The Secret of Your Success

It is my strong belief within each individual resides an attribute or ability that has the strength to overcome most if not all of life's adversities. This very forum stands in testament to many examples of overcoming life's difficulties.

My intrigue this lovely Wednesday afternoon is what it is you believe you possess that maintains your psychological integrity in times of duress. Perhaps it is your humor that reliably fortifies you in the face of adversity, or maybe it's your ability to plan thoughtfully a path through life's previously unchartered murky waters. Then again does it have to do with a sanguine disposition that bolsters your spirit when confronted with life's challenges.

What is it that predicates your success when times get tough?

Waiting with fish on my tongue (baited/abated breath)
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Comments (42)

ok, this is actually for your last blog.....

'if love split the universe and no one observed it....Would there still be a universe?"blues
GOD and prayer
Schrodinger's thought experiment, cat in a box if I'm not mistaken, Cali.. There is nothing but probability and potentiality until something is observed, as I believe you already know.

The chances of love splitting THIS universe is extremely thin, I might ad. As there may be an infinite number of universes, it is/has happened somewhere. Oh to live there, Cali.
choco, nice to see you, and thank you for revealing what helps you in times of trouble.

Forever yours as always
it is/has happened somewhere if time is only cylindrical, which i think it is and an infinite number of universes/galxies.....
It's a delicious thought that the universe is just fluttering eternally on a membrane (or brane) as might a slice of bread if it were part of an infinitely sized, eternal loaf of bread.

Or would you prefer to subscribe to the bubble mulltiverse, where universes are popping into existence like holes into Swiss cheese.

How wnderous and enjoyable man's ability to imagine and ponder such possibilities.

You have me all a flutter, cali.smitten
Pest ~ thumbs up An unfailing "never say die" attitude wow I can close a darts championship game with 3 darts (160 to go)when opposition next play is on 32 or sink a 15 meter golf putt. I have done it!innocent angel cheers yay peace
St Elmo, this "cool under pressure", or having composure in times of trouble coupled with a belief in one's own ability stands you in excellent stead.

Truly admirable attributes, my good man.
nice to see ur so humane pest!
and no ur not forever mine!tongue
choc, I've found when surrounded by insipidness, it pays to stir emotion so that there might possibly be some kind of energy or activity.

We are all but players in this game of life. And be sure not to take this game or one's self too seriously.

I remain yours in hope
I'm in agreement with choco, and added to that is my inability to roll over and play dead, never give up on life, love, family and friends, without a fight
but in this game of life should we not @ least play to win? or do u just play for fun?
@ coffee and el guess its a south african thing! lol like when they say i was brought up not shut up! hou jou bek dan !laugh wave
cofy, determination to succeed against the odds for friend, family and self is most commendable and a solid manner to approach life.

choco, it matters not that whether there is a winner or loser, rather, it is of the highest importance to engage or play in the game. Participation is the reward in its self.
choco,we all are able to create our own rules for every one of life's games. If you require extended periods of time to gain the most enjoyment from the game, it's your choice. Similarly, if there is need for pause or respite during this recreation we call life, it is you who must decide these parameters.

Your God will be YOUR ultimate referee.
@ThePest The game of life is fantastic, the only way you learn it is by playing it...After any moves, just taking time to reflect on the last move than planning the next one ... its simply like a project management to be the end life is simple...What you believe is what you get, so make sure that what you are looking for is in tune with your heart regardless of anything
Space, I resonate with many of your thoughts and ideas, believing we must first truly understand the self, then allow it the freedom to reach its fullest potential.

Often it is those of us that are a minority, or marginalized in society, that have developed the ability to engage fully in life and ask of it all that we can.
i dont know what you mean. may be the only good answer is sincere with still open heart and mind.wave

smile! you dont cry laugh #ovj
@Smart Nobody knows what the reality is...The notion of multiverse as theorized by Quantum Physic demonstrate that we are living into a "Universe" constitute of (One followed by 500 Zero) different Universes...I am very comfortable with this ideas as in fact it does reflect that everyone of us is unique and have their own "world".
smart, I'm not sure there is any right or wrong answer in how to respond in moments of duress. If something as simple as maintaining a smile enables you to wade through life's sewage, so be it.
@ThePest Know thyself... the greatest advice coming from our ancestors and written on the Greek temple... When people will realized that they have within themselves a very powerful "car with unlimited potential" they will shift gears. The first awareness I had was when I understood that I was not my thoughts but I had the power to dismiss or entertain any thoughts I wanted...That my mind is only a receiving and sending stations of thoughts...I really started to wake up handshake
If I can stop one heart from breaking, if I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one fainting robin unto his nest again, I shall not live in vain.

Everyone has two choices.
We're either full of love... or full of fear.

“Say yes" I say. "Even if you are dying of fear, even if you are sorry later, because whatever you do, you will be sorry for the rest of your life if you say no."

