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Raining Oil

This is The Beginning of the End of America: It is literally RAINING OIL in Louisiana. This is totally unbelievable. I have never seen anything so sickening & disgusting in my life. The oil is all over the place. The toxic gases from the burning oil rig is being picked up by the weather pattern & dumped all over Texas & Louisiana. Possibly during the next rain here in Clearwater, Florida people will wake up to find their swimming pools looking like the Gulf. Imagine waking up to find your property covered in a black petroleum sludge. Reports are coming in that Halliburton bought the company of Boots & Coots on the 12th of April. And Boots & Coots serviced pressure control systems on the oil well. They took over that oil well & the service contract on it & were out there for four days before it exploded. This oil has now reached land in the form of oily rain, & it IS going to get into the water supplies & contaminate all aspects of human & animal life here in North America. Moreover, this could theoretically lead to Armageddon in the Southland, where there are people who truly love America, & who will come out of their mountains & swamps enraged. This disaster is not going to be fixed. This is truly the beginning of the end of America as we have come to know it. Folks, now I know you don’t want to hear this stuff, but Obama has been on BP’s payroll for over twenty years now. While it may not be affecting you at this very moment, that you are aware of, I assure you that in the coming months you will be fighting for your very survival. Good luck. Because you’re damn well gonna need it!
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Separation of Powers No longer Exists

Obama intends to further destabilize the American economy by signing an unconstitutional executive order that will legalized the millions of illegal aliens who have crossed the border. Clearly Obama doesn’t need the support of the Republican Party to make these kinds of executive decisions. Nope, he is another dictator, just like Bush. Obama can do whatever he damn well pleases & NOBODY can do anything to stop it. Obama wants to impose COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORMS in order to further weaken & destabilized the country. So he doesn’t want the boarders secure because then no one would support such a reform Bill. Why would Obama want to totally open the boarders to illegal immigrants anyway? The answer is simple, Mexico & Canada have already given up its national sovereignty in what is being called, behind closed doors, the North American Union, which also has given up its sovereignty to the EU. The last time I heard, this was called High Treason. In any event, Mexicans are now crossing the boarder in large numbers to compete with American workers while bankrupting the states in welfare lines across the country. Those illegal immigrants are destitute & desperate, which makes them very dangerous. The situation can only escalate in to a full-blown racial confrontation. It is just a matter of time before people begin killing each other in the streets all across America. Can you hear the SUCKING SOUND? Perhaps this is the sound Ross Perot warned us about in 92. Yeah, I think so. Because NAFTA was designed to offshore American jobs, which has been a work in progress now for more then two decades. And last July the globalist organization, the Counsel On Foreign Relations, forbid local & state authorities from participating in immigration enforcement. This means that the CFR is calling the shots in America. Obama is simply carrying out its orders. Just think about the incredible influence the CFR has over politics in this country, in order for it to be able to grant legal status to illegal aliens. So Obama is merely acting on orders from his globalist handlers. It is pointless for us to direct our aggressions toward Obama, since he is simply doing the job he is being paid to do, & quite well I might add. What the American people ought to do is look beyond the US Presidency to the real power behind American government. It should be clear by now that Obama is NOT abiding by the Constitution, regardless of what the Democrats may tell you, because they are fully supporting Obama’s dictatorial powers. Regardless of whether you believe it or not, the American people are now living in a fascist dictatorship. For example, No executive order is suppose to be able to over-ride a statutory mandate. That is to say, any executive action, according the US Constitution, cannot over-ride or bypass the legislative branch, which is solely responsible for writing laws, NOT the President. This proves that Obama has completely over-stepped his authority, thus violating the Oath of Office which he swore to uphold before all America. Moreover, had the educational system in this country not been compromised, it would not now be necessary for me to attempt to explain how our government is suppose to operate, which makes the task of educating the sheeple that much more difficult, not to mention exasperating--Continued in Comment
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Let the Executions Now Begin!

