So many whys...

We are born beautiful, complete, and full of certainties, as we grow older we end up with a a set of why's, ugly and broken...
Men have had the power , the money through times and we've seen the absurdity of all this : wars, ego's fights, materialism and so on..
Are we guilty for knowing and not changing? Is this lack of love ?
Are habits and culture rules were we are born into so hard to break up that we allow this to go on and on? When will we learn?
Are men still trying to know themselves through women, not knowing love is a truth in itself not an apprenticeship?
Is is still a psychotic thing that attract men and women to each other? Is it still the forbidden that keeps us stimulated and going on? Is the deep rooted inconscient feeling of insecurity that leads men to connect to women? Some say when love was finally a free choice that's when it lost its stability. So are we slaves of our past experiences, or is it because men/women have chosen to live their s*xual lives in the open world that made the rules so hard to handle? Is it our capacity to 'think' a weapon that will bring us only debochery and doomness? Are still women a mistery to men? Is it honesty so hard even for those who desperatly seek it? In a world where materialism rules and fulfill our lives , what do we choose? Love? mmm
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Comments (22)

Hello Kalypso Mama

One sentence in this precious compilation of words…as I could not make sense of the rest…caught my attention and I fully concur with it. Now here it is in the form of an answer as you posed as a question. The answer is ‘yes’ women are still misery to men. I hope I have erased any doubts that you may have before.
oooooooooppppppss...did you mean mystery? Please work on your spelling or I end up wasting my valuable time writing beautiful comments.
ohhh hello cRAMEL , HELLO Cs crew , how are you doin tonight? YEA you are right i have to be more careful with my spelling ..I defenitly think women are a misery to you , how old are you by the way , could you be a late Paedofile by the way? you said that you were looking women from 18 to 25...
Dear Pixel. So nice to see you. Well, I never paid any attention to my profile. I guess I should. I am actually 37. The only way I can make an exception to the 18-25 rule if I were to meet a lovely woman like you. In most other cases, this rule stands as a very rigid one. I would strongly urge Kalypso Mama to not send me any flowers.
I guess what you were getting at is when a person is 18…and then this person grows up to be 40 and that’s where you were trying to make a comparison to a girl who is 20 years younger. Well, the rule is you start off with a 20 year old girl when you are 20…and then keeping changing your girlfriends every year. So in this way you can grow older but your girlfriend is always 20. I plan to do this until I need crutches to get up from the bed.
After reading all of this nonsense, I can certainly understand why your mother looks 50 years older than her actual age.
Comedy is hard Venus,,you should stay put with your moons, suns, energy, karma and so forth…all of which, unfortunately, do not shed any insight onto anything.
well if he woulf try to do it after 20 years that would be very disturbing to me, don't you think so? No it's not non sense ms venus, It's just pushing a bit our imagination and since we can do that , :-) , see things from other angles..
That's because you don't understand any of it. But you are deflecting the issue. Why are you not madly in love with just the right 18 year old? There must be plenty of them around.
self loathing or not it happens in this world doesn't is it faced from a woman's perspective and a man's pespective...I would say diferently..
Mr. Thud, like always, you are right on the money. The problem is that older women are always weary of having lost their youth and every young woman is their rival, even when it’s not about a man’s preference for a younger women. It’s them, the older women, who need to readjust to the reality of life instead of making stupid retrospective comparisons.
whatch your spelling thad, adolescence..
Well, when I was younger, say 18-25, I was very insecure as most are at that age. I was clingy and needy and wanted constant reassurance that a man loved me. Jealousy and possessiveness are thrown in there for good measure. What a mess. When I was young, the messages were very mixed. I was growing up during the women's lib movement. So there were still the messages about women needing a man to be complete and women yelling, "I am woman hear me roar!" I am so glad to be where I am now! Wouldn't go back and do that over for all the tea in China.
Venus. All this jargon…self loathing, mirrors, and so forth…believe me you need to seriously reeducate yourself. It’s not about the ability to write, but what you write. Like I had a dispute with Mr. easy writer, who’s an excellent writer, but the direction he goes with his writing and the content and the thought it presents, all of it can put a damper on whatever fancy words you can present the ordinary thought with. I see a similar problem with you. Just too many words coming out in variable arrangement but the impact is never felt. That’s my true assessment of what you write. I am saying it because you intend to give serious advice while I simply joke around but I also have a serious side, and I am simply giving you my professional opinion on how to make sense and attract others by your writing.
well smitten it's a pity that the practice in your country is not a world wide one..actually those guys get their way very easily , not being punished , sometimes even protected, and legally very lightly convicted.
Your "professional" opinion?!! Who you trying to kid?

smitten alwayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..oh ya
kal wonderful blog.....applause its just unfortunate that those that men that cannot look in a mirror...again we wear many masks....many men not all...take it out on...........US...AWESOME..INTELLECUTAL, FANTASTIC, BEAUTIFUL WOMEN...cuz they just a boy wanting a wittle girl in their sick world.............

smitten....yup yup...........
rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing He just had to get the last word in. That is sooo funny!

nopperzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. i got the last word in....

smitten alwayzzzzzzzzzzzz
Oh I will "Kalypso," as soon as you change "whatch" into watch.
hahaha wooof wooof
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by Unknown
created Mar 2010
Last Viewed: Apr 26
Last Commented: Mar 2010

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