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My Kids Did It again!!!

First I just have to say a thankyou so so soooo much to everyone who virtually hugged me yesterday and left me supportive words yesterday about my bad work day.

I feel better today. Much better.

First the day went worse, then I slept it off until 6 p.m.

The girls were perfect angels. Well, that surely helped a LOT.

By evening, we all ate and I lay down on the couch and got 4 more blissful hours of sleep.
Again the girls were angels.

At 11 30 PM they were in a great mood. Excited about Thanksgiving Day today.

The middle of the night and I had been promising 9 year old "A" to make these "fairy cakes"

I know I must have promised her all week because she was whining a little less hopefully than she had before.

Well, a fairy cake is just a plain vanilla cupcake but you cut the top off, half it, and put icing in the middle. Then you put the halves on to look like wings and srinkle them with colored sugar.

As we were all making them, we were all laughing, getting along and they even weren't fighting a bit. They were twittering back and forth to the bedroom like...well like fairies, as they waited for their treat to get done in the oven.

The put on the music on demand channel on cable and laughed at all the songs on there from the 70's from when I grew up.

Then 11 year old "A" thought she was funny putting 40's music on and saying, "hey mom, remember this music??"

funneeee . ah ha . ah ha.

We all finally crashed at 3:00 in the morning,yes, 5 hours ago.

But the happiest sound coming from my big 4 poster bed, at 2 a.m.: the two sisters giggling like crazy. Happy. Safe.

I am thankful, Yes I am thankful for them~
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a 2 for one special today on blogs.laugh

This is necessary because truly I see a LOT of folks blogging or using the "blog" as if it was a forum.

I obviously welcome and love to hear all the comments. If you email me directly with an opinion, compliment or question, I will answer diplomaticallly and gratefully.

But a lot of differing opinion comment is made on blogs, and I see this and truly believe that everyone has a right to their voice and how they see things is just another point of view.

This is another piece of wisdom that a now elderly Pastor once told me:

When you eat a piece of fish that has bones in it, you eat the fish and spit out the bones.

This is how I see the blog "commentary".

I take from the comment what is valuable to me, or new or lesson learned, and I spit out the "bone" what I don't believe I can use or take from the comment, or what doesn't mesh with my own beliefs, morals, standards, or whatever.

To anyone who has commented so far and those who don't . THANKYOU for writing!!! keep em coming.

~Love Sweetie
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It goes against our nature for sure. If something specific doesn't touch us, we are hard pressed to feel their pain.



All of human kind groans under the weight of tradgedy. WE ARE ALL CONNECTED.

When some hurt, we all hurt.

Psalm 62:8~ Trust in Him at all times you people;Pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us.~Book of Psalms, Holy Bible


Americans especially this week give thanks as you look at your kids around the Thanksgiving table.

They are safe. You are safe.

We whine because we can't get a date, or a mate, or a lover

They wail because whole families, houses, communities and land has been obliterated.

crying Peace to you Bangledesh.

~Love, Sweetie
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Sweetie Loses her cool

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So it's a rant of sorts!

Boy meets girl. Chemistry involved. Lotta talking going on. Maybe some kissing,

Girl keeps her respect and doesn't give up anything she doesn't want her mother knowing.

Boy disapears after telling girl "CALL me." "Writie me"

Yeah. uhhhhh right.

Time and time and time again.

Yes, sweetie is tired. Aren't we all. But we go on with the hope that someone is there for us. I am tired of being preyed on emotionally.

I have a soft voice I know that.

it doesn't mean you have the right to just meet me and screw with my mind!

I am vulnerable But STRONG AS HELL.

Please don't waste my time and yours by putting a profile online and portraying that you actually want a relationship with someone when all you want is her panties.

If you put in a profile that you want long term, meet me, compliment the hell out of me, make me think you want to see me again and then DISAPEAR

you don't deserve to be with me.

scold very mad
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I wish it were this EASY (lol)

Someone on my job told me the other night, "It's cool to be married"
~ya, I know~ I thoughtconfused

But I'm finding it hard to impress a date right now, let alone have someone be seriously interested in me.


If yes, yay message me or no, :D'oh:......don't do anything. (or you can laugh at this post too, I won't get mad. It was kind half tongue-in-cheek anyway.