There is a reason why there are no CLEAR plans to stop the oil spill in the Gulf. The biggest problem is the people have no actual power, thus they are merely subjects of the Crown, although they do not know it. Nothing has change much in the world except the delusion of freedom the sheeple have been sold. The whole scam is so well orchestrated that one cannot help but admire those who were able to achieve such a Grand Deception & maintain it for so long. However, what is NOT admirable is how they have chosen to use their powers to enslave mankind. In order to have power one MUST have the ability to wage war against those who are abusing power. The Crown has long known this. So it is imperative that they disarm those of us who will NOT trade our freedoms for their so called liberty. This is why UN Peace Keeping Troops have been deployed in Florida & many other parts of the United States. One, the crisis in the Gulf is being deliberately prolonged as a distraction to hide the invasion of America by foreign troops. The assault against America is multi-dimensional. Those who own this country are making their move to take possession over it on many different fronts. And they know precisely what they are doing. The people of America inherently know that they have sold their souls to Rock n Roll. Now they have little hope but to cling to Obama’s & Congresses’ lies. Together, Obama & BP have caused the crisis so they could offer the solution. These Helgian Dialectic principles have been used time & time again. Slowly, the American people have been persuaded to call for their own execution. As a result, state & local authorities do not even have the power to assist in the Gulf cleanup. And they can do nothing to stop those corrupt individuals in Washington from allowing the catastrophe from being prolonged. The States have become so dependent on federal disaster money that they dare not disobey. And if they do, they had better be prepared for the Coast Guard to open fire on them. Yeah, the federal government’s check book rules. So it should not come as a surprise that the Coast Guard prevented oil vacuuming barges, operating out of Louisiana, to assist in the cleanup. This is how the federal government usurps power from local & state jurisdictions. This is exactly what happened in the States Right’s issue, that sparked the Civil War. And the federal government is using OSHA, the EPA, & US fish & wild-life services to expand its powers to further hinder the cleanup efforts. Why? Because Obama wants to implement the many operations he has listed on his agenda. Obama doesn’t really care whether you know the truth or not, because he has the arm of the US & UN forces to impose his will on you. But he would rather you believe he is concerned about your health, so that he can implement CODEX ALIMENTARIOUS, which is a UN program designed to regulate natural health care supplements, which at present are the only known true sources of nutrients left in America, unless you just happen to own your own farm & understand the necessity of growing & raising your own organic produce & meat products, seeing how everything one buys in the stores is full of toxins that are deadly poisonous, which explains why so many people in America are obese & dying from all manner of different diseases. Two, Obama will use this crisis to pass Codex Alimentarious by executive order. So even if you do not die from the oil spill, you will most certainly die from starvation & disease.
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Another 9/11

An immediate criminal investigation needs to be launched in Florida, Louisiana, & Mississippi regarding the role BP, Halliburton, & the federal government played in causing the oil spill disaster. The American people need to be made aware of the massive cover-up going on regarding the TRUE nature of the crisis & how the federal government is doing all in its power to block local authorities from stopping the leak & cleaning up the damaged it has caused.
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Waking Up the American Sheeple

Twenty-five trillion in BP assessts would go to JP Morgan Chase Bank should BP ever enter bankrupcy & be dissolved, since JP Morgan Chase Bank presently holds 27.74 precent of the company’s stock, according to BP’s annual report. Media hype is frigthening BP. Media hype might be defined as PUBLIC FEAR & WARENESS. BP’s main concern right now is NOT whether its stock will fall to an UNNECESSARY LOW as a result of the disaster, as it so desperately wants everyone to believe, because BP’s total assets exeeds the estimated cleanup cost of one-hundred million, by nine-hundred, ninetly-nine times that amount. BP’s possessions are tremendous. The cost of damages, while they will be in the billions of dollars, is of no concern to BP. What has BP really frightened is that the American Sheeple might somehow manage to wake up. Wake up SHEEP!
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A Great Deception

The President doesn’t really make decisions at all. Obama is merely the CEO of the British owned corporation we call America. Obama’s agenda is crafted by the actual owners of America, like BP, Goldman Sacks, Halliburton, GE, etc. Therefore, Obama must carry out the orders he receives from those who hold stock in America. His job is to sell the decisions they make to the America sheeple, who have been programmed, from the very beginning, to believe that they are the ones who are in charge of America. But the truth is, America never was INDEPENDENT. America lost whatever independence it had when the South fell. You see it was the Southland that stood up to the wigs, to parliament, in the North. It was the Crown who appointed Abraham Lincoln to establish the federal government. It was the Crown that wanted States Rights abolished in order to consolidate its power. Abraham Lincoln was just another Obama. He came from nowhere, & he had done nothing, just like Obama. The South had its guns, & its State ran militias. Each State held the individual power of a monarchy. Although his-story, the tale the victors want you to believe, hails Lincoln as a great liberator & champion of freedom, nothing could be further from the truth. Abraham Lincoln was a fascist swine just like Obama. The real HEROS where those honorable men of the South who dared defy the Great Britannia. But all the sheeple are allowed to see on any his-story channel is the Union Army fighting to free the slaves. It is for this reason that I say SCHOOLS PRODUCE FOOLS! So the Blue coats were actually the red coats imposing the Crown’s imperialistic rule on a few rogue States, who enjoyed being free so much that they were willing to die for it. So the South was not merely fighting against the North, it was also fighting against the whole of the European Kings & Queens. Once again we will see the consolidation of powers. Obama will hand over our national sovereignty to the World State. Understand this, there is NO ONE who will come to the rescue.

