balladeerballadeer Forum Posts (120)

RE: Dogs

Gotta love them doggies!
I've got two and they think they're human.
I have an age old adage I go by and it's "Love me, love my dog".
My pooches are family to me as you said and family comes with, no matter where we go.

The long distance romance, can it work?

I got over it although it set me back.
I still hold out hope that I'll find someone.
I have to admit I do have a weakness for the love songs, ballads, torch songs, etc...
They've in very handy both in the coming and the going of relationships.

By the way, if you find her, don't let anything stop you, you might never know.
What's that saying "It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all."

The long distance romance, can it work?

I know exactly what you mean.

Look folks, I don't want to come accross as a misanthrope or a pesimist.
I still have great faith in my fellow woman and I know she may be out there and not anywhere near me, but financially alone, I couldn't take th hit again.
It set me back several thousand bucks and that's a lot of cabbage to spend on a broken heart.

They really do need to get that Star Trek beaming thing down.
It would be so much easier!

The long distance romance, can it work?

I as wondering about what other's opinions are on this subject?

I was involved once with a woman from Denver, CO.
I live in NC so, we were about 1.600 miles apart.

It began innocently enough.
I was looking for women much closer to me and when I saw her message. I got a laugh out of the fact that she was so far away.
I rifled off a response anyway to be nice and at least be friendly.

3 Months later, I had a repore with her and we talked all the time.
We corresponded by email, chatting and eventually the phone.
I spent hundreds on penny a minute phone cards and we spent what must have hundreds of hours talking at all times of the day and night.

Things got very serious and eventually after several months, we hatched a plan.
I asked for my vacation and so did she.
She flew out and I picked her up at the airport.
That day and the week that followed were nothing short of magic.
I can't remember having a better time in my entire life.

When she left of course it was a major bummer and we both crashed hard.
There was lots of separation anxiety and frustration on both our parts.
We finally calmed down and got back to normal.
A few months later I flew her back out for a few days to have a little chat.
This was just prior to 9/11 2001, so airport security was pretty lax to say the least.
I called the airport here and asked them permission to bring in a banner and hang it at the terminal so that she would see it.
I had purchased a pretty engagement ring and came in prior to her flight's arrival to hang the banner.
I'm sure I was being watched.
I checked in with security and they were aware of my plans.

I placed velcro on a one of the big windows near her gate.
The banner said "Will you marry me Robin?"
It had hearts all over it and was very pretty.
I'm a graphic designer and signmaker so it was from my heart.

When she came out of the breezeway, I hugged and kissed her and took her hand.
We walked ever closer to the banner and when we got to it, I dropped to one knee and said those magic words.
She accepted and broke down in tears.
People applauded and it was one of the most spectacular moments of my life.

When she flew back we crashed again and went through all the same familiar feelings but harder this time.
We had to make a plan for the sake of the relationship.

We decided that since it would be easier for me to move than for her (because of her daughter), that I would move to Denver.
What followed was a well thought out and organized process of me liquidating much of my stuff and preparing the rest for shipment.
I can't tell you what a pain in the butt this all was, except that it was a labor of love which I did gladly.

When the day came, I had her flown in again one way this time and she accompanied me on our journey back home.

Everything fell right into place.
I already had a job lined up, the very first one I went for and making the money I wanted.
All was perfect in our little heaven, well almost.

Apparently she at some point decided that having a man in her life and in her home wasn't what she wanted after all.
She grew cold and in one month's time, the situation degraded until she dropped the bomb.
She thought I could just move out to an apartment and we'd date for a while or whatever.
I wasn't having any part of it.
She admitted that I did nothing wrong the whole time I was there.
I was the perfect gentleman.
Perhaps she just got cold feet.
I don't know to this day.

I spent a very lonely ride back to my old home with my tail tucked between my legs.
All that time and all that money were wasted and I was crushed to say the least.

So, even when things seem ok, are they really and is anyone willing to take that chance to find out?

Sorry about the novel, but I think this is a pertinant issue for many of us.

RE: where did you come up with your screenname?

Mine's sort of self explanitory although some people have mistaken it as something completely strange and different.
A balladeer is merely a singer of ballads and that's pretty much what I am.

