john12196341john12196341 Forum Posts (684)

RE: Hello Everybody

hi there

RE: Now Palin is playing the race card.

palin is quite right when she says that because the democrats always use the race card in everything. she is alot smarter than the people who bashes her because they are liberal left wingers and followers

RE: America is recovering! Obama deserves Credit and not Nagging liers!

the person who said that america is recovering is a complete liberal sidekick who echos the properganda that the democrats are putting out

RE: Support America! Obama deserves recognition! Solidarity America!

well to the people who like that incompetent clod in the white house. he is a dictator,coward, defeatist and a quesling who would sell this nation out and he doesn't care for the safety of the american people whether they are living in this nation especially on the border and if they are abroad. also he soen't care if americans are killed if we have another attack. also he doesn't like the military and don't care for our troops. he also want to tell us how to live and what to eat. plus he is he spending money foolishly on failed programs and living it up at the expence of the taxpayer.

obama's bad statement

i was watching the news and it mentioned that that person who is not a good president and a bad commander in chief made a comment that america would absorbed another attack or a bad attack. t hat tells alot of people that he dosen't care if americans are killed or injured in a bad way. also it shows that he is a coward and a traitor

RE: Should US War Resisters Be Deported From Canada For Not Fighting In Iraq War?

i would like to mention that u are just as bad as those cowards who deserted their posts. they should be jailed or shot for cowardnice

RE: Israel attacks Gaza aid fleet

i belive that israel has the right to defend itself and for th ose to bash them verbally are either to bias against them and belive that they don't have the right to exist or do not have the whole truth

RE: Are you happy?

would like to meet someone for lasting relationship

RE: Are you happy?

me i am very unhappy

no more politcal talk from me

well i just want to mention that i won't be writing no m ore political stuff on here. i know that i have been beaten

RE: friends

having friends are important

RE: Obama made History! Now Economy, Energi and Peace!

u know what. if obama had his way we would have our guns taken away, the right of free speech taken away and we all would be goose stepping and bowing down to him


we went into iraq to get rid of saddam hussian. he was a monster and enjoyed killing innocent people with chemical weapons. also we went to afganistan to get rid of the terrorists that want to kill americans and our allies because they are islamic fanatics. my question to u would u see us fighting them over there or in this country and it sounds to me that u are rooting for the taliban and the terrorists to kill americans and our allies. the reason why we lost in vietnam is because the government tied the military hands. we won the battles but we lost the war due to the government. i forgot that we didn't save ur butts because england is a better ally. we went into vietnam to stop communist from taking over the country when the french failed to do so.


u must hate america and americans alot. the united states saved ur country's butt during the war. it's people like u will try to distort the truth. the united has never attacked first like the japanese did at pearl harbor, the spanish sunk the u.s.s main during the spanish-american war, the germans sank the lusitania with americans on board, the south attacked fort sumter,and the list goes on. so u don't have a leg to stand on bub.


u must hate america and americans alot. the united states saved ur countrt's butt during the war. it's people like u will try to distort the truth. the united has never attacked first like the japanese did at pearl harbor, the spanish suck the u.s.s main during the spanish-american war, the germans sank the lusitania with americans on board, the south attacked fort sumter,and the list goes on


u are hollering that the u.s. droppd bombs killing women,children, and old people. japan and germany did the same thing to countries that never did anything to them. they wanted to exterminate everyone that disagreed with them along with six million jews. what we and the british did was to make the enemy demoralize and lay down their weapons by bombing civilian and military tergets. it was regretable that civilians were caught up in the attacks but that is war. we dropped the bomb to save thousands of u.s soldiers from being killed and thousands more japanese from being killed also. also i want to add that the japanese military leaders wasn't about to cave into surrendering because they were fanatics until the emperor putted his foot down after the both nukes were dropped. war is not pretty and something to be fooled around with. htere is a saying. the ends justifies the means. why don't u hollar at the germans and the japanese for bombing civilians during the war?


