callibyacallibya Forum Posts (157)

RE: Allah or the Lord Jesus?

thats why i'm still taking care of my balls!!laugh only in CS i can open my mouth! the most best free site on the the net! viva CS!

RE: Allah or the Lord Jesus?

i'm still trying to break ur record!!!remember? laugh ok tell me now can u or i put articles in western newspapers " if they let us" abut the Holocaust? they will hang me from my balls!!very mad

RE: Allah or the Lord Jesus?

no need to justify his death penalty, who issued such penalty first of all he's rep him self and not over 1bil muslims, secondly Rushdie attacked the whole muslims in their holy Koran.

insulation and defamation in persons and heavenly religions is unacceptable in all laws!

do u know talking about Holocaust is crime in the west? some persons put in jails cuz of it and some killed by Mossad n CIA!

can u justify this kindheart?

RE: Allah or the Lord Jesus?

thumbs up best answer

RE: Latest news in Iran

u know how to preserved it? salt, vinegar and lemon! dont 4get to put it in class not cans!!

what a sick you r n your Imani! do you think that the American will respect n trust a betrayers like you!!

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

dear Clara56,

no i didnt mean that at all! my point is a reply to BabeII wen she quoted that There are women in S. Arabia killed trying to cross streets because they cannot see peripherally out of the costume!!

i personally believe in "Personal liberty" so if women like to be naked or semi naked or covering all body or what ever.. we must respect it.. not to attack it.
crimes against women r every where whither they're naked or covered and women killed tryin to cross streets r naked and covered too!

hope its clear and thanks

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

and in ur country they're no American muslims? and the law not giving the rights to practice their faiths? or u want 2 kick them out of their country as well!! what i know USA freedom label is "live and let others live" ur cultures and belief never ignore others rights but the hates in you r sayin that!!

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

and the muslims dress is a culture n religious symbol too!! nuns dress is same as Hijab in islam!! so if its pose a security threat nuns as well can be used from extremist westerns...

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

and i lived most of my life in western countries as a muslim n never have any problem! many friends and respect! but i'm wonder why these politicians r driving the faiths in big clash! which supposed to calm any problem rise! i think in France are many problems to talk about! why only the muslims dress! and why now after obama positive talks about muslims! to show he's the western savior!! the world now in great situation and muslims women r the only problem!!.. wine

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

yes i agree, its worldwide problem! woman is cleaver mind with weak body!! the women body and beauty is A blessing and a curse!
dont u agree? wave wine

RE: Sarkozy bans burqa wearing.

so you think the head cover made of steel or what? why u dont count the crimes against women in ur country cuz they walking half naked in the streets!!

RE: Taliban or US intelligence -Who is responsible ?

I finely i agree with u!! operation southwoods or "9/11" was worse
Than Northwoods operation... grin

RE: Taliban or US intelligence -Who is responsible ?

just before u look under your bed for a CIA bugs, just read the "Operation Northwoods"

RE: Obama's Cairo Speech

the truth and Obama's speech!

can this man be the next USA president? n brings peace? beer

RE: Obama's Cairo Speech

have u heard a bout "Operation Northwoods"

In the early 1960s, America's top military leaders reportedly drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in U.S. cities to create public support for a war against Cuba.

included plans for hijackings and bombings followed by the use of phony evidence that would blame the terrorist acts on a Cuba.

President John F. Kennedy personally rejected the Northwoods proposal. A JCS/Pentagon document (Ed Lansdale memo) dated March 16, 1962 titled MEETING WITH THE PRESIDENT.

but gorgey did it after 40yrs "9/11/2001"

RE: Obama's Cairo Speech

and to add more he refused to let CIA kill 500 American civilians and blame Cuba for it. he was a man not like George's 9/11.

RE: Obama's Cairo Speech

It was a cleaver speech, full of sweet words and emotions!

He knew which strings to use to makes the Muslims and Arab worlds Dancing with full of happiness.

Touching all the issues, but without giving anything new that the Muslims dose not know. "But he tried to satisfy all parties"

Lets us leave the time to judge his words, but I can say my opinion now which I wish it’s not true!!

