breadcrumb Agentbob Blog

R D [ rough draft / signet

A few musings to check the registration of the print product.

0977. excellent choice
2091. G O L D ........................ 713. P U R P L
3068.......................................2378. vision
...........8504. B L U ................3091.
..........5456. worship...................... 8144. S C A R L . T
..........3048. Yah knows..................5052. brilliant
........................................................3092. Yah (is) Judge

eYe will salute all officers and colors and standards not cased. - gen. order 10, usmc
...[ some info left blank so as to use the la shon qodesh alef-bet with ball point pen ]

What we have now is all the meditation a Buddhist will ever need. The Coloring book I told you about in essays gone bye: 20 / 20 lime-light from forced ingestion of red & blue pills rinsed in bible black coffee.
Otherwise, the idle consumption of their red-blue alpha waves [ TV ] will have you hook, line, and sinkered into blunder Land. The not yet obvious but emerging GREEN
picture is Martial (slave) Law for the benefit of the UN ] holy sea.
... Or put another way in Up $cale Engish: A Columbian Enterprise Endeavoring the Discovery of Atlantis. All Challengers shall be sent to Apollo as Mercury & Gemini affirm.
5375. nasa (2); up to the sky; to deceive............... 5248. Nimrod / mighty rebel
....01..............c. Intel..................................................128. red } alert
5376. NSA, from 5375, make insurrection...............5376. no such agency

....standby, it gets spooky.....
3598. * * * * * * 7 stars *
- 508. El is maker
3090. Yah sevens } he swears by himself 7 times.
Post Comment

Signature [ 6

3 0 9 1. Yahusha
- 641. ephod, 2.) shoulder piece for the high priest...b.} the image
2 4 5 0. wise } up....... Strong Radio Astronomy...

............ 750. arek. ) long- suffering
...........2341. circular

3 0 9 1. yod - hay - wa.....
- 2338. string together ) join
0 7 5 3. length } + for ever

..... The Principle: This is the way to learn grammar-- read Yah directly!
The day is now too precious to be wasted on other men's transcripts. - Emerson [ & Yah

...... musical guitar inter- Mission .....

4040. roll [ ie., the Volume
- 948. fine ( white ) linen
3092. Yah judges
.................. d3 } digital dream door / Albums } the Forgotten 200
077. Who came first [? / townsend
004. white light, white heat / v. underground
081. Everywhere at once* / plimsouls
..* another connotation to the 4 royal letters YHWH
as well as Z/yod... E/hay... Y / wa....
........ Addenda by Jethro......
x. Reasons for waiting.... ) ) You're not seen, uwr not heard
y. Living in the past ........... ) but I stand by my word. - J Tull
z. The Teacher
Post Comment

Signature [ 5

4475. rule
- 1384. arch
3 0 9 1. yod-hay-wa....} There is a Strong presumption that attorney will not mislead the court
.................................... - rule 301 civil procedure
building toward 70 Rams } really apt media swarm. angel
1655. hard rain ............ 3091. O W Y E Z .............. 301. brother of singer
1436. Yah is great.......- 1369. p o w e r f u l ........2790. engrave
.......................................1722. G O L D ......
1755. revolution of time ............................... 5169. Urgent ...) urgent, emergency
1336. section; divide ...................................- 2078. sacrifice
....... 3091....................................................................... 2434. a wall
......- 1903. turning ) anagram of 3091...............................657. End [ esp. of earth
........1188. master of gaps.................... 1881. royal edict
......... part 2. Majesty suite.....................1210. vintage
4441. king (by) Yah .......... 3091.Yahusha ................. 8275. RoE.} rod of empire
-1350. redeem....................- 985. trust ......................- 5184.(2) impose; quietly
........................................... 2106. cornerstone........... 3091.
7651. sheba.[ 7 ......................... 223. flame of Yah
-4561. instruction........................558. strength of Yah
3090. Yah sevens.......................568. Yah has said
....................................................821. night watch
1152. counsel of Yah .................912. servant of Yah
1939. majesty of Yah.....................09. sum thing lost ) ) ie. thy first love
3091. O W Y E Z ....................... 3091. yod-hay-wa-sh-ayin } cause that's how 'Jesus' would write it.
.... meet the stones you builders rejected...frustrated
5612. writing ) on the wall ............................ 10. how soon is now / smiths
-2521. smooth rocks ........... K E X P ............06. wake up / arcade fire
3091. yod-hay-wa................. 2013................04. hallelujah / buckley
Post Comment

Signature [ 4

2420. dark sayings
5017. inspired teaching
------------------- } the report Line ) strong radio Astronomy
7437. Ramath Lechiy / height [of a ] Jawbone
.. k e x p * 5 0 0 } 350. here I dreamt I was an Architect / Decemberists
.. 2 0 1 6 ......... - 346. dead souls / joy division
............................. 04. hallelujah / buckley