we used the atomic bomb on japan to end the war. the reason for that is to save thousands of u.s soldiers and thousands of japanese lives that was to occure if we invaded japan. the use of nukes was justified in that scenario. my question to u. would u have used nukes to end the pacific war or woul du have invaded japan and risk losing thousands of u.s. soldiers and thousands of japanese


hey ttom! your boy obama is a close freind to bill ayers so it makes him guilty by association with a known terrorist. question do u support what bill ayers did


i have said this once and i will say it again. banning nukes will not sove the problem but at the same time having nukes will deter nations that are crazy enough to use them. also if they hit us with a dirty nuke we will hit them back. have u heard the term MAD? it stands for mutunally assured destruction. we as the U.S. should not cut our nukes in half becasue it will embolden our enemies like iran and n.korea to attack us or our allies. also we cannot trust the russians or the chinese because they are still communist nations, with russia still has communist ties and instincts. also we have to watch out for venezuala because they want to have nukes too and cuba. the wildcards are pakistan and india. both countries are nuts enough to take each other out and start a nuclear war. the case of iran that nation wants to wipe out israel off the map and could destabilize the whole middle east. they could start a nuclear war over there. that is why this country shouldn't be laxed and take the iranian nuclear facilities out before they get the bomb. if we don't israel will have to do themselves. if they do it i would support them all the way. in other words this president should not be a coward and kiss up to the iranians but he will because he is anti-american and anti-jewish and he is pro-arab and pro-muslim

RE: Israel: Partner for Peace or Quest for Global Domination

hey ttom are u anti-jewish and pro-arab?

RE: Obama made History! Now Economy, Energi and Peace!

u know what ur man is ruining th is nation with taxes,cutting our defence,bowing down to other world leaders,being a coward, and being arrogent and is a traitor and backstabber

RE: interracial chatting/dating

i would like to be in a interacial relationship

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

u can't trust those countries because russia i still a communist nation for example they invaded georgia and china is a communist nation that threaten our nation with cyber wars and they are spying on us and threaten tawain which is an ally and they are building a blue water navy to challenge ours.. do u support iran having nukes that threaten israel and possibly europe and our key bases in the middle east. also do u trust that nation that trains young people to be bombers. u people that support obama is living in a dreamworld where everything is rosery. come november the democrats in congress is going to suffer alot of people losing their seats and in 2012 there will be a republican in office. the people don't care for the health care because it infringes their rights to have their own health insurance and the people and states don't like of being told what do. the congress and the president is breaking the 10th amendment that involves state rights. also he wants to have th is nation being a total welfare state and a socialistic one. one of my freinds tell me if the country goes down hill there will be a civil war because the people will get madder and madder at the obama regime and a democratic controlled congress

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

at least he kept this nation safe and din't cuddle up to other nations

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

getting rid of nukes will make our nation defenceless and invite an attack from terrorists and we cna't trust russia or china because they want this nation to fall. let me ask u a question that is simple for u to answer. what if a country or terrorists use chemical,biological or a dirty nuke on us, would u let them slide or nuke them

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

we had a 4 nations to help out in taking out sadaam and the rest didn't follow suit. also do u like other people taking our jobs away from us

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

the weapons of mass destruction was carted off to syria so bush did not lie. now we are facing with iran. sactions and diplmacy will not work. there are alot of people who favor military action to take them out and i am one of them. otherwise israel will not stand for a nuclear weapon's iran and they will take them out. i say more power to them because they are braver than that coward in washington

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

we shouldn't worry about other nations. our nation and its people come first and only. if i was president i wouldn't send no money to nations who are questionable as far as being trusted. let the un take care of it,militerized and closed the border. stop sending military aid to mexico where the government is crooked. stop giving aid to the illegal alians that are living here, get out the un which is nothing more than a debating organization than a honest one, strenghten our military, and get our people back to work making things from our nation rather rather get them from other nations. i would also speak softly and carry a big stick in international matters. this is what the country used to be before we had all these bleeding heart liberal presidents in office. we need to get back to the core principles that made this nation great otherwise we are going to fall like the roman empire did and we are heading to that. the democrats can't run this nation because all they know is to give,give,and give. american is for americans not to sell our children's future to any nation

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

he went to into iraq to take down sadaam hussian because he was killing his own people and threantening israel or do u approve of what hussian did

RE: Obama is DIVIDING this Country, NOT UNITING IT!!!

yes we are by kissing up to other nations and making deals with our enemies like russia. we don't need to rely on other nations becasue we can take on our problems by ourselves. obama spends m ore time knocking our country down while he is in other nations, and playing basketball and having expensive parties in the white house while thousands of our people are jobless and homeless plus hungry. he don't give a darn for israel and spends more time kissing up to the arabs nations

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