Men who try to make men as slaves and and even kill human beings just for the sake of their own desires , how can he understand the feelings of those animals and birds.

When I ask some of non-vegetarian friends to avoid nonveg to reduce their sins

since they also become indirectly responsible for the sin of killing by paying money to that person for killing that innocent animal

they claim that their GOD told them , animals , birds etc. are meant for eating only which is really a sure false and unreliable,

if it is like that such religion is not valuing humanity and love for innocent animals
who also breath like us,
feel like us,
express feelings like us,
love like us,
fear like us

who also have pain like us and also express their pains while killing them

the people cant see their feelings, love, innocence, pain and cut them for eating as if they dont have life like us. They also curse the us while cutting them, but cant speak our language.

So please save animals and reduce your sins for your betterment
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Comments (10)

And I'm having a Salad!!!cheers
myslef myself
And just in case you don't believe me, well then you could read my first blog.

Sailfree I am sorry to hear that dear and I do hope the good Lord has seen fit to replace your beloved poochie.
Anandbhat, hello to you, i have a goldfish, which my cat guards well, but only in his own interest i think.laugh

I'm sorry to hear about your dog, but in your grief you appear to be confusing the OP's nationality with his belief system.


I appreciate your philosophy and agree, how we treat animals can be a reflection of how we treat each other, but I also appreciate many people in the world have to eat whatever is available to them.

I have heard (I have no source) that if we all were vegetarian we would need only half the land currently used for food production to feed the whole world and if we were all vegan, it would only be a quarter.

People in third world countries starve watching soya grow they sell to sate the Western appetite for meat. Its inefficient, selfish and cruel on so many levels.
I also think so LIVEINHOPE but try explaining
that to our friend
anandbhat8914 here!
Oh this Turkeyi want taste it baking.
SORRY,BLOGGER, but YOUR BLOG DO NOT RESPECT MY FREE CHOICE. Can i say somebody what to chose for eating?
Who i am ? Even God gives us free choice.
Don t you think some animals was given us for eating .
God do not put us equal to animals. I love them, they love us, but don t put them in equality, please. There is people worse than animals, but don t put animals over us.
Just read your blog again to make full sure!
You never mentioned your religion!
I did not mention your religion and careless
what it is.
The subject matter was how people kill animals
and do not have feeling for them.
I know there are some Total A.Holes on here that
cannot get things right and are constantly looking
for arguements.
I would point out that my Dog did not die and lived
a happy life even though against odds of the good
people that call themselves ...............
So good luck and still I will be having my beautiful
turkey that was reared by whoever as a living and this
is the circle of life.
Some just do not understand that.
Each to their own and live and let live, wish there were
more folks willing to do this.
What you are talking about is a book where there are over a hundred missing chapters and where there are words that have been people have been mislead and are only responsible for what they know and it is the people that changed words and eliminated them are responsible.
hi ! im veggi ! only been in last 2 years ! my prob ! im 57 years old ! nowt against people eating meat, but i cant now heard the crys of the animals going to slaughter ! stuck in mi head !
in the bible it states animals do not have soles !they will not meet ya on the other side ( ya pet dog / cat ) of which i have many !ha ! not to eat ! all this to say each to his own ! life brings out in each of us different thoughts of how we shud tread, follow the path you feel you shud lead !
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by Unknown
created Nov 2011
Last Viewed: May 3
Last Commented: Nov 2011

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