Research shows Females get headaches when thinking

In India , a research was done on woman brain wave activity when in the thought process. Activity shows that woman get minor headaches what making everyday normal decisions! Questions were simple , and were given to men as well. On men , not one male showed any signs of headaches. The dr also reported that menopause is not always the reason why females get headaches. confused

Ok I'll come clean, I'm not Indian , but my friend is , and I sat with him and asked how his night out with his wife went! He did mention that when he asked her , we're they should get a bit to eat, she replyed that she had a headache! So see my research is based on an actual question! What you guys think I'm going to waste my time and come up with ansewers to the universe? dunno why ? Have a great time allbeer
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Comments (24)

Try some corn...doh cool wine
Not laughing at you viking teddybear laughing at the story. But yes more corn professor
Haha. I don't get headaches when making decisions, however, I did notice in highschool that I would get headaches while studying. I quit studying and my grades dropped from A's to B's and it was worth not getting headaches anymore. Seemed to not be a problem in college though as I could study without getting headaches. Who really knows? dunno
Why must you both mock research studies;)
Just in, Jilll just added to my research ! So I'm rightyay
I worked for two months in Colcata, Daniel. I saw a lot of the workers carrying all cind of stuff on their heads, so no wonder they get headakes... laugh grin
@Daniel I would never mock your study wow I blame my head ache grin
I usually get headake when women start asking me "simple" questiones...conversing uh oh cool wine
Viking67, your not helping the research with facts! rolling on the floor laughing cheers
And Hi Bell! (dont ask)laugh bouquet
1bell4truth, ohh it's forgivable , you hotty youwine cheers
Maybe the research just showes that the women accually think, and the men don`t?confused dunno cheers
Maybe the research just showes that the women accually think, and the men don`t?confused dunno cheers
I will not ask no questions.

liar liar liar


And you! thank you for calling me a hottie blushing
Viking67, it's understandable to get headaches when woman are asking questions! Cause they never stoplaugh
Have fun all, I'm off to sleeptongue
You are not really expecting to get a lot of dates out of your membership here, huh?
blues Who ya talkin to Ken?????crying

@Daniel my number is uh oh giggle you are right gotta watch that on the internet teddybear
Daniel, true story.laugh.. grin Looking great!
Dan, a corn a day may make the headache go away. :-)
Ken , yes I am expecting manyrolling on the floor laughing beer
Bogart, thank you for the contribution on my research cheers
Whtwhb, next time that happens,repeats this simple phase(2minutes and ill leave you alone)head banger
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