corruption unproffessoinal conduct

it was april 2007 a major blizzard up here second yr in a roll like a foot of snow predicted
and what we got too the roads up here are like a sheet of ice or under the snow they are
very dangerous as was the case that day Im getting old and I drive defensivaly slower then
the average and this picticular day called for it ice thick and snow and I was right as a
huge semi tractor was tailgating me (driving nearly on my bumper too close) what happened
next nearly gave me a heart attack the force of the semis action scooped up air and it like
pushed me into a spin Im going down the road still side ways front facing one shoulder of
the road and my rear facing the other I couldnt stop on my brake as I rapidly turned my
streering wheel then I ended up reverse both ends of my car facing both shoulders of the road
as a on coming car seen me and pulled over thank god then it slowed down enough to give to
ease it back into the direction I was headed the ditchs on either side didnt look so healthy
that dau I had 80 plus miles to travel from that point (yes in the blizzard) I made it and
had a state trooper pull me over no reason other then saying oh sorry misread your plates
yet followed me for twenty plus miles from tofte mn to beaverbay as I exited for a store the
only place I could find smoked dog bones T bones at that so I was headed towards south the
trooper was head of me he followed me and I thought I lost him till ten miles ahead he was
standing behind his car waiting I wasnt a bit surprized and he checks out my lic. and my
insurence card I was legal (profiling me ) I figured.its happened before I ws pulled over
by another trooper for driving suspoiusly slow it wa snowing like crazy and the road was a
sheet of ice and snow atop he gives me a warning ticket I threw it away at the nearby car

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by doeicjr218
created Aug 2011
Last Viewed: Apr 21
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