And why wouldn't anyone want to be completely honest?

Even if there is a fine line between honest and blunt, I secretly wish that sometimes everyone could become like jim carrey's character in the movie "liar liar".

And as ridiculous as the outcome may be, never lie, even by omission(leaving something out to appear as the truth.)

Last night, at work Supervisor #2 asked me would I be cranky if I just had one coke that night. *I forgot to bring 2 sodas to help me stay awake.
I replied, "No I never get cranky"

He says to me, "Never? Are you sure? because never is a long time dear"

Well, that's what prompted this blog. What I should have said was :"no, just having one coke will not make me cranky"

Heck yeah I get cranky! At that time of the month, at the kids sometimes, at shoplifters, at situations I can't handle.

Unlike other women, I just don't get offended by honesty, but like I said, there's a fine line.

who else is going to tell someone that the sweatpants they're wearing to the grocery store not only show their panty lines, but they're two sizes too clingy?

Who else is going to tell us if our breath stinks and smells like hot garbage and we need to gargle with febreeze and eat about a hundred of those teeny tiny concentrated marble mints?

who's going to tell our date the REAL reason they're not getting a second date is because they hate your kids, or you chewed with your mouth open, or you didn't put out for them?

Who will tell their date up front, "I'm broke. I can't pay for dinner. I am warning you now"

who will tell their date that their picture from High School is clearly 60 pounds ago and it was a poor choice to put on their profile?

Will you tell me? Will you be honest with me? I think the fine line is walked daily.

ie: how are you?
A: fine, and you?

Instead: How are you?

Well, I'm fine now, but so and so is getting on my damn nerves, and I got a speeding ticket, and I have a cold.

or well I am doing awesome, I got that raise I wanted, the electricity bill is finally down from the summer, and my kid was flunking algebra but now he's a frickin genius.

The fine line:

wife: How do I look in these sweatpants?
Hubby: I think you look like a big pig, stuck in a mailbox, who just ran through a clothesline and is now trying wearing the wrong size.


Hubby: I like your jeans better honey, they make you look so sexy, not that you're not sexy already....

See? a fine line.
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