For the next 3 mins., pour uwr Lmtd. Attn. into the 3rd most non-messianic scripture commonly available. [ Jeremiah chapter 14 / 6 0 1 b c
.. DNA; a better look at Scribe & Concordance updated towards simplification
and prophecy...) The word of Yahuah that came to Yermeyah / 3414
3414. Yah will rise ( concerning the drought. Yahudah / 3063) mourns and the gates of
- 323. governor ( .. it languish, they sit in black /6937) upon the ground; and the city
.................. of Yerushalyim is gone up./4605......... 4605. up
The nobles send their children to the waters.........-1514. burning
they come to the cisterns/953 ) and find no water. They return with empty vessels,
they are put to shame and confounded./1724. The ground is cracked for no rain has been in the land.... wild asses stare on the bare heights/ 1120 ) they pant for air /7307
like jackals; their eyes fail / 4044) because there is no grass...
....And yet the Messiah & King is revealed as follows....
6937. black; dark ............ 1120. heights............. 1724. Confounded
-3846. white *...................1971. recognition.........1367. landmark
----------..... 3 0 9 1....
*don't think race; think 32 degrees of check & another 32 of mate.
.. 4044. blindness.............................. 7307. a i r
...- 953. cistern [ for holding rain....... - 4217. sunrise *
.... 3091............................................. 3090. Yahsheba [ yah sevens
So if he swears by himself seven Times, we should pay the utmost attention to the next verse in the report..Jer. 14:7 } Though our iniquities testify against us, act, O Yah
for thy name's sake; for our backslidings are many, we have sinned against thee.
.. For sum reason, Church Admin. thinks this and other prophetic passages apply only to the house of Israel. But we are persuaded that Yah has One covenant, one faith, one baptism and one big wake up in store for the non-Denominated Blue jean folk.

* To the teaching and to the testimony! If they do not speak accordingly--they shall
have no dawn...} Isa.8:20 [ paraphrase
Post Comment

Signet [ 3

3078. Yahu will establish
...01. Ab, 3).. Father, founder, Intel. } peak strength
3079. Yah is rising.......... ) .. ) ... ) . radio net.
.. Of what practical use is the study of Strong diction-Aires ? For one, it proves that all fit matter will be improved to its best purpose. And two, the work thus E x p a n d s so as to fill up the page in the Time available. Degree 3; If you are short of everything except Enemy-- you are in ( family ) combat.....uh oh
.....Already been Fifty Years, McReader-- Five-Oh!...DNA, in 1969, this B I G story was AWOL
at CBS, ABC & the Magic Kingdom..[ the Bell Helicopter Box Score & Autopsy.....
.....the Number of Bell Helicopters deployed into SE Asia by model #.....
model.............. total.................. Strong Radio Association....} x. welcome 2 Jungle / guns n roses
UH-1A.............. 173..................... High Tent.............y. smells like teen spirit / nirvana of baal [ ie.bel... z. holiday in Cambodia / dead Kennedys
UH-1C............... 749......... r e a c h I n g o u t............... K E X P 500 2013
UH-1D............. 2008......... place & time, here and there
UH-1F................120............ Adam ) a human being; red earth
OH-58..............2200............ cry Out ) ) who benefits ?
AH-1G..............1127............. son of the hero......} rhymes with Rambo..
--------------------------------------------------------------} the report Line
UH-OH............7387.......... vain & non-effective................. F. wheels of fire / cream
..source:} Kill Zone , C Roberts, p.225................. E. the who sell out / the Who [ ?
...3091. o w y e z .......................................... D. We're only in it for the money / Zappa et al.
.-1902. musical notation
.. 1189. bel tsyphon ) Lord of stormwind ) ) ) sow the wind, reap the whirlwind..-Hosea 8:7 Script.) ) Greek Radio Astronomy } from Dr Strong's Greek dictionary.
.... 697. rock of Ares [ ie. council of War...... 956. belos / missle
......076. Adam.............. 2 Cor. 1:8..............-183. unruly
.... 773. Asia / mire.......................................773. ibid.
...................................................................-159. cause
....................................................................614. kept secret
eYe will talk to no one save in the cause of duty. gen. Order 7, USMC & my eYe
Post Comment

Signature [ 2

8 4 5 1. torah [ the instructions
- 5374. neriyah ) ) lamp of Yah } strong radio net.
3 0 7 7. Yahu knows ) a whole helluva lot !

