breadcrumb angel82 Blog

we can create our tomorrrow NOW!

we can all come together in love and create a world of peace by manifesting from within, each day we can all join together no matter where you are and just meditate on world peace on change and send love to all people if even only 10 people do this we can change the negative energy in the world

love is a power that creates and when you are in that love energy it has amazing potential for manifesting a heaven on earth all is possible in this time we are all spirit and beautiful beings of light, its time to step out of the illusions of the world we are all apart of the great spirit in a sense we are god so use your power to create!

never fear the unknowing beyond the limits there are no limits we are endless and have lived many life's we are here in this time to spread love and build a future of peace all can happen when we see it from within

i hope you will join in a simple meditation for ten minutes a day it will help you see love and spread it world wide the message is simple we are all one and when we come together through love and not fear we have a chance to create, put a side our differences our faiths or religions and come as one people e can do so much together than we can do alone all it takes is for us to see it and it will manifest the time for individuality is over it can not help us we must be of one mind and one heart we all have this power to create the old paradigm is falling and a new one is abound there is only love..NOW!

listen to your heart it is wiser than you no love is the way home it is an energy that creates and love is the seed we all carry, plant it every where you go, be aware of who you are we are love we are spirit don't let the world take that from us stand in your own power and create a future for tomorrow NOW!

love, light and blessingsangel
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i beleive in higher beings and not gods?

enlightenment will tell you there is no such thing as a savor we can only save ourselves the point to religions are to claim that god will do this and this if you follow this and that which is pure illusion, the god in every bible is the same as the one in any other bible? the great spirit though is in your own heart, so need for religions or fear follow your heart, the oldest texts in this world are from Sumerian times and they date at lest 500,000 year before our now adays religion, the sumerian records have more astonishing truths

'Thou canst not see my face: for there shall no man see me and live. And the Lord said, Behold, there is a place by me, and thou shalt stand upon a rock: And it shall come to pass, while my glory passeth by, that I will put thee in a clift of the rock, and will cover thee with my hand while I pass by: And I willtake away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts: but my face shall not be
seen.' (Exodus xxxiii, 20-23.)

There are some astonishing similarities in old texts. On the fifth tablet of the Epic of Gilgamesh, which is of Sumerian origin and much older than the Bible, we find virtually the same sentence:

'No mortal comes to the mountain where the gods dwell. He who looks the gods in the face must die.'

the whole account in Exodus comes from the Epic of Gilgamesh check it out and study it youll find the truth!

anyways people should really research our ancient past youll find that they were not the hairy barbarians we think they where and where indeed more enlightened than we are infact it is us that are at a lower level our tec and all we have is just childs play when we look at our ancestors

The finds during recent years on the Dead Sea (the Qumran texts) provide a valuable and astonishing amplification of the biblical Book of Genesis. Once again several hitherto unknown texts mention heavenly chariots, sons of heaven, wheels and the smoke which the flying apparitions emitted. In the Moses Apocalypse (Chapter 33) Eve looked up to heaven and saw a chariot of light
travelling there; it was drawn by four shining eagles. No terrestrial being could have described its magnificence, it says in Moses. Finally the chariot drove up to Adam and smoke came out from between the wheels. This story, incidentally, does not tell us much that is new. Nevertheless, chariots of
light, wheels and smoke were spoken of as magnificent apparitions as early as and in connexion with Adam and Eve. something strange happening there don't you think?.

anyways i could go on and on, forget living in fear just be real and be loving a time of truth will come and all will be shocked we are all here again for Ascension time to look within and see the truth and stop blaming god even your self if you do wrong we save our selves and whos right and who's wrong none we are all one .. just live the moment change is abound and its sure to lead all to the truth.

there are beings coming back here very soon not gods not jesus nor anything to save you, only ones to enlighten you blues
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food for thought

here is a free E book that may help you understand life and self in a new scientific way..don't judge till you read you'll find it most interesting just download each section..

