About Glenn Beck's Restoring Honor Rally / Blog Re

From ChicagoBoyz.net

I Think I See What Glenn Beck is Doing (Updated)

Posted by Lexington Green on September 2nd, 2010 (All posts by Lexington Green)

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The Glenn Beck rally is confusing people.


He is aiming far beyond what most people consider to be the goalposts.

Using Boyd’s continuum for war: Material, Intellectual, Moral.

Analogously for political change: Elections, Institutions, Culture.

Beck sees correctly that the Conservative movement had only limited success because it was good at level 1, for a while, weak on level 2, and barely touched level 3. Talk Radio and the Tea Party are level 3 phenomena, popular outbreaks, which are blowing back into politics.

Someone who asks what the rally has to do with the 2010 election is missing the point.

Beck is building solidarity and cultural confidence in America, its Constitution, its military heritage, its freedom. This is a vision that is despised by the people who have long held the commanding heights of the culture. But is obviously alive and kicking.

Beck is creating positive themes of unity and patriotism and freedom and independence which are above mere political or policy choices, but not irrelevant to them. Political and policy choices rest on a foundation of philosophy, culture, self-image, ideals, religion. Change the foundation, and the rest will flow from that. Defeat the enemy on that plane, and any merely tactical defeat will always be reversible.

Beck is unabashed that God can be invoked in public places by citizens, who vote and assemble and speak and freely exercise their religion. They are supposed to be too browbeaten to do this. Gathering hundreds of thousands of them to peaceably assemble shows they are not. But showing that the people who believe in God and practice their religion are fellow-citizens who share political and economic values with majorities of Americans is a critical step. The idea that these people are an American Taliban is laughable, but showing that fact to the world — and to potential political allies who are not religious — is critical.

Beck is attacking the enemy at the foundations of their power, their claim to race as a permanent trump card, their claim to the Civil Rights movement as a permanent model to constantly be transforming a perpetually unjust society.

He is nuking out the foundations of the opposition’s moral preeminence, the very thing I proposed in this post.

Ronald Reagan said we would not defeat Communism, we would transcend it.

Beck is aiming to have America do the same thing to its decaying class of Overlords, transcend them.

Beck is prepping the battlefield for a generation-long battle.

He is that very American thing: A practical visionary.

See, simple.

Restore pride and confidence to your own side, and win the long game.

As Ronald Reagan also said, there are simple solutions, just no easy solutions.

God bless America.

UPDATE II: Whoa. Mr Beck himself linked to this post, and tweeted: “The ONLY guy to actually get it!”

So, the accuracy of my penetrating analysis is confirmed.

Is the Internet the most groovy thing ever, or what?

He also mentioned his new news site The Blaze, which I am now going to look at … .

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Comments (4)

Hes funny,and entertaining to.Good for you.
YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING; lol; Beck is a blow hard ultra conservative that wanted publicity. Where was he when Bush was destroying the country?

Conservatives controlled the white house for 8 years with Bush and we are in the worst financial crisis in 80 years, and civil rights have been pushed back 50 years.

We are in a war because of lies; "mission accomplished". The Mexican Amnesty agreement was even supported by Bush which would give illegal aliens that work here social security benefits after just 2 years of WORK! We have to wait until 65! Even some Republicans whined.

While they voted against nationalized health care and for HMO's and insurance companies; Republican members of the house and senate ALL unanimously voted to keep THEIR nationalized health care!

Bush twice voted to decrease benefits for veterans; my company now has to give services and products for free to some veterans because of it.

Where was the mindless Beck during all this? He was silent because he only attacks Democrats.

Beck and many others that support him ARE UN AMERICAN! You only back Republicans, will only attack Democrats and you are like cult members.

The best was Rush Limbaugh ripping on our new health care plan and saying he'd go to Costa Rica because they do it right. THEY HAVE NATIONALIZED HEALTH CARE!

We dont' need health insurance companies, and we dont' need mindless people who worship their own political party like cult members.
Suppression of freedom's from mostly the Dem's should be revolted,, if America descends into a socialist society, then MANY americans will consider Third World relocations.
Since California is going into financial ruin under the Liberal's/Dem's maybe that be the first American Third world State?

Thanks Blaine!
Well said.

Also, I appreciate all of the thoughtful comments
from that Great Gold Rush state.

The original subject of the post here was not about the
republican party or President Bush, per say...but since you brought it up;

Glenn Beck was not silent about Bush or the republicans...he was already sounding the alarm on his radio show about over spending, and some of the other problems with the Progressive Movement.
aka. (socialism)

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Meet the Author of this Blog


Kansas City, Missouri, USA

Down to earth, very practical, shy, independent, playful and caring as well as passionate. I enjoy writing and rock music. Right now, I am very interested in Glenn Beck, Fox news, and the shape of our nation. [read more]

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created Sep 2010
Last Viewed: just now
Last Commented: Sep 2010
longcoolwoman61 has 14 other Blogs

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