Now, ooby dooby, if you wanna know who the source is on this one, it’s ME b*tch!
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A Global Cashless Society

If one goes back & looks at the week before the spill, back on April the 20th of 2010, one will begin to see how things come in to focus. One, the CEO of British Petroleum dumped a third of his stock in the weeks before the spill. Then, Goldman Sacks dumps 44% of its stocks in BP. Not another oil company, either, just BP, a week prior to the spill. Then take a look at Halliburton, just two weeks before the spill, purchases one of the biggest oil spill cleanup companies in the Gulf of Mexico, which wasn’t seen as a good buy by industry analysts at the time. One can plainly see all of this pre-positioning. But then a look at history always reveals the strategy behind the maneuvering. Who is British Petroleum? They were in on the meeting in 96, 97, & 98 with Ken Leigh of Enron; with the head people from Goldman Sacks on record, in those meeting with Al Gore, Bill Clinton, & others. British Petroleum was used as a foundational company to set up the Carbon Tax. And BP was instrumental in getting the other oil companies in the last few years online to do this. Why? Because BP if one looks at its power structure, isn’t just owned by the Queen of England; although she does own one a large part, she is partnered with Dutch Royal Shell, Queen Beatrice, who has some holdings, & Goldman Sacks, who is tied into the central banks &, who is also one of the larger share holders. They are all openly announcing that they had to have the Copenhagen Denmark Treaty. That was going to be their new global funding mechanism at an international level for the new SDRs. That was what was going to back-up, via the tax payer, this new global cashless society currency.
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Something Strange Is Happening in the Skies

Why are jet planes spraying chemicals in to our atmosphere that are known to cause respiratory problems? The only reseanable answer is called Geoengineering. And, why does the U.S. government refuses to answer any questions regarding this phenomenon when asked to produce a reasonable explanation for those activities? Because the government knows they are spraying our skies with Aluminum oxide, Barium, & Magnesium.
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Fleecing the American People:

When the Climate Gate e-mails came out in November, they basically derailed BP’s program by exposing the fact that the government is using environmentalism as a way to enslave people & take over society & as a means of micro-managing everyone. So, BP is definitely promoting carbon tax. One cannot go anywhere without seeing BP’s promotional campaign. It is literally everywhere: it’s in magazines, on radio show, television; every where one looks BP is promoting carbon tax & world government. BP has invested tens of millions of dollars in the last decade in promoting quote: GREEN ENERGY. Because BP wants take control over that whole new area of the economy. They lay out the new infrastructure. They own the new infrastructure. And it is all about fleecing the American people. It actually has nothing to do with the environment. But their whole agenda is in trouble. BP is one of the biggest contributors to Obama. At first, everyone thought this was probably just a regular oil spill, but then we saw Obama blocking the response. BP was also blocking the states, individuals, corporations, & foreign governments who wanted to come in & help. We saw them blocking the estuaries, rivers, & wetlands. So they have the motive. They want the carbon tax. They ordered people on the well to do things they knew would cause it to explode & create a giant leak.
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American Justice Will Prevail!

And now Obama is saying he wants the Carbon Tax. But know this, there are solutions. The American people do have ways to bring these criminals to justice. In the last 60 plus days this is what has happened. First of all the States need to launch a criminal investigation into BP & the federal government’s role in the oil spill. The evidence is growing that indicates that the crisis was deliberately contrived, either by conscious neglect or outright sabotage. The disaster is also being allowed to become worse, & it is being covered up. BP, this came out in the Coast Guard hearings with the survivors & the people running the well there on the site that those men had been given orders that no one had ever been given before. The rig workers were told to dump water into the drilling hole that was 30-thousand feet down. It is on record that British Petroleum, Halliburton, & others, who were on the rig, months before the disaster, were told to carry out all sorts of dangerous procedures. But then it got worse. As the well began to come in, as the gas & oil began to come up, they were told to dump sea water in on it & keep drilling.
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Operation Obama: a Real Fascist Threat

As Tarpley points out Fascism is much more dangerous than a mere dictatorship.

Operation Obama poses a real threat to our personal freedoms since all of the crucial elements of real fascism exist within the Obama administration. Obama did not acquire the US Presidency by coincidence but by design. Obama’s ascendancy to the role of Commander and Chief was the product of a well coordinated joint effort of a cloaked, oligarchical society. This shadowy organization’s persistence in revising the past in order to lay claim to the future has paid off handsomely, as is witnessed by the perverted American public’s view of fascism as it pertains to local events inside & outside US Government at home & abroad.
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Never Let a Crisis Go to Waste

This maxim comes straight from White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel & is responsible for the present scale & depth of the crisis now being seen in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast Louisiana. What the nation is witnessing is very similar to the Bush Administration’s delayed response at Katrina. Obama is acting like a deer caught in the glare of a set of on-coming headlights, appearing to be bewildered & not knowing what to do. When actuality he is using the BP oil spill to justify his fascist GREEN policies. The truth is Obama & his allies intend to use the crisis as a cloaking devise in order to sneak their Carbon Taxes & other Climate Change measures through Congress without the American people ever knowing about it until it is too late. The question is, will he be able to do it?
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