Well, I wonder...."would you??"

Just askin'

because after dating on and off online for awhile, even just dating is hard.

Really hard.moping

I'm 42. Vivacious, energetic, and still youthful.

I'm laid back, family and goal oriented and mature.
(okay, mature to a point)

I don't iron. but I cook, pretty good.

I've had kids and I don't mind helping raise yours.

I take care of myself. A lot of people tell me, "Youre 42, no waaaay"

I'm not a size 4 but I'm not a size 20 either.

I'm faithful to the bone, I've never cheated on anyone.

I'm attracted to certain types of people:
average to nice build
well mannered and groomed
goal oriented and friendly
goofy and nerdy
sensitive and heroic

No one from other countries tho.Or 23 year olds...., or.....anyone who's already married. (that's just wrong) lol.

((((((Well, would you?))))))))
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Am I It or Could You Get MORE????

(((((((You look at me
but you're not quite sure
Am I it or could you get more?))))))

Follow your heart
Your intuition
It will lead you in the right direction
Let go of your mind
Your Intuition
It's easy to find
Just follow your heart baby~~from the song "INTUITION" by JEWEL

Often we are passed over.

Often we pass over.

we are passed over for someone cuter, slimmer, sexy, richer, more amazing looking.

We pass over the good natured, plain, average joe, for the muscled,tan,successful, never been marrieds.

We are passed over because first impressions are like a stack of dominoes. Say one "wrong" thing, in a conversation and the potential long term relationship flattens like a house of cards.

Fast forward a few years. The chosen one turns out to be a bad boy cheater type. The chosen girl gains 50 pounds. the successful one is a closet gambler or alcoholic. You are left with his kids or her debt.

All I am really choosing to say here, is DON'T ASSUME THERE'S MORE TO BE HAD WITH SOMEONE ELSE.

You meet and greet and little else.

You judge.

End of date, chance, potential....whatever.

Life is just not that cut and dry.

Just saying.
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Good night (er uhhh morning)

aaaaggghhh!!! So freakin' tired now. Saturday nights at work consist of placing little yellow sale sticky thingies on all the sale items. Hundreds

of little yellow sale thingies. I am going to bed now after 3 cokes and a fresh donut from Von's.

I really haven't been able to sleep lately. it seems my neighbors come home from their night of partying or going to the border or whatever. Around 10 am I hear the backbeat of some Mexican dance music....

the girls do their fair share of waking me up too. When I sleep, it seems to them an open invitation to bring their friends into my tiny sized living room and have drinks and snacks.

I end up yelling at all of them to leave, "NOW"

Total sleep summation: about 4 broken hours.

Truly I wish I were young again.

While in the military at age 18, the roomates and I worked 8 hours, pulled night duty all night, shopped all the next day and then partied all night.

Without blinking an eyeball.
More often than not, NOW I will wake up at dark thinking it's morning.

Once on my night off, I slept early in the evening waking at 10 pm. "A" baby thought I had lost it when I yelled at her for being up at 3 in the morning.

"But mommy" she insisted, "It's NOT 3 in the morning!"

doh Hope I get used to this soooooonn waah!
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This is not a joke, The store footage :shocking

Our store was robbed on my night off. I wouldn't have been there when it happened anyway but a lot of people I know were. Supervisor #2 showed us the still frames from the robbery.

A man, with a pillowcase tied around his whole head, cut holes for eyes. Walks in with a 12 inch bowie knife partially concealed behind his back. In the footage, a small girl (7 yr old) pushes a cart and stares up at him as he walks in.

He walks back to the Pharmacy counter, leaps over it, brandishing the knife to the manager and tells him to give him the drugs.

At this point, people are just starting to realize what is going on. The mayor of Temecula, believe it or not is in the store also.

The masked guy runs out. It's all on tape. Frightening. So glad they got this jerk.

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30 cans of beer stealer

If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

Forget what we're told
Before we get too old
Show me a garden that's bursting into life~~

"Chasing Cars" by Snow Patrol from the album: Eyes Open

(we hear this song on the overhead every single night. I love it. I think it just is so simple a message. Enjoy each other, our significant other, enjoy life while we can)

I'm overly tired but content. The store has become a funny kind of ongoing sea of routine kinds of people in there.