RE: Is marriage still relevant.

I believe that it's absolutely relevent.
Now with that being said, I feel that some think it is not.
It's a shame, but it's become very easy to just bail from a a marriage instead of perservering to the end.
Someone else brought up morality and I think it's an issue here.
In my estimation marriage is a sacred bond which some folks no longer hold sacred.
Social decay has happened as a direct result of the shying away from tradition and morality.
Marriage is a common thread which not only propagates the species, but it perserves the family unit and holds society together.
Without it, I can't even imagine where we would be right now.

RE: Would you date an atheist?

Nope I wouldn't date one of those either (anarchist)
They've got an agenda that doesn't match mine for sure.

I try to be understanding of all people, but every atheist I've ever known was hell bent on proving that there was no God.
I'm not sure if they were trying to prove it to me or more likely themselves.

RE: Would you date an atheist?

I did date an atheist once and frankly her and every other one I've met has, well let's say they have had a dim view of life.
I would rather be with someone who had faith.
It tends to spill over into their faith in themselves and mankind.

RE: Wife swapping is it good for a marriage?Would it be good for you ?

Monogamy is a prerequisite to a successful and healthy marriage.
No exceptions

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

Somehow I'm not surprised by that comment.

nuff said

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

And with that I conclude my last political reference on this website.
Listening to Bush bashing isn't why I came on here in the first place.
If you don't like my position so be it, it's still a free country contrary to the way you guys depict it.

I'm done with this nonsense.

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

Yeah because terrorists never kill women or children right?
Look, I didn't want to get into a political squable, but I will defend my country's honor even if I'm too old to do it on the battlefield.
Geeze we've got some weak spines in here.

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

I stopped being niave and uneducated when I began keeping up with current events and discontinued my support of the democrat party as a direct result of the philanderings of Bill Clinton.

Sorry you share a different view, but then again when one embraces denial, perception is everything.

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

No, I wasn't refering to you man! Lol sorry
And you're right our beer not only stinks it is the worst in the world as far as I know.
Now allow me to explain that only applies to the major breweries, not the micro brewed stuff.
There's some yummy micro brew out there!
Canadian beer rocks!
It's just your Gov't I can't seal with.

RE: World War III or am I paranoid?

I hate to break this to you but WW3 started on 9/11.
Save your blame of the USA.
What do you propose, we all convert to islam?
Seriously, what's with the political stuff on here?
I thought this was a singles sight and ordinarilly I wouldn't dignify this with comment, but you're backing the wrong people.
Terrorists started this and we will end it.

It may not end in your or my lifetimes, but would you rather we lie down and allow ourselves to be anihalated by people that want the entire world to revert back to the 7th century?
Is that what liberals really want?
Do you think that change will enhance your lifestyle?
Believe me, if that ever did happen, websites like this along with you and I would be wiped away like writing on a chalk board.

"Pacifists are among the most immoral of men - they make no
distinction between aggression and defense. Therefore,
pacifism is one of the greatest allies an aggressor can have."

Patrick Henry

RE: How do you sleep at night?

When I was with the ex, we'd spoon at first then when we got too warm and about to fall asleep, separate at some point.
She claims I hogged the blankets and I know I have, but she did it too.
I sleep better with someone special in the bed.

Now I sleep ok, but restless.
I've got some little pills the doctor gave me which at first I took to sleep at night.
Sort of an extra strength enditall, but I don't like taking 'em, so I just get through.

Together's always better I say! ;)

What better source of warmth and comfort?

RE: Does anyone know what true love is?

Love is unconditional, unselfish, understanding and a constant daily commitment to give one's heart to the one that they love.
It takes 100% effort on the part of both and keeping it alive after the newness wears off is the trick to making it last.
Renewing one's affections for another insures the survival of the relationship.
It is a constant give and take of support.
When she's down, I prop her up, when I'm down she returns the favor.

You're a smart man!

RE: Voting for President

You know what, I'd really rather make love than war anyday.
Unfortunately we've got some people out there who don't share that sympathy.
until they're dealt with, I'd say, to quote Ronald Reagan, "The best defense, is a good offense".

