conquers all, this is true, but even true love will be tested to the extreme here! You will think the Aquarian is nuts, and he or she will think you are ancient. Communication will be difficult, and there will most likely be a power struggle.

Virgo gets along with Scorpio is not the best astrological love match, but it can work with effort.
Virgo With Scorpio:
The combination sometimes belongs to the mutual admiration society. If Virgo will keep from hurting Scorpio's pride, this combination will be happy and enduring. Scorpio is also possessive and fiercely loyal, which makes Virgo feel loved and protected. They also admire each other's minds. Virgo is logical, intellectual and analytical. Scorpio is imaginative, visionary and perceptive.

virgo and scorpio - compatibility rank = 4 (10 is best)

A strong friendship and loyalty will keep these two together. Scorpio must not play any head games with Virgo or there will be a serious price to pay. Virgo will help keep Scorpio grounded and healthy. The prognosis for a long-term love is excellent. Focus on healing yourselves and you both will have found a mate for life.

Virgo with Capricorn is the BEST match for these two, so go for it!
Virgo With Capricorn:
The two of you can accomplish anything you set your minds to. A pretty good match emotionally, also. They admire one another and take great pride in pleasing each other. Both need respect and approval and each intuitively gives the other exactly that. With these two signs there are some similarity and compatibility. They are both very exacting. This stops many areas of disagreement. They both take great pride in appearance and surroundings.

virgo and capricorn - compatibility rank = 10 (10 is best)

You can't go wrong with this astrological combination period. Strong feelings and loyalty will keep these two together. They will understand each other's goals and hopes for the future. These two will support each other through good times and bad. They will provide each other with what the other person instinctively needs and desires physically.

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Taurus goes with Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Cancer (most compatible).

Best Match For Taurus Is Cancer
This is an excellent match and you will find it hard to tear yourselves away from one another! Stay clear of getting too wrapped up in one another though...

Worst Match For Taurus is Pisces
Most certainly you will find the deep, introspective Pisces mysterious, but you could very well be an open book to impressionable Pisces, easily read and manipulated. These things can be overcome, of course, but all things considered, it is not a good match.

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Yes I have that Power. rolling on the floor laughing What sign would you like to know about?

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

I like to gauge people's personalities by these traits but I know they are not exact, because we are all different. But to some extent I believe they are. My daughter is Scorpio and some of this stuff is true about our relationship....

Libra With Scorpio:
At last, Libra meets their match. This one sign will not be out-maneuvered. If you can accept that, fine, if not, you may want to pass on this one. There is much sympathetic magnetism between these two signs. Scorpio is the more dominant sign of these two. There is much to recommend this union, for they have many sympathies in common. Libra's are sentimental and susceptible as lovers. This seems to be appealing to Scorpio's dominant and possessive urges.

libra and scorpio - compatibility rank = 3 (10 is best)

Libra could find Scorpio's dark side a little bit extreme. Scorpio may feel the need for more understanding and devotion at times with Libra. Keep a sense of balance to the relationship and you should be able to survive any stormy periods. Libra will help Scorpio become stylish and get out of the house once in a while.

RE: Idiot Quote of the Century:

I am just asking you to read the article. You're not on trial.

RE: Idiot Quote of the Century:

Surely, everything won't be free, but Obama is not another Bush who is like a teenager with a creditcard. Bush's philosophy is just keep making the money, it doesn't matter if we actually have it, as long as his rich friends have theirs. Your granddaughter and great grandchildren will be paying for Bush's deficit.

RE: Idiot Quote of the Century:

I am sure there were millions others Indy. Do you watch anything but fox or read anything but republican blogs?

Did you read this, it is very short and quite interesting. It is written by
Peter Rundlet one of the members of the 9/11 commission.

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

March 21 to April 20

Aries Positive Traits

Loves adventure, very energetic
Inventive with lots of courage
confident and Enthusiastic
Sharp and quick-minded
Fiery and warm, passionate and expressive. Possessing a
strong sense of urgency. Aries Negative Traits

Can be self-centered at times and prone to being
Impulsive and impatience
takes unnecessary risks
A procrastinator at times


April 21 to May 20Taurus Positive Traits

Reliable with lots of patience
Extremely kind and loving
Strong determination
Very security minded

Taurus Negative Traits

Prone to jealousy
Can be Resentful and Rigid
Greed and self indulgence issues

GEMINI The Twins
May 21 to June 21

Gemini Positive Traits

Very versatile and can adapt to anything
Talkative and quick-witted
Smart and polite

Gemini Negative Traits

Prone to nervousness and tense
inconsistent &Superficial
Inquisitive & Cunning



Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Be careful with that passion. wink Libra's love the togetherness and connection of a relationship but we don't or maybe even can't balance each other very well.

Here is a few more facts about us.....

Here Are Some Interesting Libra Facts:
* Ruling planet is Venus
* Primary colors are pink and primary colors
* Birthstone is Opal
* Lucky day is Friday
* Lucky numbers are 6 and 9
* Lucky color is pastel blue
* Best locations for success are social activities

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Hi SweetOwen, that is strange but the same thing has happened to me with Libra men. There have been three who I have been in long-term 1 - 6 year relationships with and their birthdays were Oct. 11, 12, 13. Then there were two others I met who had the same birthday as I did but we didn't date long and one I only had one date with.

I have to be careful with those charming Libra's....

Anyway, this is what the site says about Libra with Libra relationships...

Libra gets along with Libra great, this is a pretty fair match, just strive for balance.

Libra With Libra:
Enchanting pairing. Go ahead and enjoy, but be careful, there is the possibility for trouble for these two. The biggest problem may be unresolved conflicts, as neither want to stir the pot when differences appear. Equally demonstrative, lively, warm, sociable, in love with beautiful things, A problem is that neither wants to face reality. Though they are charming, peace loving, and adaptable, each needs a stronger balance than the other can provide.

libra and libra - compatibility rank = 7 (10 is best)

With so much beauty and potential in this relationship, it's easy to see why these two signs attract each other in the first place. Both are ruled by Venus, planet of beauty, and will find the other irresistible.

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Hi Zell, I like it because I think there seems to be a lot of truth in it.
I could see these traits in my Aries granddaughter before she was a year old. She was always happy and outgoing as long as she got her way. She liked to be held a lot. Liked a lot of attention. And would let you know LOUD and CLEAR there was a strong sense of urgency for her to be up and about.

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Your Zodiac Signs, positive and negative traits

Jimbhoy, I'm also a Libra and in my experience, I do find Sagittarius
to have these adventoursous qualities. Libra's find them exciting, but Libra's like the togetherness of the relationship more and it is hard for us to put up with your free-loving spirit's, but you can be good teacher's of learning. However, you and nuala seem to compliment each other, so I guess she does have patience and all that charm and loving romantic spirit, good natured, intelligence. If she can put up with you, your relationship will get better with time. grin
Hang in there Nuala. I think you two make a great couple and Jimbhoy knows he found his mate.

I am not an astrologist, I just play one on CS. laugh

RE: Fellow man.

No. but I wasn't sure. It seems to hold alot of wisdom and it is too true in too many cases in the world. Deep truths scares people.
Good job Phil. thumbs up

RE: Fellow man.

Phil, did you write this?

RE: Idiot Quote of the Century:

don' t you just love the way McCain flipflops grin

This is a list of forum posts created by opalbeauty.

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