The backbones of his speech are:

1-To polish the Americans bad image in the world n especially in Islamic Worlds after 8 years of injustice and wars against them.

2- To persuade the Muslims and Arabs to join his government in the war Against terrorism or Islamic extremist groups, which he says that,They’re threaten them before threaten America. on other word(Kill each other for the sake of America)as what happening in Pakistan. But not at all, talked about the state terrorism by Israel against the Arabs n Muslims in Palestine, Lebanon and maybe soon in Iran.This beside, what his troops doing in Iraq and Afghanistan.

3- To gain some more billions form Arab worlds to solve his economic.

President Obama, who was keen to remind us that the United States in its present form as a super-emerged from the womb of the resistance against the colonial empires (Britain) has condemned the principle of resistance, and stressed the lack of effectiveness, and demanded the Palestinian people to abandon the kinds of violence (the resistance) of all because it will not come to any thing.

This' trivialization 'of the weapons of the resistance, and the emphasis in more than one site in the discourse on' hopeless 'style, but a strange and sudden from the U.S. president of African descent, boast of belonging to a large Muslim family living on the east coast of Africa (Kenya), Without the armed resistance to this free His current (USA), and liberated the country of his father and ancestors (Kenya), together with all the African continent, and most of the Asian continent.

Criticism of the Islamic Resistance rockets in the Gaza Strip, which fall on the heads of innocent people from their sleep of Israeli settlements in the South may be a concept, if it came after criticism of phosphorous incendiary bombs and missiles of various types and sizes and weights from the Israelis tanks, planes and boats, on one and a half million Palestinians live isolated behind the bars of the blockade.

What the westerns in general must understand is, the Palestine issue together with Iraq and Afghanistan are the first for the whole Muslims before anything else. Ending the Zionist occupation it’s the only road to peace.

Mr Obama nice words about Islam, if he addressed it in one of European parliaments Or in his congress hall it maybe more useful than addressed it in Muslim country.

The Muslims they don’t need to remind them of the their religion peaceful basics,Religious tolerance and equality between the races, although they need who respect their believes and rights.

the most funny things is, the Israel's r worry of what they called it US new policy on favor of the Arabs.... ha ha ha..

lets hope its not like who hidden honey in poison..
we need acts now and no more glory speeches.

RE: Obama's Cairo Speech

that's you're a human!!! can u believe it?

RE: Creator

are U doubt about the connection Between AL-CIA & AL-QIDA?
What a bout if AL-CIA admitted the support since the start of the soviet' war in Afghanistan?

yes Muslims rich people supporting the poor ones n that their duty but who fueling the bogymen for hidden agenda it is AL-CIA !

i think u know more than me if the UN independent under the US veto or not? but i agree with u they're radical sick clerics but they were run under AL-CIA agenda.. and i've many independent reports proving that..

Islam have noting to do with those people, they're representing their won evil ID. if it AL-CIA ID or AL-GIDA ID? that depend of ur mind!

RE: Creator


yes its possible, when you find a serum for your hate flu.
yes its possible, when you find a faith solve your inferiority.
yes its possible, when stop blaming bombing civilians 4 a lies.

yes its possible, when u stop imposing and supremacism your cultures over others.

yes its possible, when your government stop attempts to dominate global affairs and interfere in the domestic issues of sovereign nations.

yes its possible, when you stop your blind support to the state of Zionists.

yes its possible, when you free your Washington DC from the Zionists occupation.

yes its possible, when your CIA machine stop producing terrorists.

try to find a solution for that formula if u r really looking for peace.

people in meddle east have no revenge, but they're resisting the occupation, straggling for their culture from the Barbarians attacks..

