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Newest Inspirational Poems (4,949)

Here is a list of Inspirational Poems ordered by Newest, posted by members. Read poetry, post your own poems or comments. Poems on these pages are copyrighted © by the authors who entered them. Click here to post a poem.

trully beautifull

trully beautifull

standing out and being yourself regardless of other peoples expectations



I will wear the genius of clouds. My feet will go where feet are flesh & bone. Free, like breath, I will shift, I will float, I will flow beyond the regulations of nations. I will wear melodies of the oceans, whales, percussion of wa

I am living to my dreams

I am living to my dreams

Just a fleeting thought of many God puts in my head...

Mommy daddy wrote us a poem

'Mommy daddy wrote us a poem!'

Little Sara ran into the house with her freckles and a letter 'Mommy, it's a poem from daddy!' Mommy wipes her hands on her apron and turns the heat down on the stove 'O dear! Sara flys into mommys arms and mommy sits Sara on her lap and sa



Winning a game in any sport boosts the confidence and self-belief. Chess is no different.



Fearless artist from beyond I want to die No longer in this darkness I want to lie. Stir a ripple with your hand Rinse your drawing from your sand. Decorate the canvas with your soft strokes They are sleeping Can’t you hear that some are wee

About Writing

About Writing


A Chess Tournament

A Chess Tournament

Silence descends,you could hear a pin drop, the tournament commences, all minds focused, thinking non stop. Two hundred competitors, all wanting to win, deserving of luck for the effort put in. The set, board and clock are the tools of the trad

Why play chess

Why play chess?

To promote chess in schools.



This poem is about growing old...I wrote it as an encouragement to all who think that growing old is a bad thing. But what they don't realize is that every year that God allow us to see, Even with the aches and pain which we have to endure, it is yet a blessing! At the time I wrote this poem, I was feeling blessed!



I am often alone but I never feel lonely for I know god is for me and if He is for me who can be against me. I have His indwelling Holy Spirit who constantly guides me.

Better Days

Better Days

I have often thought about the phrase "They say" but there are never mention of who "the they" were. I don't like that phrase, so rather say "Suzanne and Richard" said not "They".

No One But He

No One But He

So much is on my mind these days I don't know where to start Agonizing misery From my soul right to my heart Loneliness devours me Consumes my body whole Everybody watches me But death's bell will never toll So I drop to my knees and pray

The Poet

The Poet

I am just reveling in my Libra mystique and mystery!



That is a poem of a great Bulgarian romantic , who has passed away 15 years ago. I have translated it for my friends all over the world. All my life it has given me strength, will and optimism to keep on! I would like to add: Yes, we are strong and can overcome every circumstance in life with self-esteem and changing our attitudes. Faith ,Trust and strong Will!



I wrote this poem as i was struggling with my own principality's about my faith. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and learning his ways. i am beginning to see that His ways are the best way to have a good life while here.

Poet to Poet 7 25 14 journal entry

Poet to Poet 7-25-14 journal entry

"They say the nightingale pierces his bosom with a thorn when he sings his love song. So do we all. How else should we sing?"~Gibran A metaphysical door exists inside us that separates desire from reality. C

Changing Course

Changing Course

I needed to write about not writing about the players...and I feel better now. My Dad had that Irish wit...and used to tell me "consider the source"....enough said! Peace everyone!!

love loss love

love loss love

Well, much of it is self explanatory..I was with my wife for ten years, legally, just shy of one year, and she decided she had had enough...not exactly sure what that means...Anyway, after a couple weeks of anger and grief, with the love of my Father in Heaven, and the counsel of my brother in Christ, I persevered! Praise God! And now, with a mended heart, I am ready to pursue and accept the love and relationship that He has waiting for me..



