part 3{just a thought, can change the world and yo

All things inanimate, and animate have some form of energy, now you may say we are not like flowers ‘that’s true’ we are no were the same in appearance but we are the same no matter, this energy we all have, also all things have! Take a look at a tree, yes some bears fruit and others look wonderful, take a look again at a tree and see it breathing just as we do. Seems we have a common destiny with the trees for without them how would we breathe? Don’t just look at the sky and see clouds and sunshine and think there will always be rain life will give all things it’s deluded to think so selfishly and think life will give you something because you are alive. If we don’t take care of our wildlife our animals to plants, I am afraid life cannot sustain us nor will we be able to sustain ourselves so in truth life gives what we give out! Therefore our first piece of truth is so obvious can you see it? Yes you’re right and how can you be wrong life is precious isn’t it? all things have meaning, and yet by seen this we still can’t fathom it and ‘rape’ the earth of her family even our family, just because a fish swims and seems like it is doing noting don’t mean it is a resource to be destroyed for our consuming gut fish and all living things are a family and we must respect that!, instead of living by the moment we live in years thinking if we take all the fish or any ‘resource’ we will sustain our society and further more benefit, by mass killing of animals we save ourselves the need to worry when we are hungry, thinking that we have noting or haven’t enough and continue by exterminating every living plant, trees and animals to sea creatures . Certain plants that grow around large trees we cut down have valuable medicines for people even animals and it takes many tens of hundreds of years to grow and develop. Therefore it’s deluded to think we can plant new seeds, and young trees grow again thinking it’s OK confusing the world and trapping us into buying the latest products that has been made from hundreds of year old trees and pricing it at an extreme rate ‘oh its ancient pine’ or ‘ancient oak’ is what the tag says and yet we are even more deluded, going to buy it even taking loans which develop into bills and so on and so forth, the ‘rape’ of resource or the world is the destruction of the earth and ourselves and not by no means is the great spirit at fault, a destructive nature is what drives us all further from our true selves. This truth can show how deluded we have growing to be. Its only when we seek compassion does a real awareness arise for all things, blame becomes shame and we see that all that is wrong is from our own deluded mental mind. Who else is there to blame ‘none’ but ourselves we have taken truth and love to be some form of story or fairytale that is for the weak and yet to love one another takes courage that must be met with integrity and virtue the seeds of profound wisdom are already inside you.

great courage is not demonstrated by aggression or ambition, aggression and ambition are more often expressions of fear and delusion, the courageous heart is the one that is unafraid to open up to the world..

'recognizing' can move us forward and out of delusion, in to freedom, freedom is a thought process, and not an act of war.

to be continued...
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Comments (6)

Ahhh, to be conscious... and to become aware of mother earth and all that we are, and the imprint of our lives we leave behind. An awakening! Isn;t it a good feeling? It only takes one...
calliopesgirl, greetings to you and thanks for stopping by and reading, in this day of age many are been awoke from there sleep not to put down people nor upset but to fight for something that is on a fragile breaking point as we speak, we all need to step away from our problems and work together to better this earth and to rid of the delusional mind and ready it for true enlightenment

enlightenment isn't some big magical change or any great power, it is the essence of seen things as there are! and all can benefit if they are willing..

blessed be and may your week guide you and fill you with love and all at that! angel
u lost me after the first few lines lol
chococherrie, lol.. that's good, thou most people only find them self's when they get lost! try reading all post before commenting.angel
Thank you, thank you, and right back at you. It is a good world when it is about love! So much of the other! Walking in the light is a thin path...

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