RE: Creator

Hate? if u think that part of the world r hating u, Perhaps u should have enough courage to consider the possible reasons why they hate u.

i hope u r not so naive as to believe that,because u are “free.”; That canard has to be the most ridiculous notion ever sold to the American people since the pet rock.

the brute force u are using in Afghanistan, iraq supposedly to wipe out terror — already shows signs of whipping up enough world-wide hatred against America? dont u see it a reason?

and the big real reason of feeling the hate cuz Too many American politicians have treasonously betrayed the American people by blindly supporting the leading terrorist nation on earth: Israel.

during the last 50 years Israel has engaged in more murderous terrorism than any other nation in the world; and that by supporting its criminal behavior, America is now reaping the fanatical hatred of hundreds of millions of people around the globe. Support for Israel’s terrorism has directly led to the hates now going on against the United States. Most Americans don’t even realize the magnitude and scope of Israeli terrorism because of the Jewish media control. A pertinent example of their incredible media power is their ability to propagate the Big Lie that the WTC attack had nothing at all to do with Israel; that the kamikaze attackers hated and attacked Americans because u are “free.” freedom under Zionists control:-

they control the most influential newspapers in America, including the top three: The New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal. They also own the top three newsmagazines Time, Newsweek and U.S. News and World Report. But, even more importantly, they thoroughly dominate the television and broadcast media, the two largest media conglomerates being Time-Warner and Disney, and their domination includes the network news executives of the main three networks: ABC, CBS and NBC.

thats why u r having a pig flu! and the feeling of hates!!
the middle east r poor and uneducated as u wish.. but ask ur government to leave them alone if u r a free to say this!
thats all they asked from u free boy!!

RE: Creator

u r telling me that ur media is free?

ur media form for u ur image of the world and then tell u what to think about that image!! u r free now boy go on n talk!

For example, the way in which the news is covered: which items are emphasized and which are played down; the reporter's choice of words, tone of voice, and facial expressions; the wording of headlines; the choice of illustrations -- all of these things subliminally and yet profoundly affect the way in which u interpret what u see or hear.

On top of this, of course, the columnists and editors remove any remaining doubt from ur minds as to just what u are to think about it all. Employing carefully developed psychological techniques, they guide ur thought and opinion so that u can be in tune with the "in" crowd, the "beautiful people," the "smart money." They let u know exactly what ur attitudes should be toward various types of people and behavior by placing those people or that behavior in the context of a TV/movie drama or situation comedy and having the other TV characters react in the Politically Correct way.

in the end they told u "dont ask, dont tell" just repeat what we said, cuz u r in danger boy!! anti-Americans r very where now juts be careful!! cant u see what ben-laden saying in his " DIY TYPS" .....

unfortunately thats ur freedom! is it controlled or not? comfort

RE: Creator

from ur post it seems u r having a pig flu!!! u said there is over a billion muslims in the world, and the terrorists r just a small part of this faith, and same time u said the prophet of the Faith's has first terrorists incident!! how come? if the head of the faiths is terrorist so all the Muslims are! or u just write what ur media want u to know?

have a look in this sites maybe it clean ur mind! but try to keep it a secret cuz if forbidden in ur media..

RE: Creator

my Brother Ali, i'll list some of Former ISI chief Hamid Gul wards about the situation : he was interviewed on 2004..

General Gul worked closely with the CIA during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan when he was the ISI chief. But, he became passionately anti-American after the United States turned its back on Afghanistan following the 1989 Soviet withdrawal, as the United States had promised to help build a prosperous Afghanistan. General Gul then went on to declare that "the Muslim world must stand united to confront the U.S. in its so-called War on Terrorism, which is in reality a war against Muslims.

1- we're walking into amircans trap.

2- Why are the Americans then distributing it to Israel? I fear the Americans will demand the joint custody of Pakistani nuclear assets. Or they may say that Pakistan will have to roll back. ( thats what happing now)

3-Even America is not afraid of the Pakistani bomb. It is Israel that is afraid of Pakistani nuclear weapons( thats all the war about)

4- It doesn't matter, Just one uprising (against the American presence in Pakistan) and things will change. We are not afraid of the Americans, they can't fight on the ground. We are only concerned about their high-altitude bombers. India and Pakistan must find a solution to their high-altitude bombers.

5-Pakistan has to redeem dignity and honour, which we have lost to the Americans.

6-We were caught on the wrong foot. We had been supporting the Taliban and the Americans were quiet about it because the (American oil and gas major) UNOCAL lobby was working. I have been saying that 9/11 is the creation of America. To slap sanctions on Afghanistan they started spreading baseless allegations against Osama (bin Laden).

