the fragrance after the rain

headed towards the door ,off on my way,
just my daily routine,on this rainy day,
and she was standing their,smiling with joy,
as water glisten in her hair,she was so coy.
standing with her array
i couldn't hold back,i feel in love that day.
i picked her up and twirled her in the rain,
she was so precious,everything i wanted to obtain.
i set her down,but did not let her go,
i wanted to kiss her,but i just didn't know.
so i to her i love you ,i'll marry you one day,
i let her go and went on my way.
now the years have gone by,we could have been married with two,
sonia alverez,i still love you.
i thought the rain would never end,
the clouds would never go away,
i would hold you forever,like that rainy day.
the rain has stopped and it's the fragrance after the rain
the sun has dried up the love and left me with pain.
it's after the rain,the fragrance always in my mind,
my heart forever broken,for the love love left behind.
she is but a memory now,forever in the wind,
i thought it would last forever,i thought it would never end.
now as the thunder rolls and the rain pierce my skin,
i carry a cold chill,deep from within.
then i smell the fragrance ,the fragrance after the rain,
it once brought the love,now it brings the pain.
i now look above,and my tears gently fall,
she has gone with the rain,she has taken it all.

i guess 4and a half years into a 10yr, prison sentence for selling herion,my girlfriend sent me a dear john letter.i wrote this poem back in the early 1990s for just escaping that hell hole,and before i knew it it i had a little note book filled with poems .i am not one to express my feeling and so i will be logging off.
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Comments (4)

I'm more worried about the FRAGRANCE after SUR DE Goes !!!!!doh doh on me Blog !!!sigh
handshake cheers
nice Daniel. Deep and moving.
Touching Daniel, thanks for sharing hug
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