opening the can of worms

Those of a questioning bent, disenchanted with the quandaries of materialistic science, frequently turn to religion. Its representatives have lauded themselves as having the
question of evil in hand, as possessing the special abilities and knowledge, which alone address mankind’s epistemological conundrums. For 2,000 years, Christianity and the major religions have sought to account for the presence of evil. They have not succeeded in giving us any clear answer. In attempting to answer one question, they have fostered thousands of new ones. And some might argue that along with science, religion is one of the most adroit exponents of evil in the world today. And indeed, when we review the canon of Christianity, we have good reason to feel frustrated. One may well ask, what is going on in the Bible? Let us then take a brief look.

We are told by the religions that man has two natures, good and evil. One is then compelled to ask why God would instill such propensities in his own creations who are made in his image?

We read that God created man and woman. This implies that God is not man or woman “himself.” Yet, consistently, the post-diluvian religions all over the globe, constantly depicted and referred to God as male? They do this even when, in the case of Hebrew,
the name for deity is of feminine gender.

We are told that man was not originally evil. He became that way after the disobedience of Eve in the Garden. Why would God create something born in his image and then deny him some aspect of knowledge and then even banish him from paradise after
it had been received?

We must also ask why God would condemn his creations for something that was not a conscious transgression? Why the tests imposed on those who must already be innocent in nature?

Then we are told that the parents sinned, only after they fell under the influence of the evil one, Satan. So we ask, why would God allow his newly created beings to be in the proximity of this “evil one?” Who created the serpent? Nowhere in the Genesis account is there any mention, direct or indirect, of Satan’s involvement, and yet it has become common practice for the Church to portray the serpent as an emissary of Satan, or even as Satan himself. (Laurence Gardener)

If Satan could even have the ability to aspire toward supreme Godhead, and if there are hierarchies of angels, etc., then perhaps God can indeed be surpassed? What are we to make of this?

If it is true, as the Bible declares and theologians state that the “sin” involved Adam and Eve being made conscious of their “nakedness,” does this mean that God and the Serpent and the others that were around were clothed?

I do not believe in the creed professed by the Jewish church, by the Roman church, by the Greek church, by the Turkish church, by the Protestant church, nor by any church that I know of...Each of those churches accuse the other of unbelief; and for my own part, I disbelieve them all. (Thomas Paine)

Thanks to scholars, we now know that the Book of Genesis is a simulacra of earlier Sumerian, Akkadian, and Egyptian originals, in which the experiences of the dramatis personae are suggestively similar. The net result is that the Christian hegemony has no answer for the existential predicaments of man. In fact, they have made these worse. They espouse no answers or remedies that do not themselves foster the repression of
the natural instincts. Surely, after 2,000 years of such labyrinthine diversions, theological nonsense, and prevarication, it is time to hand out the “pink slip” to the representatives of religion and pay no more mind to their hyperbole..
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Comments (12)

and just to add to this conundrum, One would think that this leaves humankind in a void when it comes to the question of evil and its exact origins and denouement. But it does not. the ancients had more than enough to say about the coming of evil into the human arena. Behind the veneer of fairy folklore, of myth and legend, lie the answers. we have been had by the religions the governments and all forms that we put our faith into, whats wrong with looking to our ancestors for the answers, oh right the church wiped them out because they were evil..time to wake up people and see who you really are!!!sleep sleep sleep
Could you say that again in English?

rowdyrufus, sinner saved by gracecool
An absolutly good read for all bloggers. Exactly WHY! And by the way what did you have for breakfast,a dictionary with 2 sugas and milk??innocent bouquet
this is the so called intellectual of modernized society no wonder the world is in a mess you people deserve what will come because your your foolish ways moping help
sorry that was for that rowdyrufus, guy..sick of foolish people time to wake up...and yes i did i eat directories every morning nice with a cup of tea and handshake
If you cant baffle them with sceince....stun them with interlectuality ?cheers
that is indeed the point my good man, we live in a time of so called intellectuals and smart society well i haven't come across one yet downright robots i must say..

References for reading and books incase the smart people have questions : max H flindt, Immanuel velkovsky, Christopher knight, erich von daniken, Joseph silk, zacharia sitchin a must have books from this guy, Barbara hand clow, drunvalo melchizedek , William brambley, the emerald tablets, Sumerian grammer, alex collier, Michael tsarion, david icke, madme Helena Blavatsky, to name a few..

enjoy the trip into the past one may get mad one should get mad the wool has been pulled over your eyes..ah poor sodscheers
lol, i think if i smoked that stuff i may lose what insanity i have left though one must be insane to live this age of truths we shall see, enjoy the bong thing cheers
I didnt see my name amongst those geniuses has there been a typographical erratum ???grin doh
truth20something...Dont shmoke(Yul Bryner)devil
Might be time you consign those Books to the Shredder!laugh
based on a few whining people come on that's absurd many people are afraid to face their inner selves and need religion to help them find their way..

if one can understand astro-theology and astrology use it as a tool to understanding the past and were the primitive monotheism started that anybody with a brain would see that all religion start in Egypt and before hand it came about due to the Irish druids and their culture, Christianity and all the main religions are adapted paganism and the church wiped out all natives to hide the fact that they are indeed false the god that all religious people pray to is Horus the sun god i find that funny when they say it is Jesus when the priests to well know who they pray to and keep the world in a robotic state know where you come from and indeed one can find within themselves something more profound..

i do believe in the great spirit the great all that is my roots are based in ancient times mother earth there is no other, people need to cop on and get back to a grass root faith which ids them selves and let nature teach them the rest.. cheers
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by Unknown
created Apr 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Apr 2011

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