7-First of all, I was not dealing with them as an individual -- we were working jointly in an operation. It was a task we were performing. I turned against America because they betrayed the Afghan nation.( they'll do same with PAK's after they control their NUK'S)

8-The Taliban was not created by Pakistan, When the Taliban first appeared in August 1994, I was in Kabul. I was brokering peace between Hekmatyar and Masud. My first reaction was that the Taliban was let loose by the Americans to destroy the fruits of jihad. I told both Hekmatyar and Masud that you have to unite to fight against the Taliban.

and thats what he said about 9/11


have fun its a weekendjoy


Cristina.. i think u r rit, cuz i personally never ever face such things in any westerns states..

Im playing now Linkin Park loudly!!!yay free Europe!


good points!!

in islam as a religion the women r equal with men, n this u can find it in may verses of the Koran!!

but if the muslims states now days r flowing the islam rights to women or not!! that's the Q's!!! i agree with that women has less space than men in Islamic states but not as much as the westerns r thinking!! but don't forget western women as well has less space than man!!

have a look in this article it may give a better idea!!

in most islamic state the religion already separated form politics.thats why a party called Muslims Brotherhood r arguing with the heads of islamic states in north Africa, Syria, Iraq, n Jordan to back to the religion law exp..

what u dont know about Koran it has every thing that human needs, from science, politics, economics, everyday life etc.. its not just a stories form the Past prophets...


concord73..conrad73!! i heard that he's gona change his profile name cuz he's arguing with almost evryone!! grin kidding!

my vote goes for him as a president of eu

about Christins n swisland:

u said the church bells are distributing the silence and i told u
u deny even the christens to practice free that the Swiss law give them..!! its clear now?


Thank you for welcoming me to ur Fun Club but I'm muslim and hope u'll like my Fun!! grin

so we're on same ship as regard ur grandparents trips cuz my grandparents crossed the sea to Europe even b4 1836 but the differ is our people r still crossing by wood ships and urs r flying with their jet fighters grin

and regard ur desert Trip i was expecting ur Answer but i agree n disagree witu!! i agree they trying to show the world they're open free state n in islam society u r welcome. as u noted they sacrifice their cultures 2 makes u happy n be free with ur western habits. n disgree that they're daying of ur money espiclay UAE cuz they're one of richest islamic state n oil prices drooped just mid of 2008..

back to EU now!! if we take ur formala in UAE in but it in EU u'll have answer regads the Muslims in ur old europ indeed need of young active manpowers to full up her economy..
acording to EU commission green Paper on 2005:
reflects an increasing awareness that demographic change might
soon turn into an obstacle to sustainable economic growth and social welfare in Europe. Several decades of low birth rates result in shrinking numbers of new entrants on labour markets, while low fertility combined with continuous progresses of the
longevity result in increasing numbers of retired people. Resuming a policy of economic immigration is seen by many as part of a desirable response.

If no migration were to take place between 2005 and 2025, the demographic change of the aggregated EU25 would be characterized by numbers of population decreasing below 40 years of age (young active), stagnating between 40 and 60 (old active) and increasing above 60 (retirement), as follows:

Young active (20-40) : -17%
Old active (40-60) : 0%
Retired (65+) : +34%

well, the paper is available online if u're interesting!!

what i'm up for is the exchange of interests betwen nations force them to deal respect n accept eachother cuz they need eachothers..

now i've a Q's for u, what about European muslims from European descents? are u want to kick them out and deny their rights on their Land? it's better we stop fueling the hates n accept eachother in peaceful way... u have ur way n i've mine n who break the law we kick him out!! dont u agree?


First, did u ask ur white parents this Q? when they crossed the ocean to south Africa?

or u say what u don't do?

I can see u r in Arabian desert in Islamic society riding ur Maserati wearing ur dress code n bikini in one foto, did any one told u u r not welcome? sure not!! cuz they respect ur way of life although they disagree!!

it seems u r deny even the Christians to practice freely their religion!!

isn't this the free world n human rights that the western troops r fighting for cross the ocean?

i think who must respect the law of the country that u moved to,is u!!! the Swiss law give the right n freedom to any one! ask concord73!!grin

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