Why Obama deserves a little credit for the Trump Boom, and why the Democrats will never admit it

It is actually pathetic that Barack Obama is trying to claim credit for the Trump Boom that began with the stock market jumping the moment Trump’s election was clear, and which has continued to generate jobs – especially the manufacturing jobs that Obama told us were not coming back. He is following the Big Lie approach, thinking that repetition of this baseless claim would eventually get people to believe it.

That said, the very reason his claim is false actually did help make the Trump Boom more pronounced. Obama shackled existing businesses and entrepreneurs contemplating new businesses with tax increases and years’ worth of red tape. That’s why his recovery from the 2008 financial shock was the slowest recovery from a recession on record.

But during this period, technological innovation did not stop, nor did opportunities for business projects stop developing in the minds of people who would carry them out, should the business environment (taxes + regulations) improve. There was, in other words, a substantial backlog of business opportunities that built up during the 8 years of Obama’s oppressive anti-business policies.

That backlog was available for investment, once President Trump cleared away the shackles. With 8 years of suppression, there would not have been as big a backlog of good projects waiting for realization.

If course, Dems will never admit that Obama suppressed economic growth, and that helped Trump look even better. It’s analogous to the relief the apocryphal man hitting his head with a hammer feels once he stops. The absence of harm makes what follows feel even better.

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Comments (12)

Yep Trump is the new saviour of America.laugh laugh
Shame about the skyrocketing debt he is creating to make good his "Promises" Not long before the USA is Bankrupt or recedes into another recession.
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Your growth just comes too easy terrifyingly reminiscent of New Labour and Tony Blair, or Bill Clinton. What you're doing shouldn't be easy, if it's done right. I do support the attempt to re-balance global trade but not if you're on steroids at the same time and not at the expense of all other considerations. The environment for example, something's happening to our planet and it's not a communist plot.
Trump is a little red squiggle!!!!rolling on the floor laughing
Thanks for the graphs/stats, Riz and Raph. Whew, it kinda puts things into perspective for me, seeing it in blue and very red like that. thumbs up

Posting numerous times about Trump will not change people's minds in regards to him or his ever changing politics...laugh

He will be scrutinized like any other President...although he clearly has no stomach for criticism...

Trump is an embarrassment to America...let's make that clear...why else are you spending so much time trying to defend him...don't take it personally...you were duped...like many others...

Sad but true...

Too funny...laugh

We all know that miracles don't happen...roll eyes

Did your boyfriend tell you who to vote for and who not to like...lol...laugh

Posting numerous times about Trump will not change people's minds in regards to him or his ever changing politics...

Tell my why than do you and others blog many times?
loulou, why are you always getting personal with Lindsay?
You come accross as spiteful and mean spirited, not nice.
miracles do happen Trump won and crooked Hillary lost when everyone was sure she would win. at least the Dems thought she would win. too funny.
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Lawton, Oklahoma, USA

Retired old guy. Loves sports, music, and karaoke. Not shy about singing.Love to travel. Love to go to beaches and warm weather outdoor events. U.S. Air Force Veteran. I am here for the blogs. I am an amputee. My lower leg is gone.

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