We are here for a reason . . . but how do we get to the point where we can see and understand that reason (NOT JUST BE TOLD)? There is a timeless possibility that the conquest of our thoughts, the silencing of the mind, leads to this realization . . .
Not to forget the valuable thought process. They seem to be linked; an immersion in silence has a fantastic effect on thought. Is understanding built-in? A wisdom from deep inside, covered by layers of mind?

I believe and have faith in my ability to overcome any and hopefully all adversities.

How deep eh.....sorry.confused
To many big words and thoughts this early in the morning........

Try to act and not react. Keep smiling. Sleep on it - everything seems different the next day.

Hi guys wave

@Simmo...some prefer the silencing of the mind...some prefer the mindfulness Technic... Every one his/her choice... The power of thoughts is probably one the greatest power given to Us, Humans!!!
People one day must realized that "As a man thinketh... (James Allen)" and that "A new life by a new mind" (James Allen)... handshake beer
Space, we obviously subscribe to the same book of life.

Simmo, It is those with passion that gain life's greatest reward, and it appears you have it in spades.

Do you believe wisdom to be hunkered down, camouflaged in the mind from day one, waiting to be enticed into the conscious open? I am disinclined to believe we are born with innate wisdom, hidden or other wise, as it seems to me that it's the through the combination of life's positive/negative experiences and observation that we are able to identify and understand true wisdom.
zandaar, keep it simple and laid back seems to be your approach.

An approach I can relate to.
ThePest I am inclined to believe we are born with innate wisdom however peers pressure, societies by instruction/education overshadow it. How many beliefs we have been taught and feed with which aren't true???? Many!!! This society where we living in imposed us so many lies...40 hours a week schooling (from the and not one hours schooling to know ourselves (from the inside... out)!!!
Pest and Space....cheers
The greatest thing we have is our own imagination, without it man may never have landed n the moon ( ah but did he) ( maybe a blog topic for another day)....dunno

Without imagination would we have electricity, knowledge of the unknown and uncertain?.....dunno

Without imagination, would we have what ppl call miracles, but r just normal everyday occurances.....dunno

Imagination the greatest gift we could ever receive.

confused confused
this world is a place for complain whatever you are, so please be thanks whoever you are bouquet bouquet bouquet bouquet
Space touch'e....... handshake cheers

We live in a huge mystery, the grand illusion created for us . . . we're a part of the greatest story ever told. The best part is it's a "choose your own adventure" What adventure will I choose? confused confused cheers
Simmo Follow your heart listen the still voice it is where the adventure is... a fabulous one!!!
cheers cheers cheers
absolutely......that is what i have done and continue to do....

head banger head banger handshake cheers wave
Got to admit tooooo

Embedded image from another site

and of course to the mule in metongue
wave My motto
Keep your head while all around
are loosing theirs.
I am a calm person slow to anger.
Life is not a bowl of cherries
but its to be cherished and how
we live dictates a lot of who we
Take on each new challenge with
vigor and overcome it.
Take one thing at a time, never
flooding the brain with a barage
of things to do etc,.
Have a nice day.
cheers wave
Alas, not all survive adversity, the Psychiatric, and Mental hospital wards bear brutal testimony to this, of those who do, i suspect the love of family, and friends, bailing with them, when life holes you below the waterline, is a big factor, that, along with Faith, for the lucky few who truly posses it, and the ability to hold on to some semblance of humor, is a great asset, in fact i strongly believe that all survival kits, should contain humor, by default, whatever level of the stratosphere, we find ourselves gliding on, enjoy the fish on your tongue, i hope its not Jack Spratt. hmmm
ok, not talking about universes etc....How do i overcome obstacles and adversity when it is in my pathway?
Do not react, do not feed it any energy what-so-ever. Step outside of myself and ask, where is this coming from, envision myself bouncing off the negative energy and use it to my advantage.
Thatch, having a sister with severe mental illness who finds herself institutionalized for lengthy periods, I have witnessed the torment that those with a flimsier grasp of reality have to bear. In some situations it seems to me (And I'm no specialist)that no mechanism are available to particular individuals to combat life's distress and these events may even be a catalyst for certain psychotic episodes.

Feeling quite dumb as I'm not sure exactly how Jack Sprat jibe/joke relates to my fishy tongue. I'm assuming it is better to have fish on ones tongue as apposed to fat.

Cali, this idea of separation from oneself(if indeed that's what it is), I like a lot. Being able to remove yourself from emotion, negative energy and other confusing messages to stand and see the issue clearly would be a wonderful skill.

I like it!!
I only envision myself splitting outside of my body to look objectively at the negative energy source.....try it...conversing
Calli you might do OBE (Out of Body Experiences) fantastic!!!
The Pest, that is tragic for her, one can only speculate what worlds, peoples thoughts travel, when there minds have traveled beyond the reasoning of man, that it would be less torturous than ours, is to be hoped for, but i suspect is not the case. comfort
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by Unknown
created Jul 2012
Last Viewed: Apr 23
Last Commented: Jul 2012

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