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final part{just a thought can change the world and

With awareness of all things, we can see them as they are. The holes we dig for ourselves maybe deep hell try to put your hand down a hole and 90% of the time you will say it is way too deep, instead of saying my arm is too short! It is an awareness of things that leads to truth such awareness can make you happy in the present moment and help you overcome your deepest problems and that is where we must start, self first. in a simple truth it was wise for me to see my past problems as just a memory and if I held clingy to that memory I brought up suffering, the way I dealt with that was to tend to it by seen it as a memory a place where I can take experiences from no matter how sick or cruel my memories where I never clung to them but gave them awareness that was non judgmental and I held high compassion for those memories in turn developing a slow and steady change that effected my life and the life around me , when negative thoughts arose I give them love and compassion and it just disappeared remembering that I am in this moment and not that moment anymore, than it fought back by bringing me into the future about things and myself I needed to keep my awareness in the present in the moment for I kept telling myself that the future is not real I do not hold the power to make things happen but I certainly hold the power to plant seeds, those seeds where seeds of love and compassion for myself and that is the bases of life, take a chance on love and listen to it speak. It is healthy and brings about a great change in consciousness that is solid its foundations are deep in the essence of what brought us here.

when we connect to that energy this spirit being, we cannot lose nor do we look back we change the moment by been aware, the mind is a battle field with many wars happening you don’t see a king out battling it you see his soldiers fighting, in a metaphysical sense use what soldiers you have to win your wars the best I found are integrity, virtue, moral values based on personal ethics that can define a way to live in this moment, compassion, and most of all using spiritual essence that connects with the power or source of all things, the greatest war we will face is inside a pulling from left to right, all to gain power over this body thou it doesn’t have to be like so, if you think that life is about living the best you can till you die than you are very mistaken indeed, if you can’t find the compassion to change yourself and change the very things that cause suffering than you can never fathom a spiritual awareness don’t matter what you believe in until one changes there outlook and perceptions to love and not hate than am afraid you only waste what valuable time you have left our time isn’t about us but future life’s of innocent children the future of our planet , none of us can put ourselves above the world of matter even a spiritual experience can’t help , it has to be every aspect that makes up you that must change in and out body and mind and seen that we are all together a family and must work on caring for such a large family. All it takes is love its simple form even if you don’t want to be nice to people you must be no matter, how do you know what a person has or is going through just a small heartfelt expression can change their whole life planting seeds of love is not intended to be easy but a working process for anybody to ever really grow what you feed yourself with is what you shall be! Don’t grow into hate don’t dare grow into greed look at the mess we have already done it will go on and on until we all stand up and change it the only way is love that alone is the creative spark that brought us here take a step further and see that if I tend to love and be compassionate I plant seeds that benefit the earth people and all life if that is what it takes than there is no opinions but only love.
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part 3{just a thought, can change the world and yo

All things inanimate, and animate have some form of energy, now you may say we are not like flowers ‘that’s true’ we are no were the same in appearance but we are the same no matter, this energy we all have, also all things have! Take a look at a tree, yes some bears fruit and others look wonderful, take a look again at a tree and see it breathing just as we do. Seems we have a common destiny with the trees for without them how would we breathe? Don’t just look at the sky and see clouds and sunshine and think there will always be rain life will give all things it’s deluded to think so selfishly and think life will give you something because you are alive. If we don’t take care of our wildlife our animals to plants, I am afraid life cannot sustain us nor will we be able to sustain ourselves so in truth life gives what we give out! Therefore our first piece of truth is so obvious can you see it? Yes you’re right and how can you be wrong life is precious isn’t it? all things have meaning, and yet by seen this we still can’t fathom it and ‘rape’ the earth of her family even our family, just because a fish swims and seems like it is doing noting don’t mean it is a resource to be destroyed for our consuming gut fish and all living things are a family and we must respect that!, instead of living by the moment we live in years thinking if we take all the fish or any ‘resource’ we will sustain our society and further more benefit, by mass killing of animals we save ourselves the need to worry when we are hungry, thinking that we have noting or haven’t enough and continue by exterminating every living plant, trees and animals to sea creatures . Certain plants that grow around large trees we cut down have valuable medicines for people even animals and it takes many tens of hundreds of years to grow and develop. Therefore it’s deluded to think we can plant new seeds, and young trees grow again thinking it’s OK confusing the world and trapping us into buying the latest products that has been made from hundreds of year old trees and pricing it at an extreme rate ‘oh its ancient pine’ or ‘ancient oak’ is what the tag says and yet we are even more deluded, going to buy it even taking loans which develop into bills and so on and so forth, the ‘rape’ of resource or the world is the destruction of the earth and ourselves and not by no means is the great spirit at fault, a destructive nature is what drives us all further from our true selves. This truth can show how deluded we have growing to be. Its only when we seek compassion does a real awareness arise for all things, blame becomes shame and we see that all that is wrong is from our own deluded mental mind. Who else is there to blame ‘none’ but ourselves we have taken truth and love to be some form of story or fairytale that is for the weak and yet to love one another takes courage that must be met with integrity and virtue the seeds of profound wisdom are already inside you.

