Straight from a capitalist mouth Germany threaten Russia to block gas stream

Yep Germany is paying bully with US on their back covering Germany a.s.s.
Though germany forget that russia can sell its gas Elsewhere...

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Thanks to miclee...

cheers cheers cheers cheers
Russia lacks the courage to sell their gas elsewhere.
Ukrainian and Russian people are one, so this is not about Russians invading Ukraine, but about Nato vs Russia
Let's see how it goes.

Also, it may be just a theatre.
They play on the same team, all the world is a stage. we are (people) the enemy they want to wipe us out..

Most likely theatre.

Once upon a time, Putin was a young global leader of the World Economic Forum.
young global leaders :)

All of them went to acting school

I Would Rather NOW SEE How It Goes Coz I Live On That Planet Too!!!
Thank You!!
Quote "Once upon a time, Putin was a young global leader of the World Economic Forum.".

Wiser than any american president?
I suppose
I Suppose that america cannot be trusted at ALL since America spied on Germany Ally through Danish Secret Services...

3 different sites so nobody can come and tell me i am talking BS towards America....
One of the 3 is MSN Microzoz!!!

cheers cheers cheers cheers cheers
Campo, I watched some of the indian news segments.
Germany is sending 5000 helmets?! rolling on the floor laughing head banger rolling on the floor laughing giggle

sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby
sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby
sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby sir bobby

thumbs up grin
I am not fond of China considering how much they torture their own citizens but I like when we have two equally strong forces: NATO vs (Russia &China)...

Otherwise, we would have one of them invading every single country of the world.

We have seen that before, right? Someone playing world police though no one appointed them.
Darling u forget Iran and its Nuclear capabilities!!!
And Iran Ain't Fan Of America At All!

Did Russia ever say/mention they would invade or attack Ukraine or media started it?

As far as I know, the media started many wars but never finished one.
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by HappyCampero76
created Jan 2022
Last Viewed: May 4
Last Commented: Feb 2022
HappyCampero76 has 6 other Blogs

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