.. W A G I N G * H E A V Y * P E A C E * [ a fine book
…… ( a hippy dream ) …………………… Neil Young
wow . It may have escaped uwr* notice: but the instead of Messiah will probably be coming in the
name of the "Lord G-sus". [ DNA, waging tricky
Now, how shall eYe support that statement ? [ peace of Cake... There exists an outstanding
Calendar program in effect for untold generations since A D zero.
3 0 6 9. Yahu [ aka YHWH ) who is, and was...and is to come
- 2852. it has been determined
2 1 7. *uwr (3) fire, East / sunrise, x wake UP
…...Just an ash Wodin's-day reminder: the doctrine came by Moshe [ of water.
Grace & truth by... O / ayin…. W / sh … Y / wa … E / hay .. Z / yod } and read from right to left.
The point is $in-tax: only 9 inch nails & Roman hammers could get Gee out of yod-hay-wa.
.. Further explained by Yahusha at Lk.9:44,45
[/Let these words sink into your ears: the Son of man is about to be delivered into the hands of men."
But they did not understand this saying, and it was concealed from them, so that they might not perceive it...i] Here is the hidden issue-- only half appreciated by the modern "scholar". When the Romans and Pontius Pilate took custody of the Passover Lamb from the "Jews"[ scribes & Pharisees
they also began punctuating the story to fit their liking. Eg. Edict of Constantine, Easter, Sun-day, Virgin Mary, Pope Peter, Calendar of Pope Gregory, X-mas and of course-- a political dynamo known as The Society of Jesus aka the Jesuits.
… 3 0 9 1. OWYEZ / Yahusha } the Son of Elohim
.. - 384. El has arrived } peak strength radio net.
.. 2 7 0 7. set a print.... } its ADDictive
note; all the phrases have equilibrium. And the value is 1855.
… The moon shall turn red, the sun shall not shine
the department of human services.
O......W ….. Y …..E …. Z
50 ...900....400.. 05 ….500..} 1855..) Hes so Jewish
.. king of fierce countenance and understanding dark sentences
… what is the function of the F B I [ ?.....standby... 3091
………………………………………………………… 1236. plain
…………………………………………………………..1855. crush
Post Comment

Climate changer [ big man on Campus

Le notice: What we have here is the most straight forward, no nonsense writing
to ever appear on a screen.

And eYe can boast like this because all Im' going to do here is quote the former Under Secty.
of the United Nations and connect the hay, oats & nutritive Apple to feed the starving ponies in your pitiful Liberal Hippocampus. Here is the Quote...
[/First World ] ..countries have developed & benefited from the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption which have produced our present dilemma. It is clear that current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class involving high meat intake, consumption of large amounts of frozen and convenience foods, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work--place air conditioning [ sic
and suburban housing--are not sustainable. A shift is necessary toward lifestyles less geared to environmentally damaging consumption patterns...[ Rio Summit, 1992i]

And now, the paradox alert! Again, B I G man on Campus. Over 40 years at the epicenter of "Global governance. Godfather of the modern Eco-movement. A man whose surname appears in 94% of my blogs going back to the MD burn ward. A man who is at least 10 feet higher in command [ of Globular group-Think}
than either the current or former President . And finally, a man whom none of you can name even if a large cash award was waved in thy face. Paradox 2. This mans carbon footprint makes Al Gore a corpse by comparison. } Standby..) ) Im from the FBI & eYe just baked a big shit pie....
note 2. NO Cheating. sure google head will give you ream stax on this guy.
But the point is....sum of you are subscribing to the 2nd chapter of the Marx manifesto
and the Climate change religion..) ) yet you have no idea of who invented the Coin of the Realm......doh
Post Comment


And so we shall ch Change style yet again. Have you noticed the X plosion
In knowledge yet.?
The FBI } fresno blitzkrieg inquisition
Has taken custody of an Indictment.
You would be wise to ponder the syntax.
...even in your thoughts, NEVER curse the King
Nor in your bedroom curse the rich..
For a bird of the air will carry your voice
Or some winged creature..
heart wings ..tell the matter.[ ecl.X:20
5375. Nasa/ up
......1........c. intel.
5376. n s a.( from 5375.

Strong radio AstrOnomy.) standby
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Pop quiz

A simple one. Using your memory of its sound & visual package, what would
The discerning mind say is the core idea of the Last 2 Super bowl shows ?
And if you missed it [ as I did.
What would be the theme of any movie trailer of the past 2 months ?
Yes, I'm going to answer and No eYe am not bothered by zero kudos or zero comments. It just makes it easier to print.tongue here we go...
Big Family x Ray.....
Z. Postcard from Italy / Beirut
Y. Victim of changes / Judas priest
X. The Antichrist / slayer
....great economy of English
Super payload of bad news.
Soon-- as in suddenly- you'll be getting it.
Part 2. The companion reader for the above is Isa. of the vineyard

Part III. Nimrod, the instead of Christ,
Is going to be triple dog shiny popular-'-count on it.sad flower
Post Comment

Signature of a King

...O / ayin.. W / sh .. Y / wa .. E / hay .. Z / yod

As we roll out and benchtest Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, the reader is tasked to remember:
Dr. Strong et al. [ 101 + scholars ] make just one mistake; if he does not give 4 place values to G,d / 1407-10... and 2 places for YHWH, 3068,9:
..professor Had he not skipped or missed one other word*... and put space.....5782. open eYes
and time between uwr/217 & uwr / 5782, then the whole instrument and its.......- 5565. support of Yah
precise nomenclature would not play the Kingly Song................................ } 217. fire x wake Up !
.... [*halleluyah is MIA in the 8,674 word Hebrew dictionary.]

