Narcissistic Behavior

I was reading the other day and came across a term I've heard a hundred times but never really understood. Narcissism. What is a narcissist? So I looked it up on A narcissist is a person who is self-involved and often vain and selfish. Hmmm. Interesting. So I wanted to learn more about it. I found a link to a site that listed many ways to tell if you are dealing with a narcissist. And boy did I get a surprise!! For many years I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with my ex husband. and there it was right in front of me!! The answer i have been searching for. My ex husband is a narcissist!! Omg. You see my ex husband. is the most selfish person I have ever met but the thing is, he doesn't realize it. It extremely. difficult to deal with. I found out quite a bit of info about narcissists. A person can have many traits of narcissism without actually full blown narcissistic personality disorder. My ex has many traits of narcissism. He is likeable, very charismatic, and personable. He always has to have the nicest things. Nice car, nice house, nice everything. Even at thr expense of his kids going without the necessities. One of the common traits of narcissism is that they are very likable at first glance and easy to fall in love with. They can be perfect until a life changing event happens such as marriage or having kids. Which is exactly what happened in this case. They also have excuses for everything and make everything personal. They don't like criticism. They are often found in leadership roles. And appearance is everything to them. My ex husband wanted us to appear like the perfect family. Nice car, nice house, nice kids. But we were far from perfect. And the biggest piece of info I found was that the best way to deal with a narcissist is to avoid them all together. While I cannot completely avoid the father of my children, i can happily report that we are separated and in the process of divorce.
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Comments (13)

narcissistic behavior is a tough one 2 deal with, let alone live with, so happy you made some good choices for You and your Children, wish you all best teddybear
And everyone thought I was insane for waiting for a looker like you wink boo those nay Sayers teddybear
Stay away from Narcissist is good choice wine We need to change something about ourselves; about our own taste of what type of personality we're attracted to, we need to scratch deeper in surface of understanding "why"we choose what we choose in past to make difference for present and future ...Is it something from childhood that broth us to familiar path of behaviour that we recognise and attracted us to someone
and what we need to stay away from ? uh oh
@ Butterflies thanks so much!!! handshake

@ enigma. that is deep and sonething to ponder.... confused
@ Daniel rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing

You just might stand a chance.... kiss

Even if i don't agree about the looker part lol lol blushing
Hi txbreeze134

Narcissists believe they are God to us lesser beings, are extremely difficult to deal with, will not compromise, are self righteous, won't accept responsiblity for their own mistakes and will blame everyone else for their issues.

I relate to your story well. I too have to deal with a narcissist on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, I'm stuck with "it" for the next few years also.

Do not engage with him on anything apart from arrangements regarding the children.

I can sense you are will be ok now that you know what you are dealing with.

Good blog.

Just keep the psychology thing going. I really liked that class in college!
@Carmen... thanks for your comment. It is such a relief to finally find out the truth about who i am dealing with. I am arming myself with as much info about narcissism as I can to help deal with him.
@ Ed... not sure if you were being sarcastic or not as I'm new to blogging. If you were sorry for boring you with my psychology talk. wasn't sure what to write about. If not... well I'm not sure if I will be writing any more psychololgy blogs lol. Thanks for saying it was a good blog though!!' yay
I must have read every book and online group [support group] one is Emerging from Broken [for children of Narcissists]. I too was like you, I was just ticking boxes. A Narcissist has a deep seated emptiness inside, they have an underdeveloped Amylgadia [excuse spelling] but is in the brain and it has alot to do with Conscience, hence alot of them have none. Its all about themselves, their kids, wife is an extension of themselves. They need the trappings of wealth,its all external, underneath is empty and cold. they can be very cruel too. Have no empathy but learn skills very quickly [like you said ] they are charming and women are drawn to them and visa versa.
I was reading a psychiatric journal on Narcissism and it named Bill Clinton and George Bush as being Narcissists, they are to be found in high positions like you said and in politics, they are rampant, because of the power.
They are very manipulative and you were lucky to escape.
There is just one thing a Narcissist cannot standdunno and that is to be Ignored. they cannot stand that.
They are the centre of the Universehandshake You are lucky to have them as friend, husband etc and they have this natural feeling of entitlement to all they want.
There is no cure for a Narcissist. There are many very good and enlightening books . My mother is a Narcissist, she dumped me [2nd of seven kids] and rings me regularly, I cannot get half way across a sentence but she will intercept with 'oh I had that' so If I got ten bee stings in a day, she would have 1000. She has no insight into her blaming everyone else for her life and my siblings whom she has never let me get to know, are enablers, they pacify her so she moans and wants to be spoilt and at the ripe age of 83 still wants to meet a nice man !!!use
Because I am Christian, I have forgiven her for dreadful things she has said to me, that I am the failure in the family [she never reared me and sent me to Ireland to be reared by her mother and has never shown one ounce of love.... Enough said Just wanted you to know. I do know all about Narcissm.
Best of luck
hiya txbreeze, wave

thing about narcissism is, it's a label
telling, perhaps, of many of his characteristics or behaviours but it doesn't tell what he's suffering from (what's wrong) underlying all that.... the characteristic traits or behaviours are only symptoms of what's ailing him..

hopefully he'll be in touch with whatever all that's about and in time, heal
Hiya beautiful wave
I hope he can heal over time too as he is the father of my children. After 8 years of marriage however i never found out anything about him that caused him to act the way he did.
Txbreeze -- good insight you have there. Narcissism, yeah, scarey subject when you actually know someone of this behaviour type. I have a book on narcissism as well, I had to learn about it. I was a program facilitator and had a few go through my classroom. I even had one as a boyfriend years ago. He actually ruined my life completely and was a contributing factor to me losing my career. I did not know at the time but I sure do know now. I have a tendency to want to stay away from charismatic people now. Wait to you want to learn about psychopaths, they are even worse than narcissitics. And the scarey part is truely, they have no sense of conscious, so what they do is fine by them and they really have no idea what empathy or compassion is other than a word with a meaning. Hope all goes smooth during your divorce ie: a life altering experience.
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Kilgore, Texas, USA

I'm fun loving, laid back, and I laugh a lot. I'm smart and a bit of a klutz. I'm also a book nerd who loves video games. Im not materialistic and not too girly. Umm not sure what else to put so if you wanna know more just ask. [read more]

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created Feb 2014
Last Viewed: 20 hrs ago
Last Commented: Apr 2014
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