mortalezmortalez Forum Posts (132)

RE: Would you date a woman out of your social circle?

Males tend not to care about below, but above we assume she wont like us because the cheerleaders in highschool taught us our place.

RE: Do you believe in love at first sight?

Yes I do believe, but slim to noe on 2 people falling in love at first site with each other, its usually just on of the pair.

RE: Obama speech

point blank people vote there pocket books thats why many people(not all) change parties 3 times in their lives.
when young they are liberal, they need the social programs and dont make enough to pay taxes they are concerned about availability of noskill/lowskill jobs that pay enough to live on.
when middle aged become conservative, they are making more now and dont want to pay taxes, they have stocks and so are pro free market.
then in old age they become demarcates again, they are retired now so their income dropped, they are more interested in social programs.
both parties USUALLY help their constituents.

Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?

I respectfully disagree, while couples need time apart(we have to go to work sometime), I feel is 2 clingy people get together would they not be a match?

Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?

What ended the other one was my stupidity, I was only a year divorced and she wanted to get married, I look back on this and know it was a mistake not to.

Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?

That sounds convincing except I have had 3 such relationships and it was OUTSIDE factors that ended 2 of them.

Is love enough?

ok all women who would date a pennyless man who they found attractive and treated them well please step forward.

Of the following which is the best first date.

park or blockbuster for me until I now if its going anywhere.

Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?

hey i was waiting for you to chime in, I always like your posts even though I rarly agree with you, you atleast state your arguments in a logical way(most of the time).

actually we all know those couples, they are the ones who always get mentioned in the same sentence (jack & Diane, bonnie & Clyde etc etc.....)
They are the ones that die within months of each other( hence the term she died of a broken heart). I do thing relationships like that can be healthy the 2 fill each other and they tackle the world together, depends of the couple, the lucky ones are the ones that meet each other young.

Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?


Dating in your teens & 20's VS dating 30+ (which is better)

That means you enjoy 30+
I chose this poll because that seems to be the point where dating changes dramatically .

Lonely cruel world

well I have changed my profile and have displayed a more positive side of myself in my profile, but the women I meet or atleast talk to seem to be casual daters, sigh......

Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)


Do symbiotic relationships really exist ?


Dating in your teens & 20's VS dating 30+ (which is better)


Is love enough?

I just wish there were more choices.

RE: Why are guys not romantic anymore??

plenty of romantic men out there, but they get shotdown or dumped because they are viewed as clingy.
so they either become playas or hermits.

Is love enough?

I wish all women had that mentality. to many women the first question out of their mouth is what do you do for a living.

Those women should be shipped to an island so they can be eliminated from the dating pool. the world does not need more materialism.

Would you want to be the last man/woman on earth?

I would love it and to be in a world with no competition(exept some of the manly looking lesbians), and not having to feel the pain of being shot down by a woman that WAS showing interest in me until that guy with the lexus showed up.

Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)

you can ride your own, just the point of the thread was to see what bikes attract women when a guy is riding it.

Of the following which is the best first date.

nope I dont like going to bars with a woman i'm interested in and other dates like movies and out to eat I save for when I know the girl better.

Would you want to be the last man/woman on earth?

all the women would still be here, just all the other men would be gone.

Of the following which is the best first date.

Geez thats why i hate dating in my 30's, all the fun gets sucked out of it.

Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)


Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)

The results of this poll are surprising.
Like I said I have owned a harely. and yes it attracted the attention of women, but when I got a sportbike it seemed that the number of women that the bike attracted tripled.
I know a few guys with tourers and the like and they are usually dimissed as rub's=(Rich urban bikers)
but I did notice that my sportbike attracted a different type of women, but I would like some of you ladies give invite to why you are attracted to the bikes you are attracted to.

Is the CSI effect a good thing or a bad thing.

I agree when you CSI is not the only media cause of sympathetic juries, youtube, forensic files,the practice, Boston legal etc etc....
all this comes together to have a more informed jury pool.
youtube is full of examples of police misconduct and brutality, 10 years ago juries were more than likely to believe the testimony of police but after rodney king, juries are more open to the defenses arguments of police corruption or atleast of their incompetence.

so when a case is made against a defendant base ONLY on circumstantial evidence defense attorney's can now raise the question " why did they not have any scientific evidence?" and a jury may believe the defendant is really being railroaded.

Is the CSI effect a good thing or a bad thing.


Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)

naaaahhhh lol
though I have had a harley before and I spent waaaaaayyy to much time wrenching on it, and when a frend of mine let my ride his kawasaki ninja I never looked back lol.
But I do believe all bikes have their function.
in a perfect world I would have a chopper and a sportbike.

Ladies.. What kind of motorcycles do you like a guy to have( for you to ride with him)

thanks for the input girls

RE: Foreclosure victims can legally SQUAT!!!!!!!!

she was saying this would only work if the bank cant produce the note, some have already done this and it worked.

but say every bank had the note(and many do not as the op correctly posted) you forget there is power in numbers, if you could have a charismatic figure to organize the millions of people being foreclosed on, you know have meeting and leaflet campaigns and have groups of hundreds at a time choose to squat.
most sheriffs in the us are elected, all you need is youtube vids of little old ladies, and single moms being lead out of their homes by armed deputies or suburban families with their 2.3 kids in toe on the evening news and someones political career is over.
local governments would wash their hands of the banks and the banks will be forced to cut their losses. but it would take everybody or atleast the majority sticking together in this.

This is a list of forum posts created by mortalez.

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