TSCC-STAT!! CODE BLUE!_________ She's a Gonner!

What is the deal? Seems like my dating life is still flatlined. I've been corresponding to a guy from another website. To my surprise, he's funny, intelligent and have a great sense of humor. In his email, 99% we're compatible. Nothing wrong with that ehh...Well......

He kinda blew me off this weekend. Not kinda DID! I'm confused as hell

confused about this. This doesn't make any sense whatsoever to actually find a lady around here where I live that doesn't have below intelligence, can carry an actual conversation, funny and have her own set of real teeth..LMAOrolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing .I know I didn't sound eager or desperate but when I connect with a person, I want to meet them face to face, have fun and establish a new friendship. Saturday night since his friends came over that Friday, we was suppose to hang out and have fun. I called twice and text once. That's my rule, call twice about 2-3 hours and text once. No answer. Okay??? Then today I text him once and said that its nice to meet a person like you that have many interests and to be honest, I enjoying meeting new people and making friends, I hope I wasn't being too strong or strange but I'm being human. No response. Sigh..... I'll give him another week to see if he response back with an email, call or text. He could have written me off but it's pretty rude to not let a person know and lead them on to think that you have a connection when you changed your mind about them. I wouldn't do that to anyone I contact and when I'm not interested or whatever, I'm respectable enough to do that.

purple heart lips
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Comments (5)

yes there nothing like making sure its over , banana
Yep Virgo, its over and gotten cold feet. So back to the drawing board for me. I'm not mad either. Another 'useless' body to get out of the way for that 'right' person to come in.
sorry to hear that happened to you Carlita, comfort
I am sorry about this. Life is always endless of mysterial! sigh
Guess you didn't see the woods for only trees. dunno

Knock on wood.

Yea, he should have left you a "you're out" note, agree on that.

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by CarlitaP
created Aug 2012
Last Viewed: 23 hrs ago
Last Commented: Aug 2012
CarlitaP has 9 other Blogs

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