great courage is not demonstrated by aggression or ambition, aggression and ambition are more often expressions of fear and delusion, the courageous heart is the one that is unafraid to open up to the world..

'recognizing' can move us forward and out of delusion, in to freedom, freedom is a thought process, and not an act of war.

to be continued...
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just a thought{can change the world} and you!

In the depths of us, beyond the walls of fear and suffering, there is a simple message that is held in every heart from every tribe to nation. This message is not new nor has it just sprung up in modern day society, in fact it is as old as time and is written in every cell of our being and in the earth to its trees, animals, water and even the air we breathe, these things are sacred and everything that makes up life. When we shed our concepts of whom we think we are and what life is really all about with an intense look within a meditation of inner meaning, we can start to see pass the walls of the physical self and the material world in which we cling to and live. What is this deep message? What impact does it have upon our lives and the life of the world I live in and the people that live in it? Each and every one of us are in a process of change and a process that is from one moment to another moment and each moment is a valuable and meaningful process of experiences to many aspects of emotions, physical problems, spiritual matters and mental problems that truly make up the best part of who we are and will come to be, if one can define these things with a compassionate heart for self and others than one can walk a path that is already within. A purpose that drives us is neither a physical desire nor a clinging to wants for material things as these things pass and decay just as much as the human body that is given to you at birth all things pass and all things change. What is the right change that leads us to this purpose? This certain calling we feel?

I'd like to speak in my own way that is from a source i call “love” there is a way to overcame the wisdom of this world with personal experiences and faith that leads us
to know of the Great Spirit that is indeed inside all people’s hearts. That seems to be missing or polished up with fancy lights in our modern day society, the miss leading information, and Deluded guidance that spiritualists and religions offer is really a materialistic “god” or faith in a materialistic world that drives all people to suffer explaining truths that are written in you at birth so that you would come to know of them through inner exploration, thou they sold them for profit in a deluded way trapping your emotions mixing them with confusion and turning your heart against a purpose that can benefit the earth, people and our children. to say that the real idols that we believe and come to worship are more to do with thoughts that are deluded can be true, our views and our loves and hates are our master the more we cling the more we suffer without an awareness of this the compassion and love that we already are is stained and corrupt to see who we truly are is to see life for what it is in this moment and in yourselves , There are already many walking the paths of love and compassion if you are one you have endured the hardships and overcame the illusions of what the world had to offer, the great spirit calls all forth in a massive change of consciousness that may well be soon, I am not speaking of an end to this world no this will never happen nor will anyone of us see such a thing.

to be continued...
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part 2{just a thought, can change the world and yo

Perhaps peoples life’s may end as we are not needed here, our mother earth knows how to rid of all when we are not performing our duties that has been given to us, we see this from ancient times how many times has the world ended? in most bibles it talks of a great flood that happened and wiped human kind off the face off the earth with just a handful left that believed in the great spirit or as they call it ‘god’ which doesn’t matter the important thing is a dependence on a higher power above and again most bibles speak of a forth coming end of all life and gives us a way out if we believe in this higher power above, we can all relate to the stories that have been told. Many religions even spiritual ways offer ways out in an afterlife thou with certain conditions and they seem reasonable enough, thou when does the Great Spirit offer such things? when in truth it was the spirit that sent us here in the first place not to choose between anything or anybody been a god or a savior, but to experience what it is to feel human and learn to take care of things and people so that we understand what it is to truly feel and be aware of love that would lead us to a deeper compassion.