1806. Yah has delivered.... 2497. Strong ... 1035. Bethlehem
1285. a covenant................ 594. plumbline.. 2056. male child
.... 1292. El has blessed ..} 3 examples allow for a circuit.
.... 1799. the register...... } Seven more a 10lbs. rock. Add 60 also rams
and you have the seal and zeal of OWYEZ / Yahusha. / 3 0 9 1 [ the # of his name.

1540. discover + advertise............ 2868. rejoice
1551. galilee / circuit........................223. Uriyah [ 217 & 3050
part 2. } 0713. purple
.............2378. vision.. ) ) A big vision is needed. The one who has it, like an eagle--must go
.............3091. .............. into the deepest blue of the sky. - Untamed Horse

085. Abraham.......... 028. father of knowledge....... 3091. Yahusha
3006. ground [0 ]....3063. Yahudah.........................- 361. pillar [ of the temple
............................................................................ .. 2730. tremble // bel metr
3050. Yah [ short form of 3068, YHWH
0041. generous father.....notice.[ per any change in the system [ scroll
3091............................... the energy [ logic] remains constant. - hot law One
.. 7 1 5 8. city of a book
..- 4067. the measure
.. 3 0 9 1. OWYEZ } ..those who feared Yahuah spoke with one another.
Yahuah paid attention and heard them, and a book of remembrance was written before him
of those who revered Yah and magnified his Name. - Malachi 3:16

10. how soon is now / smiths............................. 8675. introducing - halleluyah [ !
-6. wake Up / arcade fire .... K E X P ...............- 5584. rush, storm
04. hallelujah / buckley........500 [ 2014 ] ............3091. .. to be continued
Post Comment

x - r a y [ 2

.... 8 part starry speech
8. oooo.......
2. wonder // red now .......... 007. and // D N A
6. it makes me..... and now to cherry pick the companion verse [s.
angel .. Judges 14 / Samson's riddle
8 1 2 3. Samson / sunlight .... out of the eater came sum thing to eat
- 7592. inquiry ) ) .......... out of the strong came something sweet.
0 5 3 1. S t r o n g } radio Astronomy
.... the companion reader.. } 76. Sweets for my sweet / searchers
................. 06. House of the Rising Sun / animals
.................... 70. Have I the right [? / honeycombs
part 2..} British Invasion } digital dream door
295. A legal matter / the who
- 22. Get off of my cloud / r stones....... } 8122. the Sun
273. I'll follow the sun / beatles
................01. Ab (3) father, founder, Intel.
........ comp. verses...( Ezk. 8:16 ; Eccl. 3:16... 8123. s u n l I g h t......dancing [ Judges 5:31
z. sunshine superman / Donovan
y. behold & see / ultimate spinach
x. Easter Everywhere / 13th floor elevators
....professor 2 3 1. message understood / shaw
.............. - 01. No satisfaction / r stones ...[ 1965
............ 230. Universal soldier* / Donovan } id est,* Catholic Grunt
2 2 5. A sign of the Times* / Clark
- 22. get off of my cloud / r stones
2 0 3. making Time / the Creation ) ) * radii drawn to the Sun describe an area
.............................................................proportional to ye Times. - Newton
Post Comment

Film Canon

5 7 8 6. a film over the eYes.
- 079. vapor ) to bedust
--------------------- } strong radio astronomy
5 7 0 7. ed. / a witness..... the Action of the Actor's C - file
......................................... is ~........ [ classified. .....
....................... C a n n o n, 3 episodes
Columbo, 2 ............ Companions in Nightmare.......... Change of Mind
Convoy, 1 ................Counterpoint ............................ Creepshow
Channing, 1 ....... Code Name: Heraclitus*............... CBS TV workshop
....... Cave-In..) ) Camouflage.. ) ) Climax, 1 episode.

professor A man's character is his fate. - Heraclitus, 544- 483 B C

cswelcome * * connecting S * T * A * R * S
... the trend of the starry, starry night...} Sci-Fi 200, digital dream door
Farmer in the sky / Heinlein
Starship Troopers / ibid.
The God's themselves / Asimov
...... The more one looks into etymology & screen writing, the more spooks come into view...
.. Herman's Head.... '93 ) 1 eps., God
.. Due South .... 4 eps.
.. Forbidden Planet... '56..... e Y e will explain in the next episode
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