There's going to be war whether or not we want it.
Wouldn't rather it remain over there than to come back here again?

Our founding fathers understood this basic principle, why can't some people understand it these days?

RE: Please reply

Good point, Sometimes I just don't exactly know what to say.
You know a lot of times you just know it's not the right person?
I've gotten to the point where I just email and if I hear back great, if I don't, I chalk it up to the fact that obviously they weren't attracted to me somehow.

It can be very discouraging when nothing happen at all though.
Makes one wonder what they're doing wrong?

I guess the best policy and for me the "gentlemanly" thing to do would be to send a courteous reply saying "Thank you for your interest, however I feel that we wouldn't work out."
Or something to that affect.

RE: CS listens to your feedback…. Who's Viewed Me Feature

Yeah, I'd kind of like to know who's looking at me.
I say bring it back if it's all the same to you guys.

By the way, love your website and am becoming addicted to the forums.


RE: 3 years and still not over her. Any advice?

It's hard man.
Some are harder than others.
The one I'm going through right now is expecially tough, but as I realize that we could never be, I'm learning to accept it and feeling better.

Quit beating yourself up, try to let go and accept that you have to pick up and move on.
The ladies don't like it when your pineing for someone else.

With undestanding and acceptance comes peace and the knowledge that you'll be better off in the end.

I wish you the best of luck my friend!

RE: Valentine's Day 2006

I love Valentines day when I I have someone to care about and who cares about me.
Unfortunately this year it will apparently come and go uneventfully. :(

One year I was engaged to a woman I loved very very much and she was living in Denver while I was here in North Carolina.
I got a box and began filling it with all sorts of goodies.
I Put a couple of pictures of myself in frames, my favorite shirt laced with my her favorite cologne, a CD of some love songs I preformed and recorded just for her complete with fancy label, little love trinkets I found all over town, red crepe paper lined and full to the brim with everything under the sun including that crinkly paper stuff the florists use to fill baskets with and about two bag fulls of those little red mylar hearts dispersed throughout.

I almost couldn't get the thing closed, it was that full.
She told me that when she opened it, it pretty much exploded and those little red hearts went everywhere.
From that time forward I've always had fond memories of my "love bomb" and I can't wait to use that one again!

RE: Is it ok for a woman to make the first move?

I think it's perfectly fine for a woman to make the first move.
In this day and age it might be the only way for a spark to happen besides, I'm flattered when a woman makes the first advance.
It's difficult enough to find chemistry and mutual attraction between two people, that sharing that role can only help the odds.

RE: This site should be for serious singles only. Please, serious opinions only.

As with everything in life, I'm sure there are some that do that very thing, however it could easily be said that there are men on here who do the same thing.
It all goes both ways.

Anyway, I feel that the majority of women and men for that matter are legitimate.
I'd like to believe well of my fellow man or woman.

Just my opinion.

RE: Voting for President

The "mafia" were the Clintons and their trail of crime, deception and philandering.
The democrat party is being run by them and the rest of the left wing lunatic fringe.

See ya at the polls!

RE: What scares you the most

I think in some cases it's best we don't know what will happen.
Think of this way, yes it would be nice to know beforehand about the avoidable, but to know about the unavoidable would place us all in a constant state of dread.

My biggest fear is living and dying alone.
Other than that, I fear nothing and no man.

RE: Voting for President

I really didn't want to get political on here, but since you're asking, I'd vote for George W. Bush again in a second over anyone the democrats have to offer.
Sorry national security is too important to entrust to pasciifists with socialist tendencies.

RE: Whats wrong with me?

I get that sometimes too.
I think honestly it's because they become indundated with all sorts or messages and get too busy.
Sometimes it does make ya wonder though!

Good luck man, hang in there, you'll find her!

RE: Guitars

Nope, it's not!
You should see how many my dad has!

RE: Bluegrass

I absolutely love bluegrass!
I was raised on it and my father and I played it quite often.

I like it all, but I favor the slower pretty stuff like "Fair and tender ladies".
I've can sing in many styles and bluegrass is one I can nail pretty well.
Got my dad to thank for that!

This is a list of forum posts created by balladeer.

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