Euphony from Hell (Elegy for my Great-Aunt Violet) Dreams of fantastic horses galloping out of the sea, the sea itself a dream. Dreams of green on green, an age of slothfulness where one-celled animals blossom, once more, into limbs, b

Welcome CoffeeShop at the Edge of the Universe

Welcome- CoffeeShop at the Edge of the Universe

Here, at the coffee shop at the edge of the universe, the flowers bleed as if they were hearts, the hearts ooze a darkness like India ink, and poets dip their pens in and they write. "Here at the coffee shop at the edge of the universe,"

Green Shoots Turning over a new leaf

Green Shoots (Turning over a new leaf)

Snow blanched fields, soft and bright, naked frost silvered branches reach for the skies. Serenity has descended. The perfect Autumn storm, that tore this leaf from it’s tree-top perch, now a fading, distant memory. The white blanket’s pie



The poem is written by a young Bulgarian poet, named Dobromir Radev.I am translating hies poems in English. The poem is dedicated to all women, like me,dedicated their life to their families, friends and the welfare of society.Hard working, but noble in HEART AND CHARACTER! As many of the women on this site!

Poet to Poet 7 20 14

Poet to Poet 7-20-14


Hope with Love

Hope with Love

I wrote this poem on Saturday as I was overcome with the emotion of comforting the people suffering from recent tragedies around our world. I wanted to write through my tears of compassion. "Our human compassion binds us the one to the other - not in pity or patronizingly, but as human beings who have learnt how to turn our common suffering into hope for the future." Nelson Mandela

rules of the games

When the mind swims in the oceans of pains passion gives way to anger against inhumanity. Should it be a burden to the "haves", or a responsibility to the "have nots", or must we hold hands together and be one? You tell me. Thanks for all your reads

Lonesome Cowboy

Lonesome Cowboy




We can't always expect others or material things to bring us happiness, we must look within. Thanks for reading, God bless everyone. J

Hold My Hand Im Dying

Hold My Hand I'm Dying….

[I borrowed this title from a great book by the same title by John Gordon Davis. We were newly-weds and childless so far, so we took turns reading it to each other, whilst driving through the life-enhancing African bush, blushing here and there at th

Dark into light light into dark

Dark into light /light into dark

Dawn into dark a moment of up like a spark I feel I'm an mind is desperate to scream these emotions to breathe the air turn dark into light.i walk on water as the gods speak to me through the dark of my mind

Fair lady I love you

Fair lady I love you

Fair lady, how can you pass me by on this Paris bridge and not let me taste your lips Fair lady, you walk like an Egyptian yet you have not taken my arm Fair lady, your Irish eyes have melted my heart, and your River Dance my soul Fair lady

You will mock me

You will mock me

There's a position open for prophet. Any takers? Lol

Loves Freedom

Loves Freedom

My life has been a battle full of ups and downs and its been full of struggles but was up to me to turn it around and although I cared for others there was one who I forgot the one who tried to do his best but inside he was full of knots and

From the dark he came

~From the dark he came~

I'm not sure how the one's dealt a bad card in life from birth with a mental health issue, or perhaps later in life, see their world. All I can do is try to understand by trying to go there myself. The reason I write this is, a very special lady (she's a registered nurse) in my life deals with people like this daily, I want to understand more of her days at work. The last three lines hold the key to understand.

Rising From The Ashes

(To those dealing with addiction - drugs, alcohol, etc., and a broken heart)



No matter the trials and tribulations you can overcome the odds as a better you

She waters my dreams

She waters my dreams

I'm still a seedling pushing toward her loving light hungering as a suckling babe.. I must be born and then reborn into the womb of her love She is the milk of desire She is the strength of my bones She is the mother of my soul

Walk with me

Walk with me

One of my first

Every Man

Every Man

The saying, "every man for himself" came to mind. A selfish man thinking only about what's best for him realizes that in life u have to give to get, sow to reap! Thanks for reading!

Who Am I

Who Am I?

Who Am I? I am always right here you know… Just not who you think… I am not the one who speaks… I am not the one who weeps… It’s just me here watching it all pass… And claiming nothing as mine to grasp… What a freedom it is to let go… It’s al

An Angel

An Angel

So our boys and girls will know they are not alone

Poems entered on these pages are copyrighted by the authors who entered them. They cannot be reproduced without the author's written consent. © Copyright 2001-2024. All rights reserved.

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