a love story you will never forget

might happen to you.....especially girls...WATCH OUT!

moping moping moping
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Comments (18)

Have to see the vid later for speedy reception Ateh. hug
laugh I was serious watching the video ..then..laugh doh frustrated
light scold

I was so ready to crying but you made me shock giggle instead grin

hug bouquet
wish it wont happen to me....

grin grin grin
My God that was a horrible thing to happen. I think if I were a girl, I would have stared , turned my back, walked three steps, then dropped to the floor in dead silence.
Light...That was a Stunning He'sa She'sa !!!laugh laugh
Bit Sad Though!!!crying
bouquet hug
Thanks Parti. I was really effected by the video. I guess I have always been very sensitive in such ways. I hate to see people being hurt so badly... it hurts me.handshake
springlark....yeah must be so painful but when u get over it for sure u gunna laugh at it...not the person tho but the situation.....comfort
@parti...what we gunna do bout it...?just have to accept right?it haappens for real .....uh oh
and also papa piolo....uh oh
It seems a bit of a shock to all the straight laced narrow minded among us . Don't worry, the world will keep on turning and the Sun will shine tomorrow without you . If you have tollerence or not doesn't matter, life doesn't always follow your rules anyway . . . wine
Dear Light and Shade, I was not ofended, but I think some where .
oh but this is something that we women should be aware of....dunno
If you are referring to me Frank.... You are way off the mark in pointing your finger. My feelings were for the girl only... perhaps you have to experience more pain in your life to understand this. My thoughts did not attain to the former male friend. That was his decision without considering the feelings of his girl........ friend!!!???
Dear Springlark. I made a general statement about tolerence in the way we think . It was not directed towards anyone specific . You however are free to draw your own conclusions and include anyone that you might concider as fitting . Have a nice day .
That was hilarious, thanks I really did lol.
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