In the end we can only save ourselves by living compassionate at all costs and learning how to live by listening to your higher self your spiritual you and let that make way for this human body to really understand that the gift of love is us and we can share that to the people of suffering, one life time isn’t enough to learn of anything but it is enough to grow into love by respecting the earth and you’re self only then can real compassion take hold of you to see that people and all things are part of the web of life the interconnected chain we all hold on to, we are all been tested if you like, to see how well we treat each other and the earth. in every test there is an end result and if one fails we all fail together it is not a race but a working process to get back to where we came from in the great words of that man Jesus he said “thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” brave words and bold no matter who this person is he had something to say! it is up to us to put our differences aside and make way for what we are born for and what is to happen and stop prolonging it by greed, selfishness, hate, racist remarks all the things that upset us if you seen the truth that we are all brothers and sisters than you can understand that we are all stewards caring for each other, places, and things we need to start by overcoming the thoughts ‘that you are only human’ we are distant to fail or I live my own life, we are more than this and we were born with nobility never let the world tell you different no matter how reasonable it seems we should always question what is given us and take what we need to develop ourselves our lifestyles and the world , the very the heart that we carry can change into a compassionate individually, leaning forward in love and not fear.

“No matter what story or bible you read or even faith, all will see life after death it is a natural order we see it all the time, especially in nature look at how flowers die in some seasons and are brought back in others and yet flowers have the same energy or essence that you find in us”.

to be continued..
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can we change.

what is it that drives us each day, a mornings wake and heart felt quack. the seemliness empty vessel that you live in has feelings to love to disrespectful down right hate, and yet perfection is not ours to see nor gain in a world where we are all apart of the so called human race, today can be a sad song made by tunes of thoughts living out its pace, and to see a child smile can turn your heart that makes you never fake.all in all we are but a simple race that love and hate which we live to take, yes take and take when really we should never be like so just like the moment with care for others sake.

its only when we are truly awake that we see life as it is, if i find a deep hole and asked to put my hand down to see if i can reach the end i don't just say i cant feel it nor is the whole to deep, i just see that my arm is to short! and yet by seeing i see that awareness brings the greatest freedom, sometimes and most of all the times we see our problems and mistakes as some form of sin to burdens that are held deep with in and feeling as we do we tend to give in to thoughts and lose in this race when we should be seen whats in front of us and not what is inside as this can be tentative and illusory , a soldiers story of pain is not a story in vain but a song that leads to bright rains.

what ever we think we shall be we create let that be, always temper wisdom with personal experiences to define ones self, there are many roads and the best is all ready instilled in you nobody nor anything can tell you the way to live but you! and yet at times our self can be wrong, never cling to self nor desires just step out of that and see life as it is NOW and not yesterday, if you feel sad and lost remember you put your self in such ways no matter what happens forgive as this leads us forward holding no remorse nor animosity, it heals the heart and this is to have integrity.

what am i saying, i don't no am just talking thou i can say we are all together brothers even sisters try to live in harmony and compassion maybe than there will be a chance for something more profound in our every day moments, live for the now the past is a memory and the future well its just an illusion all that's real is now this moment change it by been compassionate and loving to self and others and see what happens..

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far from it worth it?

am back here again to blog my thoughts lol..

well I've traveled to Bali Indonesia from Ireland, couldn't wait to get out of that place seems its falling apart i guess the world is in many respects. i have come here to meet a wonderful lady i met here on CS many months ago am now here about 2months, and woow am not only in love with her but i fell in love with the place as well the people are very open minded and full of compassion not like us westerners lol. ive been to many places in the world and i have to say Indonesia is totally bliss and the people are fantastic so many temples and accent landscapes you can feel the energy here and its deadly.

another note I'd like to add is how society and work ethics as a whole is so different, the food is cheap and housing even taxes there is noting here expensive at all you could live on at lest 3 to 4 thousand for a year and that is better than 15 thousand a year where i was coming from perhaps more, the visa to stay is simple and cheap and all in all i could live here forever i just had to adopt a new lifestyle living like an Indonesian eating and sleeping lol.

so is the east better than the west yes and no thou more yes.

no, meaning medical things are quite dear the government is well like any other thou people seem happy to live paying off officials making deals and its out straight no come backs, i can live with that, it is quite dangerous in many part due to weather and stuff am in the mothers belly as i say anything can happen but hell its exciting like that.

yes, meaning everything you can eat is cheap, house to rent for a year less than 500usd and that is mad the house's are fab beaches close, night life crazy and always something to do, yoga and meditation classes are free no charge at all and i found many who will teach on plants for healing and cures lol and that is free part of there tradition in this area all in all its the best move i ever made.

