Snoopy Spying TV's!

I just read a message from a news site saying that this British gentleman has exposed a major TV company that installs spyware in their TV's and reports back to advertisers what the person is watching!

That is funny! Who cares. We cannot stop spying because all these companies and governments are going to do it anyway until they get caught.

I'm having the last laugh! I always mute the TV because I only watch sports and the talking heads say nothing to interest me. And I don't buy all that garbage processed food. I grow my own veggies and I eat chicken or fish. My weekly hamburger is from Johnny's Hamburgers in Pomona. CA and I could care less about all the other fast food hamburger places!

So spy spy spy, you TV silly's to your hearts content! rolling on the floor laughing
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Comments (15)

There was a mad cat woman who lived on our street, She used to think the news reader was listening to her. roll eyes

Maybe she was right. laugh
ED, welcome to new era !!!laugh cheers

That reminds me. I had a little dog that would sit in front of the TV staring back at me, while I watched TV. lol dancing dog laugh

Have a great day, Ed!

You made me laugh alot!

Years ago I used to chuckle quietly about this man's rants that the government was monitoring our phone calls. He was in Army Intelligence and he said he used to do it. Specifically Japanese Americans. I thought to myself, Oh Yeah!

Turns out he's right. Let'em spy. I ain't got nothing to hide!

It wouldn't surprise me if almost much of what we do today the government isn't watching us!!
dunno confused
Go Doooood!

My exact sentiments! How can we stop them. We can't! That's what is so funny!

Thanks for hollering back at me!
rolling on the floor laughing Ed handshake I really dont mind who the heck spies on me. I just hope my future wife will trust me enough not to tho..rolling on the floor laughing
ED, that is scary what is next, I am scared to turn on my coffee pot now. Daniel we are watching you I just seen you take a sip of coffee

Dooood! Good to hear from you. I'm not paranoid I'm laughing at the silliness of the spying. I agree. I have absolutely nothing to hide!

Luke!!! rolling on the floor laughing I fully agree. I gotta start thinking of some good excuses!!!! laugh


cheers I agree. And that mug of beer I just offered you surely has a little probing eye just staring at you. In Spanish we say, "Ojo chicharo" which means "eye like a pea". Just big and round and staring at every move you make!!!
silliness of spying ed?well as you I have nothing to hidedunno but if it means a bit of silliness on my part to maybe save another ones life,ok that's the days we live in.sorrycheers
Oh no, I think now they know what site I always open wink they've been blocking some sites and now my tv too? doh they will only got Disney Junior channel airing on my TV dancing stay alert Opa. I saw that you grilled some delicious fish there laugh
Hugs, GD
the cia and homeland securaty people must have plenty of laughs here trying to unravel our codes ...laugh laugh rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing
Hahaha! Ed, I think David Letterman is very talkatively adorable! mumbling laugh laugh
Hi GD!

Hows GGD? Yeah that Disney Channel is a real spy dinger problem! hee hee


Well! This is a first. You've never commented on my blog. Well, I gotta agree that our codes are pretty sneak! laugh


I can't stand the man! But I took care of it. I just don't watch him!

How are you my sweet friend?
That's 15 year old news. That was the whole point of the V chip controversy back in the 90s because it allowed remote monitoring (spying) inside the home of anyone buying such a TV. The folks pushing digital television sided with the V chip folks and now all televisions have a V chip. Really old news there Ed.
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Bullhead City, Arizona, USA

I'm a Christian that loves the Lord more than anything. Before anything else I love to praise the Lord and going to church, I like to go dancing and fishing.

I play in the praise band at church and our praise music is Gospel Blues. And I make sure [read more]