My Messy Life

Why are so many people looking for the perfect clean cut life?

My life is messy, but it is mine.

I don’t know many people my age, looking for a mate, that haven’t made mistakes nor have baggage. Some people act as if I do not have a right to even look for someone until my life is perfect. That’s like saying you will not go to church until you are sinless, or shoveling snow while it is still snowing. I have confidence that when the right person comes around, they will forgive my past, current, and future mistakes. I am not perfect, and never plan to be. My life will never look like Mary Poppins.

I continue to find moments of joy even though my icky circumstances still surround me. Tonight it is pouring down rain, unusual in Montana. I have to admit that I smiled as I looked around my incredibly messy home. Shoes and children’s things are pretty much everywhere. Tonight we had a crazy dinner. I didn’t have much energy or money so I made homemade waffles and syrup for dinner. I used half the batter to attempt deep fried Oreos for some fun. After dinner, my 13 year old read to my 8 year old on the couch. My 10 year old showed me his newest Yo Yo tricks, and my 16 year old pretended not to notice anyone while texting on her iPhone, but she was on the couch in the midst of it ;). There we are together, messy, but together. And though the world around us seems to continue to fall apart, we love each other, and I can smile in this moment.

Sure I would love to pass my mother’s white glove test, to have the perfect orderly family, a loving man and solid role model, but this is my life for now. I don’t think there is anything wrong with me wanting “adult” time. I take care of everyone by myself. I don’t think it is wrong to dream of someone wanting to “take care” of me. So I will wait with a positive attitude for the person who will keep a smile on my face and not condemn me for my messy life.
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Comments (6)

hmmm... acknowledging you do have a "messy" life is a good start. What's next then is that you're doing things or taking steps to put everything else in the right order or where it should be. setting priorities etc. We cant expect people to clean up our mess for us, so we do have to clean up our mess first to create a welcome atmosphere for anyone who walks into our life and feel lucky if they decide to stay. Plus, it's a much lighter feeling when things are in some sort of order. Nothing can be perfect for a more than a millisecond, so perfection is out of the question. What people go for, i think, is a "mess" that they can work around with. Wish you well on finding "adult time" wink
You have the right attitude about God wanting you in church if your a sinner. The parable of the one lost sheep tells it all. My prayers are with you.

I had great parents but rough siblings that pretty much used to whack me around. They're the ones that "scrutinized and critiqued" my life. My mistakes were always a topic of too much interest and their mistakes I never paid attention to. I just stayed away from them and I was criticized for that too. BUT! I was happy to stay away from their yakking at me.

Keep up the faith and you will find the right guy! God has plans.
Hi Joy...How you Doing?...Nice piece of writing!
Good to read about someones REAL life as opposed to what they think we would like to hearhandshake wave
Plain- - It is wonderful to "clean" your life but unfortunately there are many things we cannot control. I do not want my life on hold. Yes I would be so much more attractive without the mess, but since I cannot change my current mess, it is just take me as I am. When that man shows, it will be worth it, because I have no doubt that there will be messes in the future. Thanks for the well wishes.
Ed- Thanks for the prayers. I can always use them! I trust the big man. He made me. He knows the desires of my heart. He hasn't changed them so I'm hopeful for His plan.
Thanks Raven. Doing well. I am enjoying reading the blogs. Not emailing much anymore. I haven't forgotten about your request. The historical society is closed until next week because of construction. Not sure if I will find anything but I will ask.
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by 444Joy
created May 2013
Last Viewed: May 5
Last Commented: May 2013
444Joy has 3 other Blogs

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