and now i have many offers for been an English teacher and life skills teaching in schools interviews coming up soon am sure to get work so that is great .

so did i make the right choice in moving so far away, yeah defo!!! angel
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eachday is getting sad not in my world but in the world around us, everybody wants and wants and yet gives notting back. it is said we all came from
love or for those of you we came from evilution that started from the sea, plant to mammals and so on and so after many travels i came back to
check my mails and could not understand the amount of abuse thats come from us humans or should i say animals, we are all searching for love thou love can
never be given until you find it within yourself, how can one find such love for self? do i dress well look sexy perhaps ill find love thou only for
one night and wake up abused which happend by your self as you allowed it..real love is just a label for something we connect to, as we all have love inside..
if so why cant you use that to attract a love thats see we are only here to learn of love that is inner notting to do with the outside as it
is a mere illousion a source of suffering and clinging that causes hate for others religion and race when really we are all one we are all love...
put your heart and your mind at one learn to be silent and follow not your desire but the moment that is gaving for not everything is promised only the now..
have conmpassion for eachother overcome this hate this deloued form of the ill mind and start to walk in the moment if you want love and all that comes
with it just ask and it shall be yours...thou put away the old state of mind and develop the inner self of which is real and everlasting not like the body
or the world as all things pass thou your conciousness or spirit always stays the to give and learn to love one another...

please learn to love each other forget the past who care for the future it is the moment that all can your self and love will come =...blessing from steve

ooh am moving to indonesia in 2weeks to meet my soul mate.. come on if i can do it so can you, i was on drugs for 10 years in prison nearly killed 4 people and yet am only 28 and i changed my life not my religion but by listening to my heart..thAT MUST BE SOME FOIRM OF GOD..if i can so two can you wake up my sleeping friends xx
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sayin my own way

its best to be your -self, if you really want love and stop complaingmumbling about how you cant find it and start to say and believe in the fact that you deserve it angel , because we have the power to create we have everything we need if we use our positive mental Attitudeconfused, and what you say and do comes back to you!professor even if for a second if you lose faith, than you rob your-self, because fear is the real enemy and to overcome fear is to be healthy minded one that stands still and is aware, things happen but they just dont happen! ye need to push it along by using your heart and your gut, see your self, see who you arehandshake .. see that all things come easy..and if your having a bad messed up day, ye should just laugh and see that karma is a b*tchcomfort.. because everything has meaning be glad that mistakes are being paid do you really want love DO you really want to be happydoh..than stop complaing change your attitude by shaping your life the way it should be..put a picture beside you of lovers..sleep on one side of the bed..Make space and clear your mess up, and know that because you made the first step life will make the rest, what you give out you get backdoh the moment because eachday changes due to thoughts that come back thats noting to do with a belief or a god, its just a natual law..stay mindfull and live the moment everything is meaninless apart from love, that makes you all..

this will be my last blog here on i found my soul-mate and she lives half way round the world lol,,anyways i do wish you all well in your search for real love, just stay strong and never worry, am only on this site like 3months and yet there she was waiting.. never give up, just grow up everythings ment to be even thou its shit at times trust me its for your own good, learn to be more compassionate for yourself and your journey lifes no b*tch shes your mother respect her and youll be blessed..peace teddybear
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be careful and live without fear

Many roads to cross said the light that shines bright, even ways through mountain passes that have darkness and long nites, tend to do good than one does bad in the end i guess you will be sad, it doesnt take much to walk rightly only thoughts that make it. and if all is so than we reap what we no, what ever you plant in mind or the seen make sure it has the potential to reach for more than just dreams, in this day our so called great indeavors one must use wisdom thats as old as time, when addin up life one must take spirit and physical together to see a world of self in balance, if ethier is out than you rob yourself and have douth, it is said that we are endless and we create dont let this world suck u in for it is only in the mind, that makes it real in a place of time..ive seen roses coming up through stone...they say lifes no bed of roses yet nature shows us the imposable all can happen when we see it and have faith in it, use your head with your heart an old wisdom one shouldnt forget..
be a river or fly with the birds be yourself no other can judge, make your time a journey of song and wine party and dine for tomoro comes fast yet its not promised enjoy the ride we all pay a price to reach the sky....
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