The shoplifters

The elderly

The parents buying for sick kids

The prescription only's

The regulars

worked with supervisor #2 last night. we watched as a young man ACTUALLY THOUGHT that he was going to carry out a box of 30 cans of beer with out us noticing!

I mean really.

Sup 2 and I just looked at each other like.'is he for real?'

2:30 a.m.
the young man stands there behind a display eyeballing us and the door. I ask him: "Do you need help with something?"

then he says, "just browsing"

laugh Browsing??? lol. very funny. He continues looking at me from behind one of the displays in a way that suggests he's trying to intimidate me to look away so he can make his move.

I looked at my co-worker with 'that look' like help

She picked up the phone and called our roving security guard.

Young dude would-be stealer suddenly left the building without his beer.
sup 2 had shut the doors(but not locked them) and we watched him leave, we were laughing because he had to manually slide the doors open and

had he stole the beer,
would've ran head first into the door. ...

The security in our store is sooooo lax.

We were discussing yesterday what we could do to stop the shoplifters.

Legally nothing. It seems as though our hands are tied. In fact, this morning when manager came in, she was more than a little pissed at our "trap" for the shoplifter. She said if anything would've happened to the guy, his family could have sued us like crazy. Or if the door would've broke, we'd be in sooooo much trouble.

so much for thinking outside the box. Build a better mousetrap me thinks...

i suggested we get to "mark" the shoplifters by shooting at them with pink paint ball guns. Then, when we call the cops, all they have to do is look for the pink painted thieves.

I think management is still thinking about it.confused
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And It helped....a little.

It's past my "bedtime". lol. I had the night off last night and true to form am still recovering from night shift shock. It happens whenever I can stay up all night 5 nights in a row. Then my 2 days off have to somewhat stay up during the day to catch up on laundry, groceries,
and well,

I had the opportunity recently to be able lay my head on someone's chest, my head curled up in the crook of their arm.
And it helped...just a little.

I lay listening to the heartbeat of someone who may or may not give a rats azzz about me. Only time will tell.

In my humble opinion he's a hero. Just to sit there with me and let me borrow his shoulder/chest.

Medicine to the weary soul of Sweetie. Now on to the not caring part.

I have found that with every small bit of solace I may find with someone, I must force myself not to "care" in the least little bit, that this person has been so gracious.

Because they always disapear.

It's usually the moment I start wishing they'd hang out more often. Or call more often.

Or acknowledge that they met me.

I know, I know. Sweetie, you're just too frickin' cynical.

But it's an armor that women wear when they've been hurt too much
And it helps... a lot.
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girl booze shoplifter/Been Bleached!

~Your " prison" is walking through this world, all alone~from the song

"Desparado" by the Eagles


Nightshift was CRAZY again. Too much going on. Tired to begin with, then tried to cut down on coca cola on the job. I usually have 2 or 3 in a night. Tonight I had a Half a 20 ounce.

My arse was draggin babeeeee. Well the headache didn't help either.

For tonight's circus I present to you female underage shoplifter, stealing booze.

Supervisor's exact words over the intercom:

"Security up front" (who was he kidding eh? we have NO security)

"Put it down!" "That's it, now get out of the store. Do not come back!"


Well, I thought I was doing pretty good until I went to the women's rest room having to p. p.

someone had puked all over the bowl and left it for us.. Yay. Couldn't be happier *heavy sarcasm inserted here*

Now, I must splash straight up bleach on it. In the process, bleaching my new black cordoroy pants (what pretty pink spots they have now)
and nearly choking me with fumes.

I went outside sat on the curb and sucked in the beautiful clear night.
The moon was awesome. The cold didn't bother me. The fact that my supervisor didn't even ask if I was okay, yeah uhhh not so awesome.


I survived alone to write this blog. lol. on again to sleep.

P.S. Eagles "Desparado" on the overhead music this morning.
I've heard it a million times before and my "prison" is INDEED walking thruogh this world all alone.

To all those walking alone. You will find your loved one.
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HAD This Really Great Blog....BUT.....

I erased it accidentallyfrustrated
SO.... I will leave some of my photography and hopefully someone will get a smile for the day. All are copyrighted@2007 as of August.

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